Bedford Harriers AC / Risk Assessment
Event / Bedford Harriers Half Marathon
Event date & time / 3rd December 2017 10:00 – 13:00hours
Event location / Wooton, Cranfield & surrounding area
Type of event / 13.1mile road running race (Half Marathon)
Permitting authority / Association of Running Clubs
Permit number / 17/406
Race Referee / TBA
Event Head Quarters / Wootton Upper School & Arts Centre, Hall End Lane, Wootton, Bedford MK43 9HT
Promoting organisation / Bedford Harriers AC
Race Director / Kevin Willett
Race Director contact details
Number of participants / Maximum 1500 entrants
Mix / Adults all over 17
Others in attendance & mix / 100 volunteers including race officials, 40 spectators, may include some under 16s
First aid provision / As per contracted third parties own risk assessment
Calculation of risk
(L) Likelihood / (S) Severity / Risk value (L x S) / (RR) Risk rating / (AP) Action priority
1 = Improbable / 1 = Minor / 21-25 / Very high / A
2 = Unlikely / 2 = <3 day injury / 16-20 / High / B
3 = Occasional / 3 = >3 day injury / 11-15 / Medium / C
4 = Frequent / 4 = Major injury / 6-10 / Low / D
5 = Likely / 5 = Death / 1-5 / Very low / E
Off course and pre/post race risks
Risk / Persons at risk / L / S / RV / AP / Action to reduce risk / Person responsible for implementing actionInjury or death from fire in buildings used at Race HQ / Participants, volunteers, officials, spectators / 1 / 5 / 5 / E / Ensure fire doors are not obstructed and access to fire extinguishers is unimpeded. Catering personnel and baggage handlers to be briefed on emergency exit points and location of fire extinguishers / Race Director
Water contamination at Race HQ / Participants, volunteers, officials, spectators / 1 / 2 / 2 / E / No action, reasonable to assume that Race HQ has potable water supply.
Electrical shock from appliances at Race HQ / Participants, volunteers, officials, spectators / 1 / 5 / 5 / E / No action, reasonable to assume that Race HQ has appliances checked and certified accordingly.
Illness from food & beverage preparation & supply / Participants, volunteers, officials, spectators / 2 / 2 / 4 / E / Check to ensure that food handling & preparation staff have suitable qualifications or instruction. / Race Director & Catering manager
Injury from fire and explosion from LPG canisters used for water boiling and cooking / Participants, volunteers, officials, spectators / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / Ensure all connections are sealed paying particular attention to the reverse thread of LPG fittings / Race Director
Injury from water boilers used to prepare hot beverages / Volunteers / 2 / 3 / 10 / D / Check to ensure water boiler/s safely and stably positioned. Users suitably instructed on safe use. / Race Director
Injury due to collision with vehicles during vehicle parking activities / Participants, volunteers, officials, spectators / 2 / 3 / 6 / D / Parking areas to be supervised by marshals wearing Hi-Vis tabards / Location dependent.
Car Park Manager
Water contamination at refreshment points. / Participants / 1 / 2 / 2 / E / Potable water to be supplied to finish water station, any equipment/containers to be sterile, unused disposable cups to be supplied, refreshment station personnel to be provided with & use sterile gloves. / Race Director and Water Station Manager
Injury due to collision with vehicles during course set up/break down / Volunteers / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / Wear Hi Vis tabards.
Work in pairs.
Vehicles equipped with amber flashing roof warning lights / Race Director
On course non-point specific
Risk / Persons at risk / L / S / RR / AP / Action to reduce risk / Person responsible for implementing actionHypothermia due to low temperature and/or wind chill factor and/or rain/sleet/snow / Participants, volunteers, race officials / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / Participants to be advised to wear appropriate clothing via website, and via PA on race day.
Volunteers and race officials advised to wear appropriate clothing via volunteers’ notes and verbally on race day via volunteers briefing. Course marshals to be equipped with foil blankets for emergency use, collected at volunteers briefing. / Race director
Chief marshal
Slip hazard caused by frost/ice/snow / Participants, volunteers, race officials / 3 / 3 / 9 / D / Depending on degree of severity.
Extreme – event cancelled. Communication via website, email & text messaging.
Moderate – roads gritted, participants, volunteers, race officials advised at briefings.
Light - participants, volunteers, race officials advised at briefings. / Race director & Chief Marshal
Race director & Chief Marshal
Race director & Chief Marshal
Limited vision due to fog/mist leading to injury due to collision with vehicles / Participants, volunteers, race officials / 3 / 5 / 15 / D / Depending on degree of severity.
Dense and unlikely to lift – event cancelled.
Light and vision not significantly impaired – event proceeds with caution. / Race director & Chief Marshal
Dehydration brought on by higher than expected temperature / Participants / 1 / 3 / 4 / E / Additional water stations / Race director/Water station manager
Injury caused by lightening or airborne debris from strong winds / Participants, volunteers, race officials / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / Event cancelled / Race director & Chief Marshal
Trip hazards –pot holes, & other trip hazards. / Participants / 3 / 2 / 6 / D / Highlight hazard using a combination of Hi Vis spray paint, warning cone/s.
Supplement with marshals depending on severity. / Course set up manager/Chief marshal
Injury caused by encounter with equestrians / Participants / 2 / 3 / 3 / E / Advise participants at race briefing that the location is open to the general public and that they need to be aware of the possible presence of equestrians on the course.
Course marshals to advise equestrians of the presence of runners. / Race Director
Chief run marshal to advise course marshals
Injury due to collision with vehicles / Participants, marshals, race officials / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / Advise participants at race briefing that the roads are open to the general public and that they need to be aware of the presence of vehicular traffic on the course and that participants must keep to the left of the carriage way at all times.
