Osama Almadhoun, M.D.
“Managing chronic abdominal pain in children, Understanding the physical and behavioral components of functional abdominal pain” Contemporary Pediatrics, In press
“Congenital Achalasia of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter Preceding Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Children” Pediatric Surgery International, in press
Almadhoun O, Rivera-Penera T: “Duodenal Biopsy to Assess Disaccharidase Enzymes Activity in Children Undergoing Upper Endoscopy Adds to our Understanding of its Prevalence” Oral presentation at the 19th Annual Research Colloquium, Seton Hall University, NJ, May 2008
Almadhoun O, Rivera-Penera T “Benign Variant of Sickle Cell Hepatopathy” Poster Presentation at the 19th Annual Research Colloquium, Seton Hall University, NJ, May 2008
Almadhoun O, Rivera-Penera T, Lipeski L: “Hepatic Manifestations of Neonatal Grave’s Disease” Poster Presentation at NASPGHAN annual meeting. San Diego, CA. November 12-15, 2008
Almadhoun O, Gabel M, Rossi T: “Collagenous Gastroenterolcolitis Causing Protein Losing Enteropathy in a Toddler” Poster presentation at the 6th Annual Pediatric Research Day, Department of Pediatric, University of Rochester, NY. October 7, 2009
Almadhoun O, Brown M: “Heterozygous Missense Sequence Variant (H939Q) in the ATP8B1 Gene as a Cause of Benign Recurrent Intrahepatic Cholestasis in a 10 year old female” Poster Presentation at NASPGHAN annual meeting. National Harbor, MD. November 12-15, 2009
Almadhoun O, Rivera-Penera T: “Benign Variant of Sickle Cell Hepatopathy” Poster Presentation at NASPGHAN annual meeting. National Harbor, MD. November 12-15, 2009
Almadhoun O, Gabel M, Rossi T: “Collagenous Gastroenterolcolitis Causing Protein Losing Enteropathy in a Toddler” Poster Presentation at NASPGHAN annual meeting. National Harbor, MD. November 12-15, 2009
Gabel M, Almadhoun O, Mallah H, Brown M: “Are sulfur eructations a sentinel sign of gallbladder dysfunction?” Poster Presentation at NASPGHAN annual meeting. National Harbor, MD. November 12-15, 2009
Almadhoun O, Lee Y, Rossi T: “Pancreatitis associated with Alpha 1- antitrypsin deficiency” Poster Presentation at NASPGHAN annual meeting, New Orleans, October 21-24, 2010.
Almadhoun O, Tipnis N: “Congenital Achalasia of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter Preceding Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Children” Poster presentation at the 16th Neurogastroenterology & Motility Scientific Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri September 16-18, 2011.
Almadhoun O, Rossi T, MD, Brown MR: “Duodenal Bulb Biopsies Add to Our Diagnostic Yield of Celiac Disease” Poster Presentation at NASPGHAN annual meeting, Orlando, Florida, October 21-24, 2011.