Open Space Reserve Fund Policy

Policy Type: / Policy
Approved By: / Council / Decision No: / 2008/1207
Approval Date: / Last Reapproval Date: / 22 September 2008
Review Date: / 22 September 2011 / Internal Reference No.:
Department: / Finance / Division: / Administration - Finance
Function: / 7 - Financial Management / Responsible Officer: / Manager, Administration - Finance


Council and the community value open space for leisure and recreation, biodiversity, fresh air and the amenity and aesthetics it provides.

The City is relatively abundant with open space compared with many cities and this establishes a positive point of difference which the community appreciates.

The Salisbury City Plan – Sustainable Futures contains the following objectives relevant to the provision of open space:

Key Direction 2: Sustaining Our Environment

  • 1. Conserve and promote biodiversity, natural habitats and open spaces
  • 4. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • 6. Enhance the amenity of the City through street and open space urban design and landscaping

Key Direction 3: The Living City

  • 6. Promote increased civic participation in Community and Council activities

The city operates an Open Space Reserve Fund for the purpose of receiving cash contributions from developers in lieu of the provision of actual open space as required under the Development Act 1993 Section 50(10).


This policy applies to the elected members and employees of the City of Salisbury


This policy sets out the basis on which the fund is to be administered and for what purpose the funds can be applied.


Open Space – Council owned or controlled areas which are permanently set aside and/or used for public recreation and/or reserved to protect or buffer natural areas.

Financial Reserve - an accounting treatment that ‘reserves’ (sets aside) part of council’s equity for a specific purpose.


  1. All open space cash contributions received under Section 50(1) of the Development Act 1993 must be allocated to the financial reserve account ‘Open Space Reserve Fund’ as soon as practicable but no later than one month after receipt.
  2. The Open Space Reserve Fund is treated as a financial reserve in the financial statements but there is no separate bank account established.
  3. Interest is to be applied to the monthly balance in the fund at a rate equal to the LGFA 24 hour call rate.
  4. The funds may only be applied to projects following formal approval by Council, either through the budget, budget review, or separate resolution of Council.
  5. The funds may only be used for the purposes of ‘acquiring and developing land as open space’.
  6. Acquisition and development for the purposes of this policy may include:
  7. The purchase of land for parks or open space generally;
  8. Developing land as open space which may include:
  • Seating/spectator cover
  • Grass areas/ovals
  • Public toilets
  • Landscaping
  • Barbeque facilities
  • Play equipment
  • Pathways/walking trails
  • Fencing
  • Carparking
  • Signs relating to recreation pursuits
  • Reticulation/irrigation systems
  • Other purposes designed to increase the use and unrestricted access by the community.


Development Act 1993

Document Control

Document ID / Open Space Reserve Fund Policy
Prepared by / Patricia Twigg
Release / 1.00
Document Status / Approved
Date Printed / 13/04/2019

Page 1 of 213/04/2019