©Oxford Brookes University PS/2013-114
As a mentor you are required to
Update every year and complete a ‘triennial review’ of your performance as a mentor every 3 years (as part of your appraisal).
You should keep a ‘mentor profile and portfolio of evidence’ and self-assess against the NMC (2008) Standard to support learning and assessment in practice and ensure that your update meets your needs see NMC website or for summaries/presentations see:
- Additional resources are available at:
- You can get feedback from your student using a feedback form available at
- To keep yourself up to date clinically and professionally you can access where you can access Nice guidelines, knowledge summaries and A-Z of topics. See also Cochrane Database of systematic reviews
- There are also professional and clinical guides available on the RCN website and the NMC website standards or guidance
Do an Initial self-assessment and then look at the ideas for collecting evidence for NMC (2008) Standard to support learning and assessment in practice (8 Domains).
There is a broad statement from the standard at the start of each domain and then further detail is given as bullet points / You are excellent at this / You are good at this / You have potential to improve in this area / Potential Evidence:This can be OBSERVED, DISCUSSED/ REFLECTED ON OR WRITTEN DOWN
Consider additional sources of evidence too
Domain 1. Establishing effective working relationships:
You build an effective relationship with the student (as part of a wider team) to support learning by:
- Helping them to settle into the placement area effectively.
- Providing on-going and constructive support to help them to adjust to the placement
- Role modelling effective professional and inter-professional relationships(i.e. use of professional language/non- judgemental language and behaviour and gives constructive (not gossip) feedback to colleagues)
- Verbal or written student feedback /evaluations
- Completed Daloz tool for Challenge/support (see below)
- Feedback from peers/managers
- Reflective evidence
- The student works with you regularly (**they may avoid you if they do not feel the relationship is good!)
- Thank you/leaving cards etc.
- You can state your students prior experience/knowledge/skills
Domain 2. Facilitation of learning:
You facilitate student learning, encourage them to self-manage learning opportunities and provide support to help them reach their potential by:
- Recognising what stage of the course they are at and helping them to select appropriate learning opportunities
- Using a variety of ways to help them to integrate learning from practice and academic experiences (asking them about their university course/other placements and discussing what to do if there are differences between perspectives)
- Supporting them to critically reflect on learning experiences (by challenging asking probing questions, using reflective approaches, in depth discussions)
- You discuss the different expectations you have of the student at different levels.
- you help them in setting SMART goals/ objectives that stretch them (different words for different levels) see
- explicitly consider learning preferences specific needs/disability and educational theory such as hierarchy of needs, adult learning, active learning etc.
- You are observed promoting increased independence/ decision making and case management
- You can state what your student has studied in university recently that is related to the placement
Domain 3. Assessment and accountability:
You fully assess their learning and competencies by observing skills/behaviour, discussing and questioning knowledge by:
- Helping them to become increasingly responsible/accountable as the placement develops
- Considering a range of approaches to assessment (questioning, direct observation and feedback, reflection, discussion etc.)
- Providing constructive feedback which helps them to identify future learning needs and actions (particularly and where they may not be performing to a safe or acceptable level - explaining what they need to do to improve and what the consequences are if they do not).
- Recognising and acting on your accountably for confirming that they have met, or not met, the NMC competencies
- You are familiar with the students Practice Assessment documents (PAD) You need to select the relevant branch of nursing or midwifery to get the documents
- You have read the PAD ‘how to use this document sections’ and the examples of completed paperwork (see later in these hand-outs)
- Reflection on your experience of assessing
- Photocopy or summary of constructive feedback given
- You self-assess as confident and competent to fail a student
Domain 4. Evaluation of learning:
You adopt a variety of strategies for evaluating learning in practice and academic settings by:
- Evaluating (asking them about) their learning and assessment experiences – and suggesting changes if appropriate
- Self-assessing and asking your peers for feedback regarding your professional and mentoring role development. Contributing to the development of others by constructively offering feedback and support.
- Complete the practice assessor/mentor feedback form at the end of each placement
- Verbal and written feedback from peers/managers/Link lecturer
- Student feedback - that you check their understanding by questioning and discussion and their skill by observing them
Domain 5. Creating an environment for learning:
You create an environment for learning, where practice is valued and developed, that provides appropriate professional and inter-professional learning opportunities and support for learning by:
- Supporting students to identify learning needs and experiences that are appropriate to their level of learning (setting challenging and realistic goals etc.)
