Weekly Syllabus For Class VIII 2017-18
Month / Week / Literature / Revision PlanningApril / 1 / Lit -1. A Lantern as big as a house
Gram-1. The simple Present and the Present Continuous Tenses / Lit - *Vocabulary, Find the antonyms of the words
*Spelling Test
*Reading Test – Celebration around the world
Gram*Writing an Informal Letter with the help of the information on simple and present continuous tenses
*Word Bank – Dictionary work
2 / Lit: 2. The present Perfect and the present Perfect Continuous Tenses
Writing: Notice writing
Novel : Chapter 1 & 2 / Gram: *Make sentences using the present perfect tense
*Completion of a conversation using the PPT
Writing: *Practicing Notice Writing
Novel: *Explanation of the summary of the chapter
*Character sketching
3 / Lit: 2. Olive Ridley – Sea Turtle
Gram: 3. Simple past and the Past Continuous Tenses / Lit:*Picture composition on Saving Resources of Our Planet
*Dictionary work
Gram:*Quiz using E-class modules and exercises
4 / Poem: Wandering Singers
Novel: 3 & 4 / Lit: Creative writing on ‘the world is our home’
*Poem recitation to check pronunciation, proper tone and rhythm of the poem
Novel:*Explanation of the summary of the chapter
*Summary writing and character sketching
May / 1 / Lit: 3. The Footsteps Die Out forever / Lit:*Finding the extracts from the lesson and answering them
*Knowing the values: Would you help someone like Sydney Carton?
*Vocabulary work
*Enacting the play
June / 3 / Gram: 4. The past perfect and past perfect continuous tenses / Gram:*Write 5 sentences in the PPT on the truck accident using the picture that is given on page 22 in the grammar book
4 / Lit: 4. The Leopard
Writ: Formal Letter
Novel: 5 & 6 / Lit:*Conversation based on the lesson
*Knowing the writer Ruskin Bond
*Vocabulary work
Gram:*Practicing formal letter writing
Novel:*Explanation of the summary of the chapter
*Summary writing and character sketching
July / 1 / Lit: Poem: The charge of the light brigade
Gram: 5. Expressing future time / Lit: *Speech
*Learning about the poetic devices used in the poem and what feelings or senses do they convey?
*Poem recitation to check pronunciation, proper tone and rhythm of the poem
*Quiz with the help of the module exercises
2 / Gram: 6. Modal Auxiliaries
7. Position of Adverbs
Novel: 7 & 8 / Gram:*Learning the usage of can/could, may/might, shall/should, will/would, must/ought to using the grammar exercises
*Rearrange the sentences and find the exact place of adverbs
Novel:* Character sketching
3 / Lit: 5. The Day the Viceroy Came
Gram: 8. Finite and Non-finite verbs
Writ: Bio-sketch / Lit:*Make sentences using the words and phrases
*Finding synonyms and antonyms
*A group discussion on what should we do to stay focused on any task that has been given to us.
Gram:*Solving the exercise and understanding finite and non-finite verbs
Writing: Practicing Bio-sketch
4 / Gram: 9. Infinitives
10. Gerunds
11. Participles / Gram:*Usage of Gerunds + -ing form, participle + -ing forms and usage of to infinitives
*Solve the grammar exercises
I Periodic Test / Literature: Unit 1 and 2
Grammar: 1 to 6
Writing: Notice and Formal Letter
Novel: Chapter 1 and 2
Aug / 1 / Lit: 6. William Finds a Party
Gram: 12. Subject-verb Agreement / Lit:*Completion of table regarding the characters of William and Archie, their personality and examples from the story
Gram:*Learn the rules of subject verb agreement
2 / Gram: 12. Conti…
Novel: 9 / Gram:*Solving grammar exercises
Novel:*Character sketching and explaining the lesson by the students
3 / Gram: 13. Active and Passive Voice / Gram:*To make the students write the rules of Actives and passive voice
*Solve the exercise questions
*Usage of e-class modules
4 / Lit: Poem: The Hero
Gram: 13. Conti….Active and passive voice / Lit:*Group Activity – work in 4s. take turns to give a short imagination account of a heroic deed that you have performed
Gram:*Solve the grammar exercises from the text book
Sept / 1 / Gram: 13. Active and Passive Voice / Gram: A class test on the rules and other active and passive passages
2 / Novel: 9 / Novel: Character sketching and summary writing
3 / Exam / Literature: Unit 1, 2, 3
Grammar: 1 to 13
Writing: Notice, formal letter and biosketch
Novel: Chapter 1 to 9
Oct / 1 / Lit: 7. Against the odd
Gram: 14. Using Nouns and prepositions
Writ: Informal Letter
Novel: 10 / Lit:*Learn the word meanings and make sentences out of the words.
