Date: December 2009
Dear Colleague
Health Inequalities Seminars are designed to encourage partners from a broad range of backgrounds to participate in the debate on ill health amongst excluded groups across Lothian. It is intended that this debate will help inform future work on addressing a wide range of health inequality issues and help inform the community planning process.
We would like to encourage participation from your organisation. We believe that your representation and input is vital to the debate. The seminars are useful for participants on three levels:
Educational and awareness raising
Information sharing
- Network building
The next Seminar in this series is ‘Support from the Start’ and will be held on 26 January 2010 at The Engine Shed, at 12.30pm. As lunch will be provided please inform Linda Head if you would like to attend the session on 0131 536 3505, returning the slip at the foot of this letter or email by
The seminars are supported by Lothian Health Promotion Service.
Yours sincerely
The Health Inequalities Seminar Group
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Support from the Start (tackling health inequality – Equally Well) 26 January
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Geographical Remit Area:
Edinburgh East Lothian Midlothian West Lothian Pan Lothian
Please reserve me a place on the seminar:______
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Return slip to:Linda Head
Health Promotion Service, Third Floor, LauristonBuilding, Lauriston Place, EDINBURGH, EH3 9HA: Fax 0131 536 3501 or email
Health Inequalities Seminars
Seminar Series 2009-2010
Health Inequalities Seminar
26 January 2010
12.30pm– 2.30pm
Support from the Start
(at The Engine Shed)
Speakers: Steven Wray – Support from the Start lead officer
(NHS Lothian/East Lothian Council)
John Boyce, Public Health Practitioner (NHS Lothian)
Professor Susan Deacon, External Advisor
What is Support from the Start?
East Lothian is one of eight ‘test sites’ for the Scottish Government’s strategy for tackling health inequality – Equally Well. East Lothian Council, NHS Lothian and community organisations are working together to improve access to support and services which will help close the health gap that begins in the early years of life.
What difference has it made so far?
- Redesign of early years play in one community
- Redesign of oral health promotion in two communities
- Fast tracking of ‘forest school’
- Planning for a multi-agency early intervention pilot
- Targeting of breakfast provision
- Capacity building through champions network
This presentation will provide an overview to Support from the Start, its origins, current and future projects and the evaluation plans.