Guidance on Annual Reviews of EHC Plans
Guidance on preparing for the annual review of a Child/Young Person’s EHC Plan
What is the Annual Review?
- Chapter 9, SEN Code of Practice 2014
All EHC Plans must be reviewed at least annually. The annual review ensures that once a year the parents, the pupil, the LA, the school and all the professionals involved, consider both the progress the pupil has made over the previous 12 months and whether any amendments need to be made to the description of the child’s needs or to the special educational provision specified in the statement. It is intended to be a rigorous, thoughtful process to ensure the child’s special educational needs are being met.
The Annual Review inevitably involves a considerable amount of administration (sending invitations and collating and distributing reports in advance of the meeting). Schools should support SENCos by facilitating the administration.
When does the annual review take place?
The annual review should take place in the same term the original EHC plan was produced, as close as possible to 12 months of the Plan being issued
If an EH plan is amended the date of the annual review should continue to take place according to the original date of the Plan rather than the date of the amendment.
If the plan has been produced at a conversion meeting, the annual review should take place close to 12 months from the plan being produced, rather than the anniversary of the original statement (if that is different). If the Annual Review meeting is the occasion when the Statement is converted into an EHC plan this constitutes the Annual Review.
Annual reviews in Yr. 9, Yr 11, Yr. 13 should ensure that the Preparation for Adult Section (Part 4 of the Annual Review Reporting Form) is completed and that the appropriate professionals are consulted to inform and support this transition.
A review of the Plan may take place at any time if there are any significant circumstances or changes for the pupil which suggest this may be necessary.
Year 5
Annual Reviews of Statements (if the child does not yet have an EHC Plan) Year 5 is the occasion when the statement are converted into EHC Plans (Please see separate guidance on EHC Conversions). EHC Conversion meetings and/or Yr 5 Annual Reviews will provide an opportunity to look ahead to secondary transfer. Parents will have an opportunity to express their views in regard to Secondary school at this Review. Primary schools should always encourage parents to visit their catchment secondary school. Unless a school has a recognised facility for meeting a particular area of SEN, primary schools should be wary of suggesting that parents consider other schools.
If a child attends a special school that is either all age or has a different age of transfer, the YR 5 Review should consider a possible change of school for example a mainstream school, if this is appropriate.
Year 6
In Yr 6 EHC Plans produced (including those produced through a conversion) during Year 5, will be amended by the Local Authority by February of the transfer year and will name the child’s Secondary School. Parents and both schools are then issued with a final plan.
It is good practice where possible to hold the Annual review in Year 6 as a transition review and to involve the Secondary school. In order to support effective planning and to enable the LA to respond to any necessary changes this should have taken place by Summer half term at the latest. Schools are encouraged to support those children with SEN in their transition to Secondary school through a range of interventions at school and individual level. However an effective collaborative Annual Review for those children with EHC plans is essential. Secondary schools will need to liaise with Primary schools, plan for individual children and consider any training needs for staff.
What does the school need to do to prepare for the annual review?
1Gather written advice from professionals and invite them to the meeting: This will include class teachers, LSAs, outreach teachers and other educational professionals who have worked with the pupil as well as contributors to the child’s plan from health and social care . If a child is a ‘looked after’ child their social worker should be invited.
2The pupil: Gather the pupil’s views prior to the Annual Review. Preparing their contribution to the Annual Review can be done in a variety of ways following best practice using a person centred approach.
3The Parent: A model letter and form is provided which you may wish to use. It is important parents have the opportunity to review their child’s plan and be able to contribute fully to the Annual Review.
4Discuss the pupil with the school’s educational psychologist during termly planning.
5The SENCo or the person who will be chairing the Annual Review should review the written information gathered prior to the meeting, in particular the ‘recommended areas for discussion’ (to assist them in planning for the Annual Review meeting.
All the advice from professionals and parents must be circulated to those invited to the review meeting at least two weeks before the meeting.
The Annual Review Meeting
That the child/young person and their parents should be at the centre of the Annual Review
The Annual Review Meeting must:
1. Review
- Learning and progress towards the outcomes on the EHC Plan.
- Gather and assess information about the child or young person’s progress towards the outcomes as outlined in The EHC Plan.
- Review health and social care provision and it’s effectiveness in ensuring good progress towards outcomes.
2. Plan
- Where appropriate agree new outcomes
- Consider the continuing appropriateness of the EHC plan and whether changes are
3. Report to local authority
- No change
- Change to wording on the plan
- A request for a change in resources
- A change of placement
- Cease the Plan
The meeting may also consider progress towards termly targets as written in the pupil’s IEP or Pupil Passport.
The Annual Review Meeting Report provides a record of the meeting and summarises the discussion, any suggested amendments to the plan, and agreed actions to be taken forward from the meeting. It also providesa format for reporting to the LA. It has been designed so that the meeting can follow the same structure. A lot of information will be included in the advice and reports submitted for the Review, unless there are specific recommendations, the Annual Review Report needs only to include anything new that arises during discussions at the meeting.
To gain an overview of the progress pupils have made towards achieving outcomes Part One of the Annual Review Meeting Report form allows you to collate the views of those contributing to the Annual Review to summarise progress using the drop down menu to report the pupils progress towards the outcomes by choosing the following.
- Not achieved the outcome
- Not yet on track for achievement by target date
- On track for achievement
- Outcome Achieved
Reports from professionals and parents should have been circulated to everyone attending two weeks before the meeting allowing for an informed discussion of the main issues during the Review Meeting.
After the meeting
The annual review form should be completed and sent to the pupil’s SEN Case Officer if this is not known please send to . A copy of the report should also be sent to parents and the professionals who wrote advice or who attended the meeting.
The relevant professional reports, parents and pupil views and any other documentation considered at the Annual Review should be submitted with the form.
The LA will review the statement. If it is necessary to make changes the LA will send an amendment notice to parents asking them for their comments. If amendments are agreed the Plan will be finalised. Plans will not be amended if only minor changes are proposed. Updated outcomes will be recorded and appended to the plan.
The next Annual Review will take place one year from the previous annual review, not the date of any amended plan.
The forms for Annual reviews are available on Fronter and
For information about individual pupils please contact the relevant Case Officer
For general information please contact:
Your school Educational Psychologist
Clare Dorothy SEN Primary Advisory Teacher 020 870 88225
Annual Review Guidance - Nov. 2015Page 1