*Solving the exercise on modals
*Spelling test
*Conversation on “Your new hobby and its benefits”
Gram:*Usage of Noun + Preposition and preposition + Noun through solving the exercises
Writ:*Practicing on Informal letter writing
Novel: Character sketching
2 / Lit: Poem: The Fog
Gram: 15. Using Adjectives and Prepositions
Novel: 10 / Lit:*Paragraph writing on describing all that you can see, hear, smell and feel around you
Novel:*Character sketching and summary writing
3 / Lit: 8. Through Grandpa’s Eyes
Gram: 16. Prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs / Lit:*Look for cartoons created by RK Laxman in books. Find any one and 1. Identify the characters in the setting 2. What is happening in the picture 3. Explain how the cartoon makes us laugh and think 4. What is the intended message in the cartoon?
*Reading test by reading aloud
*Dictionary work
Gram:*Solve the grammar exercises
*Quiz on the lesson prepositional and phrasal verbs
Nov / 1 / Lit: 9. The Blackwood House
Gram: 17. Noun Clauses
Novel: 11 / Lit:*Play enactment
*Analyzing the character of Mr. Cooper and Dr. Norton
Gram:*Solving grammar exercises
*Word game
Novel:* Discuss on the disasters faced by MrFogg on the travel to Shangai.
2 / Lit: 10. The Mystery of the missing Ring
Gram: 18. Relative clause
Novel: 12
Writ: Message writing / Lit:* Enacting the play.
*Find the names of few fictional detectives
*Solving the extracts
*Briefly describe the character of Miss Susskind
*Methods of practicing to interrupt politely during a conversation through simple day-to-day examples
*Find the difference between British spellings and American Spellings with examples
Gram:*Completion of story with relative clauses
*Solving the exercise questions
Novel:*Briefly describe the travel on ‘The Carnatic’ by MrFogg and his team
Writ:*Practicing on Message
3 / Gram: 19. Reduced relative clauses
Novel: 13 and 14 / Gram:*Solving grammar exercises
*Ways of reducing relative clauses to phrases
Novel:*Discuss on what makes you tell that Mr. Fogg was a brave English man
4 / Lit: Poem - The Listeners
Gram: 20. Adverbial clauses / Lit:*A discussion on the summary of the poem
*Why are there unanswered questions in the poem
Gram:*Kinds of adverbial clauses
*Solve the grammar exercises
*Class test
Dec / 1 / Gram: 21. Conditionals
Writ: E-mail / Gram:*converting the sentences to different conditionals
*Practice on E-mail
2 / Lit: 11. Dream of Antarctic
Novel: 15, 16 / Lit:*Story writing on “Shackleton an inspiring hero”. What lessons of leadership did you learn from the lesson
*Find the plural forms of the words given on Pg: 131
*Write a paragraph on the difference between bugs and beetles using the clues given on Pg: 132
Novel:*Discuss on who attacked the train and what happened to the train?
*Explain the incident at Liverpool.