Vehicle approaches to run routes, bends & junctions to be signed with ‘Caution’ signs. On runners right bends ‘Runners Keep Left’ to be signed.
Marshals to issue appropriate verbal warnings, e.g. ‘Runners keep left’ / Race Director
Race director/Chief marshal
Hypothermia due to low temperature and/or wind chill factor and/or rain/sleet/snow and other injury due to exposure after withdrawal on course due to injury or fatigue / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / Sweep vehicle to ensure all participants have completed the course or are otherwise accounted for and to release marshals. Sweep vehicle equipped with amber flashing roof warning light and caution runners signage travelling at 13.5minutes per mile at an appropriate distance behind last runner. Sweep vehicle has radio contact (Raynet) with Race HQ should mobile ‘phone communication fail to call for ‘withdrawal’ vehicle or ambulance to collect participant as appropriate / Chief marshal
On course point specific
Risk / Persons at risk / L / S / RR / AP / Action to reduce risk / Person responsible for implementing actionNB distances given from start in runners direction
MP = Marshal point followed by appropriate position number as per course map.
Injury due to impact with vehicles disregarding road closure order during walk from start assembly in HQ grounds to start line. / Participants marshals & spectators / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / Participants to be ‘walked’ en-masse from start assembly area to start line. Marshals in front and behind participants to ensure orderly progress to start line.
Road closure order in place. / Start manager
HQ vehicle control manager
Injury due to impact with vehicles disregarding road closure whilst on start line / Participants and marshals / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / Marshals in front and behind participants
Road closure order in place. / Start manager
Race director
Injury due to impact with vehicles disregarding road closure immediately after start and for a distance of 0.44miles whilst runners are using complete width of carriageway.
Injury due to impact with vehicles at runners left turn at T junction, at 0.44miles, where passing vehicular traffic has priority / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal at junction of unnamed road on runners left and Hall End Road (MP1)
3 x marshal at T junction of Hall End Road and Keeley Lane (MP2)
Road closure order in place. / Chief marshal
Race directorr
Injury due to impact with vehicles at runners right turn at T junction at 0.77miles / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 4 x marshal at T junction of Keeley Lane, Bourne End Road and Wood End Road (MP3) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at runners left turn at T junction, at 1.16miles, where passing vehicular traffic has priority / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal at T junction of Wood End Road, Wood End Lane and Tithe Road
(MP4) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at runners right bend at 1.33miles / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal on runners left at sharp right bend on Tithe Road, Wood End. (MP4A) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at runners right bend at 2.1miles / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal on runners left at sharp right bend on Tithe Road.
(MP5) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at runners left turn at T junction, at 2.4miles, where passing vehicular traffic has priority / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal at T junction of Tithe Road and West End Road
(MP6) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at runners’ right bend combined with left junction to dead end road at 2.83miles. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 3 x marshal on runners left at junction of West End Road, Meadow Farm Road and Hay Lane. (MP7) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 3.25 miles at brow of hill. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal on runners left at brow of hill on Hay Lane. (MP8) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 3.64 miles as runners turn left on to single track road. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 2 x marshals at junction of Hay Lane and unnamed single track road.
(MP9) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 4.5 miles as runners negotiate sharp right bend on single track road with junction to ‘Farm Shop’ on runners left. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 2 x marshals at junction to ‘Farm Shop’ on unnamed single track road. (MP10) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 5.0 miles as runners turn left on to ‘A’ road where passing vehicular traffic has priority. Runners continue on ‘A’ road to 5.45 miles / Participants & marshals / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 8 x marshals distributed at junction and at intervals along left side of A422. (MP11)
Marshals to be positioned on left grass verge / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 5.45 miles as runners bear left on to minor road from ‘A’ road / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal at junction of A421 and Main Road, Astwood, issuing verbal instruction.
(MP12) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 5.91 miles as runners turn left on to minor road. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal at junction of Main Road and Cranfield Road, Astwood.
(MP13) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 7.34 miles as runners negotiate sharp right bend. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 2 x marshals on Cranfield Road & Astwood Road.
(MP14) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 8.00 miles as runners negotiate sharp right bend (with ‘Dead end’ junction to runners left) immediately followed by left turn / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 2 x marshals on Astwood Road & Bourne End Road, Bourne End.
(MP15) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 8.86 miles as runners negotiate sharp right bend. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal on Bourne End Road, Gossard’s Green.
(MP16) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 9.01 miles as runners turn left at offset cross roads with round-about. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 4 x marshals at junction of Crawley Road, Bourne End Road, Crane way & Mill Road.
(MP17) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at runners left turn at T junction, at 9.32 miles, where passing vehicular traffic has priority / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal at junction of Crane Way & Bedford Road, Cranfield.
(MP18) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 10.3 miles as runners negotiate sharp right bend. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal on Marston Hill, Cranfield.
(MP19) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 10.38 miles as runners continue straight on where there is a junction on runners’ right. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal at junction of Marston Hill, Bedford Road & Beancroft Road, Cranfield, issuing verbal instructions ‘Runners straight on’ (MP20) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 10.55 miles as runners negotiate sharp right bend. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal on Bedford Road, Upper Shelton.
(MP21) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 10.86 miles as runners negotiate sharp right bend. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal on Bedford Road, Upper Shelton.
(MP22) / Chief marshal
Injury due to impact with vehicles at 11.20 miles as runners continue straight on where there is a junction on runners’ right. / Participants / 2 / 5 / 10 / D / 1 x marshal at junction of Upper Shelton Road & Lower Shelton Road, Upper Shelton.