Bylaws of the Millstone Township School PTO
The name of this organization shall be the Millstone Township School Parent Teacher Organization.
To advance the welfare of children in school by proposing and supporting adequate provisions for their care and protections.
To bring into closer relation, the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of the child.
To develop and promote open communication between the administration, the teachers, and parents in order to gain the highest advantages in physical, academic, and social education for every child.
Section 1: Any person interested in the objective of the PTO and willing to uphold its policies and its by-laws may become a member upon payment of dues
provided herein.
Section 2: Annual membership dues are to be a minimum of $5.00 per household.
Section 3: A member shall be considered in good standing if their dues are paid and if they actively participate in the activities of the organization.
Section 4: A member shall be considered not in good standings if evidence of non-supportive activity is disclosed.
Section 1: This organization is to be non-commercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan. No commercial enterprise and no candidate are to be endorsed by it. The name of the organization or the name of its officers in their official capacities are not to be used in connection with a commercial or political concern, with any partisan interest, or for any purpose other than the regular work of the organization.
Section 2: This organization shall not seek to direct the administrative activities of the school or to control its policies.
Section 3: This organization may cooperate with other organizations and agencies active in child welfare, provided they do not make commitments that bind any or all of the involved groups.
Section 4: This organization shall abide by regulations required to maintain a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status.
Section 1: a. The officers of this organization can be (1) President, (1) Past President, (1) Vice President, (1) Secretary and (1) Treasurer. If the situation should occur that it would beneficial to the organization to adopt Co-Presidents or Co-Vice Presidents, then the current Executive Board will advise the nominating committee of this change. Newly elected positions would still have to be voted in by attending members in good standing.
b. Officers are to be elected every 2 years. All officers shall be elected by a majority ballot vote of attending members in good standing, at an open membership meeting in May.
c. If there is only one nominee for any office, the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall motion for the election of the nominee.
d. Officers shall assume their official duties after July 1st of the elected year and shall serve for a term of 2 years and/or until their successors are elected.
e. No person shall serve more than two consecutive 2 year terms in the same position.
f. After July 1st of the elected year a transitional Executive Officers meeting will be held with the newly elected officers and previous officers.
Section 2: a. The Nominating Committee will form in March of each year and shall consist of three members, one of whom will be an Executive Board member and two general PTO members.
b. Members being considered for an officer’s position shall not serve on the Nominating Committee. The formed Committee will appoint a chairperson. The role of this chairperson is one of administration; however this person’s opinion during the course of discussion bears equal weight to that of other committee members.
c. The Nominating Committee will prepare a slate officers which shows balance and as broad a spectrum of representation of membership as possible, being mindful of all candidates’ past participation in the organization’s functions and activities
Section 3: a.It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to accept suggestions for the organization’s membership and to prepare a slate of officers to be presented at the April meeting. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to obtain the consent of the nominee before placing his/her name on the ballot. Additional nominations may be made from the floor, consisting of one or more nominations per office only if they are eligible candidates.
b.A list of nominees will be made available one month prior to the annual election. The annual election of officers shall be held at the open membership meeting in May, and the official ballot used at such election shall contain the names of all persons nominated.
d. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to make all arrangements for conducting elections. The Chairperson shall have the prepared official list of nominees.
e. There shall be no absentee votes.
f. All officers shall be elected majority vote utilizing an anonymous ballot.
Section 4: A vacancy occurring in an office shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board and the replacement will the finish the term of the elected individual. This will be considered one full term for that particular position.
Section 1: The President shall preside at and conduct all meetings of the PTO. The President shall ensure that all rules and regulations of the organization are followed. The President shall sign all legal documents and be ex officio, a member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee. The President will keep a current list of members and their addresses and telephone numbers. All officers are to have a copy of the volunteer sheets with names and phone numbers within the consideration of member’s privacy.
Section 2: In the event the President cannot complete his/her term the Vice President will assume the duties of President.
Section 3: The Past-President is to serve in the capacity of consultant to the Executive Board, without voting power.
Section 4: The Vice President shall oversee committees as requested by the President.
Section 5: a.The secretary is to keep a record of all meetings and attendance of the organization and Executive Board.
b. The Secretary will be responsible for keeping the public informed of PTO functions and accomplishments. Other duties include sending thank-you notes to volunteers and organizing the volunteer recognition event.
Section 6: a. The Treasurer shall be responsible for record keeping, accounting and filing of taxes for organization.
b. The Treasurer will be responsible for collection and deposits of funds from the PTO functions. All deposits will be made to the PTO account and all receipts must go to the Treasurer.
c. The Treasurer is to keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and is to pay all bills only in accordance with the approved budget as authorized by the organization. All checks are to be signed by the Treasurer and one other Executive Board Member.
d. The Treasurer is to present a statement of account at every Open Membership Meeting. The Treasurer shall render a year-end financial statement at the close of the books in July.
e.The Organization’s accounts are to be examined annually by an auditor or an auditing committee. The Auditor or Auditing Committee will sign the statement once reviewed. The Auditor or Auditing Committee is appointed by the Executive Board. The audit is to be completed before the September meeting.
Section 1: PTO membership meetings will be held at least five times per year as designated by the Executive Board; following approval of the building Principal. There will be no meetings in July, August, or December.
Section 2: Special meeting may be called by a quorum of the Executive Board.
Section 3: Three members in good standing, excluding the Executive Board, present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 4: The privilege of holding office, introducing motions, debating and voting is to be limited to members in good standing.
Article VIII: Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the offices of the organization, two teacher representatives as appointed by their respective Principal and the Principal of the school.
ARTICLE IX: Standing Committees:
Section 1: Such standing committee shall be created by the Executive Board as may be required to promote the objectives and interests of the PTO. Each committee will have a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson, whom will be selected by the Officers of the organization.
Section 2: A chairperson of a standing committee shall present plans of work to the Executive Board. No committee work shall be undertaken without the collaboration of the Executive Officers.
Section 3: The chairperson (or designee), is encouraged to attend open membership meetings to update member on activities.
Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws.
Section 1: These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the PTO by a quorum vote. Notice of the proposed amendment must have been given at the previous meeting stating in writing the changes to be made in the bylaws and provided the amendment is consistent with the mandated articles described in the bylaws of the organization.
Section 2: These bylaws will be available to all PTO members for review.
These Bylaws were revised by:
President, Jean Mardaga______
Vice President, Debbie Simels______
Treasurer,Wendy Schmid______
Secretary, Sharon Peake______
OnMay3, 2010