3 / Gram: 22. Direct and Indirect Speech
Novel: 17, 18 / Gram:*A class test on the rules of direct and indirect speech
*Solving the exercises in the book and modules
*Write a letter to your friend as suppose you are MrFogg. You have lost the wager and are ruined. Write the letter to your friend expressing your feeling
II Periodic test / Literature: Unit 4 and 5
Grammar: Lesson 14 to 18
Writing: Informal Letter and Biosketch
Novel: 11 and 12
Jan / 1 / Lit: 12. Camels versus Trains
Gram: 23. Sentence Linkers
Writ: Message / Lit: *Write down the impression that you get of Satyajit Ray, the director.
*Vocabulary work and spelling test
Gram: Solve the grammar exercises from the text book
*Quiz using the e-class modules
Writ: writing practice for message writing
2 / Lit: Poem: A Life on the Ocean Wave
Novel: 18 / Lit:*Discuss on the difference between a life on land and a life on sea.
*Write what sort of adventures do you think the speaker longs for?
Novel:*Summary writing on the success on Mr. Fogg on the world tour
3 / 24. Punctuation I / Gram* Solving the grammar exercises
4 / 25. Punctuation II / Gram: *Solve the grammar exercises
Feb / 1 / Novel: 17, 18 / Summary writing and character sketching
2 / Final Exam : Revision / Entire syllabus + 30% of Term - 1
महीना / सप्ताह / पाठ / पुनरावृतिअप्रैल / १ / कर्मवीर ,भाषा और व्याकरण / कविता का सारांश ,सन्देश ,राष्ट्रभाषा और मातृभाषा मेंअंतर |
२ / अकबरी लोटा ,वर्ण विचार / पुरानी वस्तुओं से लाभ ,वर्णों की पहचान ||
३ / सच्चा तीर्थ यात्री ,संधि / सच्चे मित्र की पहचान ,भेद ,विच्छेद ,मिलान ,भेद |
४ / शब्द विचार , / शब्दों के भेद ,निर्माण |
मई / १ / विलोम ,पर्यायवाची ,मुहावरे / शब्दों के कई अर्थो की जानकारी ,मुहावरों के वाक्य प्रयोग |
जून / ४ / निश्चल भाव ,सामान अर्थ प्रतीत होने वाले शब्द / प्रकृति से सीख,कविता का अर्थ ,सामान अर्थों के वाक्य प्रयोग |
जुलाई / १ / जादुई कालीन ,अनेकार्थी शब्द ,
पुनरावृति / बाल श्रम जैसी कुप्रथा की रोकथाम के लिए सरकारी प्रयास |
मैत्री –पाठ-१-४ ,व्याकरण –पाठ
१-६ तक |
२ / मिसाइल मैन,अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द , / डॉ .अब्दुल कलाम का परिचय ,विज्ञान में उनका योगदान ,अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द की जानकारी |
३ / लोहे के पेड़ हरे होंगे ,समरूपी भिन्नार्थक शब्द , / कविता का भावार्थ ,शब्दार्थ ,
समरूपी शब्दों का वाक्य प्रयोग|
४ / प्रदूषित हवा हर साँस मे ,उपसर्ग- प्रत्यय | / प्रदूषण के प्रकार ,उसकी रोकथाम के उपाय ,उपसर्ग –प्रत्यय का प्रयोग |
अगस्त / १ / सुभागी ,समास, / पाठ के आधार पर लड़कियों को योग्यता के आधार पर आगे बढ़ने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करना,
भेद ,परिभाषा |
२ / लिंग ,संज्ञा ,निबंध / भेद,परिभाषा ,निबंध लेखन का अभ्यास |
३ / वचन ,निबन्ध | / वचन की परिभाषा ,भेद |
४ / पत्र ,निबंध / ओपचारिक /अनोपचारिक /पत्र लेखन का तरीका |
सितम्बर / १ / पुनरावृति / मैत्री पाठ-१-९ तक |व्याकरण -१-१५ ,निबंध ,मुहावरे ,लोकोक्तियाँ ,औपचारिक ,अनौपचारिकपत्र |
२ ,३ ,४ / पुनरावृति ,परीक्षा एस.ए-
अक्टूबर / १ / असाध्य एड्स ,कारक ,पत्र / एड्स रोग की जानकारी ,फैलने के कारण ,बचने के उपाय ,कारक के भेद |
२ / मनभावन सावन ,सर्वनाम ,पत्र / सावन के महीने में प्रकृति में होने वाले परिवर्तन कहाँ ,कहाँ देखने को मिलते है ,भेद ,परिभाषा |
३ / सम्राट अशोक ,विशेषण ,निबंध / सम्राट अशोक के हृदय परिवर्तन के कारण ,विशेषण के प्रकार |
४ / राम वन गमन ,क्रिया / राम वन गमन पर सीता की मनस्थिति ,वनवास देने वालों के प्रति ग्रामीणों की सोच |
नवम्बर / १ / समय नियोजन ,काल / विद्यार्थी जीवन में समय का महत्व ,काल के भेद ,प्रकार |
२ / शहीद का सन्देश ,अव्यय / भगतसिंह का सन्देश देशवासियों के लिए |
३ / सत्साह्सी ,पद-परिचय / सत्साह्सी काअर्थ ,साहस के प्रकार |
४ / जलियाँवाला वाला बाग़ मे वसंत ,वाक्य –विचार | / कविता का सारांश ,जलियांवाला
बाग़ में हुई घटना का वर्णन ,वाक्य के भेद |
दिसंबर / १ / वाक्य –विचार / अर्थ ,रचना के आधार पर भेद
२ / निबंध ,पत्र , / |निबंध के प्रकार
३ / शब्द तथा वाक्य सम्बन्धी अशुधि शोधन / वाक्यों को शुद्ध करना ,लिंग,वचन आदि
पुनरावृति / मैत्रीपाठ -१०,११,१२ ,व्याकरण –
१६,१७,१८ ,औपचारिक पत्र ,मुहावरे |
जनवरी / १ / पदबंध , / पदबंध के भेद ,परिभाषा
२ / वाच्य ,विराम चिन्ह / वाच्य के प्रकार ,परिवर्तन
३ / मुहावरे ,(निंबध / मुहावरों का वाक्य प्रयोग
४ / निबंध - ,अलंकार / अलंकार |के भेद |
फरवरी / १ / निबंध ,मुहावरे ,लोकोक्ति
२ / पर्यायवाची / पर्यायवाची पूछना है |
३,४ / पुनरावृति / सभी पाठों का प्रश्नोंत्तर पूछना और लिखवाना है
मैत्री –पाठ १०-१७ ,व्याकरण -१६-२६,२९ ,निबंध ,औपचारिक ,अनौपचारिक पत्र ,मुहावरे ,लोकोक्तियाँ ,कार्यालयी पत्र ,व्यवसायिक पत्र |
Final Exam Revision / Entire syllabus + 30% of Term – 1
MONTH / WEEK NO. / UNIT/LESSION / REVISION ACTIVITYApril / 1 / Chapter-1 Rational Numbers / FAQ on different Topics
2 / Chapter-2 Exponents / Quiz
3 / Chapter-3 Squares and square Roots / Written test of 5 questions
4 / Chapter-3 Squares and square Root
May / 1 / Chapter-5 Playing with Numbers / Test of divisibility (oral)
June / 3 / Chapter-4 Cubes and Cube Roots / To give an individual model & explain it
4 / Chapter-4 Cubes and Cube Roots
July / 1 / Chapter-7 Factorization / To form algebraic expressions
2 / Revision of chapter 1-5 for the test
3 / Chapter -6 Algebraic Expressions and Identities / Application of identities
(2 identities each student)
4 / Chapter -6 Algebraic Expressions and Identities
August / 1 / Chapter-8 Linear Equations in one variable / Different groups will prepare different equation but each student will explain
2 / Chapter-8 Linear Equations in one variable
3 / Chapter-12 Understanding Quadrilaterals / Make different figures of quadrilaterals and their properties
4 / Chapter-12 Understanding Quadrilaterals
5 / Chapter-13 Practical Geometry / Construction of special Quadrilaterals(individually)
September / 1 / Chapter-13 Practical Geometry
2 / Revision for Term-1( Chapters :1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,12,13)
3 & 4 / Half yearly Exam
October / 1 / Chapter-9 Percentage and Its Applications / To evaluate & calculate Tax system(individually)
2 / Chapter-9 Percentage and Its Applications
3 / Chapter-10 Compound Interest / Exchange of formatted questions among the groups
4 / Chapter-10 Compound Interest
November / 1 / Chapter-11 Direct and Inverse Proportions / Puzzle
2 / Chapter-11 Direct and Inverse Proportions
3 / Chapter-14 Area of Polygons / To discuss a general formula for the area of a general quadrilateral
4 / Chapter-14 Area of Polygons
December / 1 / Revision of Chapter:9,10,11 & 14
2 / Chapter-15 Visualizing Solid Shapes / To verify the Euler formula for 3-D shapes(individually)
3 / Chapter-16 Mensuration of Three –dimensional Figures / Written test for the formula for TSA & Volumes of a cuboid,cube and cylinder
January / 1 / Chapter-16 Mensuration of Three –dimensional Figures
2 / Chapter-17 Introduction to Graphs / To form a polygon and write the coordinates of each vertex
3 / Chapter-17 Introduction to Graphs
4 / Chapter-18 Data Handling / To construct chart of the given data(individually)
5 / Chapter-18 Data Handling
February / 1 / Chapter-19 Probability / Solving daily life problems using concept of probability
2,3,4 / Entire syllabus + 30% of Term – 1
Social Science
MONTH / WEEK / Section / UNIT/LESSIONApril / 1 / History / Chapter 1 How, when and where? / FAQ on different Topics
2 / Geography / Chapter-2 Resources / Collage making of resources
3 / History / Chapter-2 The Establishment of Company Power / Written test of 5 marks
4 / Civics / Chapter-1Constitution and Need for Law / Group discussion and Pictographic representation on fundamental rights
May / 1 / Geography / Chapter-2 Natural resources: Land, Soil and Water /
- Map Work-Soil types found in the country
- Poster making on water conservation
June / 3 / Geography / Chapter-3 Natural resources / Show the human activities that led to deforestation through pictures and illustrations
4 / History / Chapter -3Rural Life and Society / Speech on Indigo Revolt
July / 1 / Civics / Chapter-2 Parliamentary Government / Collect and paste pictures of presidents and prime ministers of India and also write their terms.
2 / History / Chapter-4 Colonialism and Tribal Societies
Unit Test-I
History – Chap 1 & 2
Geo – Chap 1 & 2
Civics – Chap 1 / Written test of 5 marks
3 / Geo / Chapter -4Mineral and Power Resources / Map Work- Mark the areas where minerals are found and mark the names of the minerals too.
4 / History / Chapter-5 Crafts and Industries / Report making on Right to Education Act
August / 1 / History / Chapter-6 Revolt of 1857 / Map work- Main centres of the revolt of 1857
2 / History / Chapter-6 Revolt of 1857
(Cont….) / Solving MCQs, and fill ups
3 / History / Chapter-7 Education and the British Rule / Interactive session on modern education vs. gurukul system of education.
4 / History / Chapter-.7 Education and the British Rule
(Cont….) / Group discussion on the topic vocational education and its advantages
September / 1 / Civics / Chapter-3 The Judiciary / Flow Chart on Indian judiciary
2 / Revision for Term-1
History – Chap. 1 to 7
Geo – Chap. 1 to 4
Civics – Chap. 1 to 3
3& 4 / Exam
4 / Exam
October / 1 / History / Chapter-8 Women and Reforms / Make a collage of various social evils that existed in India in 19th century
2 / Geography / Chapter-5 Agriculture / Chart making on agricultural practices
3 / Geography / Chapter-5 Agriculture
(Cont….) / Map work- Major rice producing and wheat producing states of India
4 / History / Chapter-9 Colonialism and Urban Change / Prepare a report on the development of city of Delhi
November / 1 / Civics / Chapter-4 Social Justice and the Marginalized / Group Activity- Skit on Untouchability
2 / History / Chapter-10 Change in Art and Architecture /
- Visualization through Teach Next Modules
- Write and learn our national song
3 / Geography / Chapter -6-Industries / Discussion on Classification of Industries and about Industrial Revolution
4 / Civics / Chapter-5-Economic Development / Oral Test
December / 1 / Revision of Chapters till the Date / Oral Questions
2 / Geography / Chapter-7Industries:
Some Case Studies
Unit Test-II
History – Chap 7 & 8, Geo – Chap 5 & 6
Civics – Chap 4 / Map Work –Software technology parks of India
3 / Geography / Chapter-7 Industries: Some Case Studies
(Cont……) / Make detailed chart classifying the industries in India
January / 1 / History / Chapter-11The Nationalist Movement /
- Revision through Timeline
- Map work- Important sessions of the Indian national congress
2 / History / Chapter-12 Struggle for Indian Freedom / Open book test
3 / History / Chapter-12 Struggle for Indian Freedom
(Cont…) / Learn the chronogram and new terms
4 / Geography / Chapter-8 Human Resources / Data Interpretation-population distribution in India
February / 1 / History / Chapter-13 India After Independence /
- Design a poster showing the India of your dreams.
- Find out the names of languages listed national languages of India
2, 3,4 / Entire syllabus + 30% of Term – 1 / Oral Questions and class test
Pre mid term examMonth / Week / Unit/Lesson / Revision planning
April / 1 / Crop Production / Groupwise discussion based on different agricultural methods and different crops all over India.
2 / Crop Production
3 / Microorganisms / Panel discussion on different microorganism, session
4 / Microorganisms / Copy submission and correction
June / 4 / Synthetic Fibers and Plastics / Seminar on the adverse effect of plastics in environment
June / 3 / Metals and Nonmetals / Group discussion on different metals and their uses.
4 / Sound / Panel discussion based on the topic of different phenomenon’s of sound
July / 1 / Coal and Petroleum / Individual presentation of different topics on this chapter
2 / Coal and Petroleum
3 / Combustion and Flame / Copy submission and correction
4 / Conservation of Plants and Animals / Skit presentation based on the importance of conservation of plants and animals
August / 1 / Force and Pressure / Definition presentation session& copy submission
2 / Force and Pressure
3 / Friction / Discussion on the topic needs of friction
4 / Friction
September / 1 / Structure and Function of Cell / Chart presentation on different modes of reproduction.