- Using a range of learning experiences, involving patients, clients, carers and the professional team
- Identifying aspects of the learning environment which could be enhanced – negotiating with others to make appropriate changes
- Acting as a resource to facilitate personal and professional development of others
- Copies of SMART goals for performance management and development
- Student feedback that you can clearly state/present in writing) a full range of learning opportunities for the different levels of students
- You can identify if asked what makes a successful learning environment
- Students observe good leadership and teamwork in the placement and evidence of a culture that is open to learning (questioning, challenging)
Domain 6. Context of practice:
You support learning by drawing on health care and educational policies. You manage change to ensure that particular professional needs are met within a learning environment that also supports practice development by:
- Contributing to the development of an environment in which effective practice is fostered, implemented, evaluated and disseminated
- Setting and maintaining professional boundaries which are sufficiently flexible for providing inter-professional care
- Initiating and responding to practice developments to ensure safe and effective care is achieved and an effective learning environment is maintained
- You can discuss current ideas/topics in your profession for example 6 C’s, Francis report, Willis report, changes to the service, quality initiatives, targets etc.
- You have accessed the latest report from the student feedback of your placement area (your link lecturer or manager should have access to it). Make some notes on how you can improve the student experience
- You discuss raising and escalating concerns with the student
Domain 7.Evidence based practice:
You apply evidence-based practice to your own work and contribute to the further development of a knowledge and practice evidence base by:
- Identifying and applying relevant research and evidence based practice
- Contributing to strategies to increase or review the evidence-base for practice
- Supporting the student in applying an evidence base to their own practice
- You can discuss relevant evidence (see relating to your speciality such as NICE and NSFs and Cochrane Systematic reviews etc.
- You give clear rationale for your practice and if uncertain are proactive in seeking information/evidence
- You self-assess that youhave/are developing skills in evidence seeking/appraising and applying
Domain 8. Leadership:
You demonstrate leadership skills for education within practice and academic settings by:
- Planning a series of learning experiences to meet their learning needs
- Acting as an advocate and supporting the student to access relevant learning opportunities – involving a range of other professionals, patients, clients and carers
- Prioritising work appropriately to accommodate their support.
- Providing feedback to managers and to the link lecturer about the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice.
- You are familiar with the resources for supporting students available on the PEU website
- You have feedback that you communicate any issues in a timely manner to managers/Link lecturers etc.
- You arrange for suitable support for the student in your absence (student and link lecturer feedback)
As a sign-off mentor(for final placement or return to practice students only)
- You have informed the student that you are a ‘sign-off’ mentor and meet the criteria to remain a sign off mentor
- You can discuss current programme requirements, practice assessment strategies and relevant changes in education and practice
- You can explain the NMC registration requirements for signing off end of programme competencies and your contribution to this
- You recognise and can discuss your accountability to the NMC for the decision to pass or fail when assessing proficiency requirements at the end of a programme
Appropriate liaison with Link lecturer
Challenge and support
Consider the balance you offer between challenge and support, This requirement varies with students but ask them using the tool below early on in the placement and then midway (from Daloz see
You should mark high on each area –
Challenge and support feedback tool to use with your studentAs a mentor what level of challenge do I give you?
1 ------10
Not enough The best
As a mentor what level of support do I give you?
1 ------10
Not enough The best
Facilitation approaches:
In discussion with a colleague identify a range of approaches to facilitation of learning you use/could use –be creative
More ideas for facilitating learning
Reflection for mentors
Activity Look at the presentation on reflection for mentors available at and do any of the activities on the last page. There is an also a new adapted Gibbs reflective cycle (Bulman 2013) what do you think of it?
Use quick reflective tool for verbal reflections such as Driscoll’s (2007) there are additional trigger questions below for this model
The What? Model of Structured Reflection and associated trigger questions(Driscoll 2007)
1. A description of the event
What? Trigger questions
- What is the purpose of returning to this situation
- What happened?
- What did I see/do?
- What was my reaction to it?
- What did other people do who were involved in this?
2. An analysis of the event
So What? Trigger questions
- How did I feel at the time of the event?
- Were those feelings I had any different from other people who were also involved at the time?
- Are my feelings now, after the event, any different from what I experienced at the time?
- Do I feel troubled, if so, in what way?
- What were the effects of what I did (or did not do)?
- What positive aspects now emerge for me from the event that happened in practice?
- What have I noticed about my behaviour in practice by taking a more measured look at it?
- What observations does any person helping me to reflect on my practice make of the way I acted at the time?
3. Proposed actions following the event
Now What? Trigger questions
- What are the implications for me and others in clinical practice based on what I have described and analysed?
- What difference does it make if I choose to do nothing?
- Where can I get more information to face a similar situation again?
- How could I modify my practice if a similar situation was to happen again?
- What help do I need to help me ‘action’ the results of my reflections?
- Which aspect should be tackled first?
- How will I notice that I am any different in clinical practice?
- What is the main learning I take from reflecting on my practice in this way?
Driscoll, J. (2007) (Ed.) Practising Clinical Supervision: A Reflective Approach for Healthcare ProfessionalsBailliere Tindall: Elsevier, Edinburgh, UK.
