Van Zile Hall Governing Board Minutes

May 2, 2004

Roll Call

President, Lorna Blasche, called the meeting to order at 7:59p

Excused: Ashley Sanders


Tenisha Pettus

Minutes Approval

The minutes were approved as written.

Officer Reports

Treasurer: (Lorna Blasche) Remember, when buying anything involved with HGB, make sure you keep the receipts. Dillons charges a lost ticket fee, but Wal-Mart does not. We might consider buying things at Wal-Mart now that we have superstore.

Environmental Chair: There will be no recycling on Thursday of this week.

ARH: Congratulations to Ryan Spencer on his first meeting as president.

Scrapbook won for second year in a row. Comments on it were very complimentary. The final score was 97.8.

We were allotted $2000 by NACURH.

We were allotted $200 by ARH to use as we please. Monica and Ryan researched several items that can be purchased with the money. The first item was a DVD player ($98.00), so that we can begin buying items for the VZ basement renovations. The second and third items were a Digital Camera set ($98.00) and a memory card ($30.00). It was suggested the extra $30.00 needed for the memory card be taken from the VZ account. Meghan moved and Amber Seconded the motion to approve funds to be used for this purchase. It was approved.

Advisor Reports

JC: Good job on After Hours

New Business

Finals week Programming:

1. Talk to social chair about programming for the week.

2. Quiet hours last semester were 24hr/day with courtesy hours from 6 to 8p. They began at 12:01 on the Sunday of finals and ended on the Friday. Meghan moved and Jeremy seconded to approve quiet hours as they were last semester.

3. Programming ideas: Bingo, Slip-n-Slide, Lord of the Rings marathon, Kid-Craft night, game night. Programs will run during courtesy hours of finals week.

4. Finals Week Programs Schedule (tentative):

Monday- Bingo

Tuesday- Kiddy Crafts

Wednesday- Game night

Thursday- Slip-n-Slide

Move-in Crew:

Kristen From Putnam is Coordinator for move-in crew. If anyone from VZ would like to help co-coordinate that would be great. Job would require helping send out letters and organizing volunteer information, as well as getting business taken care of this summer. Jeremy will consider position.

Old Business

Intramural Policy:

Kevin mentioned the possibility of forming a committee that can revise the proposed policy. It was agreed that prior notification is a must for the new policy and if we enforce the policy as “expectations” and not rules, then people might respond better.


CSI Nights – Thursdays – 8p – VZ Basement

Survivor Nights – Thursdays – 7p – Putnam B

Next Meeting- Sunday- 8p- Last meeting of the year


The meeting was adjourned at 8:35p