Mid term / All the chapters upto September 1st week
2 / Reproduction
3 / Reproduction
October / 1 / Reaching the age of Adolescence / Definition presentation session& copy submission
2 / Reaching the age of Adolescence / Topic wise presentation in different group
3 / Chemical Effects of Electric Current
4 / Chemical Effects of Electric Current / Panel discussion on different topic
November / 1 / Some Natural Phenomena
2 / Some Natural Phenomena / Copy submission and correction
3 / Some Natural Phenomena
4 / Light / Seminar on different phenomenon of light
December / 1 / Light
2 / Light
Post midterm exam / All the chapters uptoDecember 2nd week
January / 1 / Stars and the Solar System / Seminar presentation on solar system
2 / Stars and the Solar System
3 / Pollution of Air and Water / Self assessment
4 / Reaching the age of Adolescence / Panel discussion on different topics
February / 1 / Reaching the age of Adolescence
2 / Revision / Entire syllabus + 30% of Term – 1
3 / Revision for final exam
4 / Revision for final exam
महीना / सप्ताह / पाठ / पुनरावृतिअप्रैल / १ / वन्दना / अर्थ पूछना है
२ / पुनरावर्तन, पठित गद्यांश / गद्यांश से प्रश्न पूछनाहै
३ / जयतु भारतं / पाठ का अर्थ पूछना है |
४ / शब्द रूप / ईकारांत स्त्रीलिंग शब्द से दो शब्द रूप लिखिए
मई / १ / गृध्रमार्जारकथा / प्रश्नोंत्तर लिखवाना है |
जून / ३ / महात्मा गांधी / शब्दार्थ एवं प्रश्नोंत्तर लिखवाना है |
४ / विद्या सर्वस्य भूषणम / विशेषण शब्द से वाक्य बताइए
जुलाई / १ / वर्षा –ऋतु: धातु रूप चारों लकार | / शब्दार्थ , एवं अभ्यास के प्रश्नोंत्तर पूछना है
२ / पुनरावृति | / पाठ १ से ४ तक ,पठित गद्यांश शब्द रूप और धातु रूप |
३ / जयति एकाबुद्धि: / चतुर्थी विभक्ति का प्रयोग करते हुए एक अनुच्छेद लिखिए |
४ / चित्र वर्णन / मम प्रिय पुस्तकं पर एक अनुच्छेद लिखिए
अगस्त / १ / समाचारपत्रस्य आत्मकथा / संज्ञा शब्द से वाक्य बनाइए |
२ / दुर्गापूजा / अभ्यास के प्रश्नोंत्तर पूछना है |
३ / अनुच्छेद / किसी विषय पर एक अनुच्छेद लिखना है
४ / धातु रूप ,शब्द रूप, चित्र वर्णन ,अपठित ,पठित गद्यांश | / शब्द रूप ,धातु रूप पूछना है |
सितम्बर / १,२ / पुनरावृति / पाठ १से १० तक पठित,अपठित गद्यांश ,अनुच्छेद,चित्र वर्णन ,शब्द रूप धातु रूप
३,,४ / अर्द्धवार्षिक परीक्षा
अक्टूबर / १ / सूक्तिषटकम् / कुछ शब्द देकर वाक्य बनवाना |
२ / परमवीर: चंद्रशेखर: , / उकारान्त शब्द रूप लिखना है |
३ / अपरीक्ष्य न कर्तव्यं / प्रश्नोंत्तर पूछना है |
४ / चित्र वर्णन / चित्र देखकर वाक्य रचना करना है |
नवम्बर / १ / विज्ञानस्य समुत्कर्ष: / अभ्यास के प्रश्नोंत्तर लिखवाना |
२ / बालक: ध्रुव: / भविष्यत काल की क्रिया से वाक्य रचना करना है
३ / दिनेशस्य पत्रम् / शब्दार्थ एवं प्रश्नोंत्तर पू़छ्ना है |
४ / धातु रूप सभी लकार | / सभी काल का धातु रूप लिखना है |
दिसम्बर / १ / पुनरावृति / पाठ ११ से १४ तक अपठित गद्यांश ,चित्र वर्णन ,शब्द रूप धातु रूप |
२ / विद्याया:बुद्धिरुत्तमा / लोट लकार की क्रिया से वाक्य बनवाना है
३ / मधुबिन्द्व: / शब्दार्थ और प्रश्नोंत्तर लिखवाना है |
जनवरी / १ / महादानी कर्ण: / पाठ का अर्थ पूछना है
२ / अनुच्छेद / किसी विषय पर एक अनुच्छेद लिखिए |
३ / सुभाषितानि / पाठ का प्रश्नोंत्तर पूछना है |
४ / पठित गद्यांश / प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखना है
फरवरी / १ / अपठित गद्यांश / अपठित गद्यांश से प्रश्नोत्तर लिखवाना |