Activity: Make a note of how you can further incorporate reflection into your mentoring (with your student and for your own development)Extract from the PAD - Student Reflection – Essential Care Needs for All People
Reflection This reflection should highlight the essential care needs that you have experience of for the specific client group and how this experience will contribute to your future nursing practice. You should also indicate what areas you would like to explore further in relation to this client group if the opportunity arises. It is suggested that you focus on one patient you have cared for or on one aspect of the care of a number of people. Please use one sheet per patient group and per reflection. You may add in additional sheets if necessary. Please ensure that confidentiality is maintained throughout, do not record patient names or specific details & do not name members of staff: It is recommended that you utilise a reflective framework as described in Section 1, pages 13-21.
Activity:Students now need to reflect on essential care given to all these client groups at least once in their course. Can you identify any opportunities for this within your placement area
Student Name: / Student Number: / Placement Area:
Please indicate with a tick which client group this reflection is related to:
Pregnant women requiring essential care. / Babies requiring essential care. / Person with a Learning disability requiring essential care. / Person with mental health problems requiring essential care.
Postnatal women requiring essential care. / Children requiring essential care / Young adult requiring essential care
Adult Nursing Competency Framework
List of Competencies
Domain 1: Professional Values / Domain 4: Leadership, Management & Team Working1a (core): Professional Attitude / 4a (core): Self Awareness
1b (core): Professional Behaviour / 4b (core): Teamwork, Leadership and Collaborative Practice
1c: Confidentiality and Data Protection / 4c: Time and Care Management and Prioritisation
4d: Manage Own Development
Domain 2: Communication and Interpersonal Skills
2a (core): Communication
2b (core): Therapeutic Relationships
2c: Professional Communication and Record Keeping
2d: Challenging Situations, Conflict and Aggression
Domain 3: Nursing Practice and Decision Making
3a (core): Person Centred Care
3b (core): Safety and Risk Management
3c: Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
3d: Assessment of Client Needs and Planning Care
3e: Evaluation of Care
3f: Emergency First Aid and Immediate Care
3g: Prevention and Control of Infection
3h: Nutrition, Fluids and Elimination
3i: Medicines Management
3j: Health Promotion and Empowerment
3k: Wound Care and Management
Feedback – think back to the last time you gave written feedback, If you were the student (or the next mentor) would you know about the students specific strengths and areas for development (clinical, professional and attitudinal) , qualities and skills, what they needed to experience further or practice more in their next placement. Any concerns you might have about their learning: confidence, initiative, knowledge base. Write a brief self-assessment of your last written feedback
Make a note here of all the tips and hints you can think of when giving verbal feedback. Discuss with your neighbours and add to this list
Activity: Read the extracts below – think about how this feedback differs from your usual feedback: The competency list is above
Extract from the PAD: Example – Student MidwaySelf - assessment
Student Name:Sam Smith / Placement Area:Ward 3XStudent Number:0123456 / Mentor Name:Lesley Jones
Year of Study:2012-2013 / Link Lecturer Name:Jo Jackson
You need to provide the mentor with evidence of your development related to the objectives you have set and how you are progressing in relation to the competencies in each domain. You should provide examples from your practice and at least 1 reflection at this stage of the placement.
Domain 1: Professional Values: I have been good at maintaining patient confidentiality for example I haven’t talked about any of the patients in the lift or anything. I am being professional on the ward I have been polite to everyone and adhered to the NMC code of conduct. I think this demonstrates competency 1b
Domain 2: Communication and Interpersonal Skills: I think this is my strength, I have been able to use my past experiences during the first few weeks of my placement. I have always been clear when I am talking to patients and I answer their questions to the best of my ability. There was a deaf patient who was also confused and I was very careful to make sure they could see my face when I was talking to them and I also helped them with their hearing aids by phoning the auditory department and getting a new battery for one of them. I think this demonstrates competencies 1a and 2a.
Domain 3: Nursing Practice and Decision Making: I have been involved in washing lots of patients and helping them with their meals. I am really pleased that I have got much more organised. I think this demonstrates competencies 3a, 3h. I am having difficulty with doing blood pressure, Lesley has helped me a lot but I seem to have a block with it. I took out some stitches that was fantastic I found it tricky but the patient was lovely and let me take my time and didn’t worry me.
Domain 4: Leadership, Management and Team Working: I feel like that I have settled into the team well, I try and help everyone and answer bells quickly. I spent the day with the occupational therapist attached to our ward, her role is very different to that of a nurse, it was interesting to go on the home visit with the patient I hadn’t realised how difficult it would be for them at home when they are doing so well in the hospital. The Occupational Therapist was very professional and was caring when the patient started to cry. I also spent the morning with the dietician it is amazing how much they know and how quickly they decide how they should help the patient – I hadn’t realised the importance of ordering the pureed diet for Mrs X, poor thing it looks so horrible. I think I have demonstrated 4b
Extract from the PAD: Example - Midway Review of Progress: Mentor Feedback
Please comment on the students’ performance, strengths and areas for development in relation to the competency domains: