The ABC’s
Ms. Bellegarde’s 3rd Grade Class
Arrival– Students may begin arriving at 8:00. All students must be in the classroom by 8:20. Any students reporting to the classroom after 8:20 will be considered tardy for the day, unless they were on a bus that was late arriving to school. If your student plans to eat breakfast at school, please make sure that he/she begins to head to the classroom at the sound of the first bell (8:15).
Attendance / Absences – Your child’s regular and prompt attendance at school is crucial to his/her success. However, please do not send your child to school sick. If your child gets sick during the school day or has a fever, you will be called to pick up your child. If your student misses school for any reason, please send in a note explaining the reason for the absence upon their return. Absences will automatically be considered “unexcused” on your student’s attendance record without a written note.
Bathroom / Water Breaks –Whole-group bathroom and water breaks will be built into our daily schedule. Students will be allowed to go to the bathroom additional times throughout the day, as needed, as long as the breaks are not disruptive to the class or keep them from missing instructional time. If your child has a special bathroom need or concern, please let us know so that we can deal with it discretely.
Birthdays– The students are welcome to bring in cupcakes or another snack for their birthday. However, please keep in mind that the items must be store bought. No homemade items will be allowed. Summer birthdays will be honored at the end of the year.
Clip Chart– Our classroom behavior plan will be implemented using a clip chart system. Information regarding this system will go home with your student on the first day of school. Students will clip up throughout the day for positive behavior and down, if needed, for inappropriate behavior. The students will record their color in their S.H.A.R.K. book for you to see at the end of each day.
Conferences–We will schedule parent-teacher conferences for every student during the first 9 weeks of school. This will be a time to share expectations of 3rd grade, go over beginning of the year assessments, and discuss progress made so far. Subsequent conferences will only be scheduled for those students who are at-risk or as needed by parent request.
Differentiation–All students learn differently. Therefore, some students may be assigned different class work than their peers. However, rest assured that everyone is learning the same concepts, just in a way that best suits their learning style and need.
Dismissal–School dismisses at 3:20 on regular school days and 12:35 on Early Release Days. Car riders will be sent out to the front of the school for dismissal. Bus riders will be escorted to their bus. Boys & Girls’ Club students will meet in the cafeteria.
Early Release Days– Students will be released from school early on the following days: September 23rd, October 21st, February 24th, March 16th, and April 20th. Please note that Boys and Girls Club will not meet on these days.
Eating Lunch with Your Student–You are welcome to come eat lunch with your student. Our lunch time is 12:05-12:40. However, please note that parents are not allowed to bring in “fast food”.
E-mail–If at any time you have questions or concerns, please e-mail me. I am able to check my e-mail throughout the day and will be able to respond to you quickly. Ialso prefer to send out updates and reminders through e-mail. If you do not have an e-mail account, please let me know so that we can send home written reminders with your student.
Facts– By the end of 3rd grade, all students are expected to have their multiplication facts (through 12) memorized. The students will be assessed on their progress at various stages throughout the year. You may wish to buy your student a set of multiplication flashcards to use for practice.
Friday Folders–Communication folders will go home each Friday. Please sign the necessary papers and send the folder back to school with your student on Monday.
Grading Policy–Students are assigned number grades in grades 3-12. The grading scale is as follows: A = 90-100, B = 80-89. C = 70-79, D = 60-69. F = below 60.
Homework–Homework will be assigned Monday - Thursday each week. The assigned tasks should take your student no more than 40 minutes (including independent reading) to complete. Science and Social Studies projects will be assigned quarterly.
Independence–Third grade is a transitional year. This is the year when students learn how to work and think independently. They are taught how to make good choices and stand up for themselves when needed. They also learn that poor choices have consequences. Please encourage independence at home by allowing your students to make (some) choices and decisions for themselves.
Jobs–Each week students will be assigned a classroom job. Job assignments will change every other week providing students with the opportunity to try out each of the classroom jobs in our room. Once students have tried each of the jobs they will be able to submit “job requests” on which they can apply for their favorite job.
Knowledge– Your student will gain a lot of knowledge this year! Please take the time to show interest in your student’s work and ask what they are learning about in school. Students are more motivated to do well in school when they know that their parents are involved in their learning.
Library Books–Your student will be allowed to check out 2 library books in his/her Accelerated Reader (AR) range at a time. Once your student has met their reading goal for the 9 weeks, they will be allowed to check out books of their choice until the goals have been reset for the next 9 weeks. Please, please, please make sure your child is reading at home in addition to reading at school!
Lunch Money–Full price breakfast is $1.50 and lunch $2.00 for all grade levels. In order to qualify for free or reduced meal prices, a meal benefit application must be filled out each year. If you wish to pay for your student’s meals online and/or keep track of what they’re buying, visit the website Otherwise, please send money with your student.
Money–All money should be sent to school in a sealed envelope or plastic baggie labeled with your student’s name, total amount, and reason.
Newsletters–Classroom newsletters will go home at the beginning of each month. They will be sent in Friday folders the first Friday of every month. Electronic copies will be emailed and will also be available on our school website.
Outside–We will be going outside for recess unless it is too cold or raining. Please make sure that your student is dressed appropriately for the weather and has on proper footwear for running/walking the field each day.
Popcorn–PTO will sell popcorn on Fridays for 50 cents. Popcorn money must be turned into the classroom teacher by 8:30 Friday morning to receive a bag.
Progress Reports–Progress reports will go home halfway through the 9 weeks. They must be signed and returned to me as soon as possible.
Questions– Please encourage your students to ask for help when they need it. If they don’t feel comfortable asking for help during whole-group lessons, encourage them to ask their question during independent work. I can’t help them to the best of my ability if I don’t know that they need help! Please also feel free to email me with any questions you may have throughout the year.
Report Cards–Report Cards will go home at the end of each 9 weeks. An awards ceremony will be held to honor those students who make Principal’s List (all As), Honor Roll (all As and Bs), and have perfect attendance.
S.H.A.R.K. Book–Each student will have a S.H.A.R.K. book (binder). This book will house your student’s planner and important papers throughout the year. Please sign your student’s planner each night.
Snack - Students should bring their own snack the first week of school. After the first week we will be eating snack as a class ensuring all students have a snack every day. Please send your child in with a snack for the class to enjoy once a month. We will try to enjoy your snack the day it is sent in. When choosing a snack to bring in, please keep in mind we currently have 23 students.
Specials–We will follow an ABCDE rotation schedule for specials. Our specials for the first 9 weeks will be A- Music, B- P.E, C- Art, D- Computer, E- Music. Please make sure that your student wears appropriate footwear on his/her PE day. A specials schedule will be included in your child’s S.H.A.R.K book.
Supplies–We ask that all supplies be brought in by Friday of the first week of school. If you are unable to provide supplies for your student by this date, please let us know.
Toys–Toys should not be brought to school and will be confiscated if seen. Your student will not be given his/her confiscated toy back until the last day of school, unless picked up by a parent first.
Transportation Changes–If your child will be going home a different way than usual, you must provide a written note or contact the office for a temporary change in transportation. If this is not completed, your child will be sent home his/her usual method of transportation.
Unfinished Work–Unfinished class work will be housed in a green folder for your student to work on throughout the week when he/she has extra time. All work must be completed by Friday afternoon in order for your student to participate in “Fun Friday” activities.
Volunteers–Volunteers may be needed throughout the year for different classroom and school events. If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know.
Website–Visit SRE’s website for school and classroom updates.
eXcited – I’m so excited to begin this new year with your child! Third grade is a wonderful grade filled with lots of fun and exciting learning activities.
You–You are your student’s biggest role model! Set good examples for your student so that they will continue to be successful throughout the school year.
ZZZ–Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a bedtime throughout the week is key. It will help them be alert and ready to learn each day.