२ / शब्द रूप ,धातु रूप ( सभी लकार ) / शब्द रूप और धातु रूप पूछना और लिखवाना |
३ ,४ / पुनरावृति / पाठ ११ से २० तक पाठ १,२,३,पठित ,अपठित गद्यांश ,अनुच्छेद ,चित्र वर्णन ,शब्द रूप,धातु रूप |
मार्च / वार्षिक परीक्षा / Entire syllabus + 30% of Term – 1
MONTHS / WEEK / CHAPTER / CHAPTER NAME / REVISION PROCESSApril / 1 / CH-1 / Computer Networking / Diagram Test Based on Chapter Writing Extra Questions
2 / Computer Networking
3 / Revision
4 / CH-3 / Understanding HTML / Lab Activity (Individual Activity on HTML)
May / 1 / Practical
June / 3 / Understanding HTML
4 / Practical
July / 1 / CH-4 / More on Html / Written Test Based on Exercise
2 / More on Html
3 / Unit Test / Ch- 1, 3 & 4
4 / Unit Test
August / 1 / CH-5 / Other Important Tags in HTML / Lab Activity (Group Activity on HTML)
2 / Practical
3 / Other Important Tags in HTML
4 / Revision
5 / Practical
September / 1 / Revision Chap 1 & 3 / Quiz on Different Chapters
2 / Revision Chap 4 & 5
3 & 4 / Half-Yearly Exam / Ch – 1, 3 to 5
October / 1 / CH-6 / Introduction of MS-Access / Oral Test Based on Chapter
2 / Introduction of MS-Access
3 / Revision
4 / CH-7 / More About MS-Access / Lab Activity (Individual Activity on MS-Access)
November / 1 / More About MS-Access
2 / Revision
3 / Practical
4 / CH-10 / Understanding Visual Basic / Demonstration through Modules on Smart Board
December / 1 / Understanding Visual Basic
2 / Revision
3 / Unit Test / Ch – 6, 7 & 10
January / 1 / CH-12 / Social Impact of IT / Group Discussion on New Technologies
2 / Social Impact of IT
3 / Revision
4 / Revision Chap3, 4 & 5 / Entire syllabus + 30% of Term – 1
February / 1 & 2 / Revision Chap 6 & 7
3 & 4 / Revision Chap 10 & 12
MONTH / WEEK / PAGE NO. / REVISIONAPRIL / 1 / Page no. 7,8,9
2 / Page no.10,11,12
3 / revision
4 / Page no. 13,14,15
MAY / 1 / Page no. 16,17,18
JUNE / 3 / revision / Discussion method
4 / Page no. 19,20,21
JULY / 1 and
2 / Revision(unit test-I ) (page7-21) / Oral & written
3 / Page no. 22,23,24
4 / revision / Quiz method
AUGUST / 1 / Page no. 25,26,27
2 / Page no. 28,29,30
3 / revision / Written test method
4 / Page no. 31,32,33,34
5 / Page no.35,36,37,38,39,40,41
SEPTEMBER / 1 / Revision(7-21) (UT -I) / A quiz competition will be organized between different groups
2 / Revision(22-41) (Term -I)
3& 4 / Exam period Term-I
OCTOBER / 1 and 2 / Page no. 44,45,46
3 / Revision / Discussion method
4 / Page no. 47,48
NOVEMBER / 1 / Page no. 49,50,51
2 / Revision / Quiz method
3 / Page no. 52,53,54
4 / Revision (page no. 44-48) / Oral & written
DECEMBER / 1 / Revision (page no. 49-54) / Oral & written
3 / Page no. 55,56,57,58
JANUARY / 1 / Revision / Group discussion
2 / Page no. 59,60,61,62 / A group of students will form questions in class and they will ask the question from other students
3 / Page no. 63,64,65,66
4 / Page no. 67,68,69,70, / A quiz competition will be organized between different groups
FEBRUARY / 1 / Page no.71,72,73,74,75,76
2 / Revision 30 % of TERM I / Discussion of current affairs
3 / Revision Term-II
Entire syllabus + 30% of Term – 1 / Discussion, oral & written
4 / Revision Term-II / Discussion , oral & written