Troop 008
Parents’ Meeting
March 11th, 2014
Round Table Report by Lisa Baraji
- YMCA is offering volunteer service hours and Eagle projects.
- On 3/22/14 there is an opportunity to do the swim check for summer camp at the YMCA for $2.00. Lisa will be the contact person.
- Troop Master is going to be clean up to match the new system that Foothills is using. Lisa will be responsible for it.
- Filling up blue cards is time consuming so there is a need for a printer. The committee will approve the purchase by next month. Meanwhile Rodolfo Quiroz and Lisa Baraji will get information about the cost.
- David will prepare the 2014 budget for the Troop and will present it by the next meeting.
Summer Camp
- So far 24 scouts have sign up for summer camp. We have room for 36. Greg Watson will send the merit badge schedule in a week or two.
Troop 008
Parents Meeting
April 22, 2014
Registration Forms
Since it is confusing who gets the registration forms, they should be dropped in a box that stays at the church. The advancement Chair should have access to this box. It is important the box is safe.
Steve Blesi will look for options.
Scouting for Food
All the collected food will be taken to North Fulton
Summer Camp
The original summer camp registration was for 35 scouts. Greg will update this information since we have only 24 scouts attending.
There are 7 adults registered.
Medical Forms
This year Troop 008 will request parents to use the new medical form.
Parents should provide one original and one copy.
Swimming Test
The swimming test will take place on Tuesday June 17th or 24th.
David Janes will search for BSA logos for both trailers
Steve Blesi will do the new inventory
Round Table
Marlen Quiroz will attend the May’s meeting
Troop 008
Parents Meeting
May 1st, 2014
On June 5th, Foothills District is having a picnic instead of the regular round table meeting. The location is Sewell Park from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. Who will attend?
Steve Blesi brought the box for applications. It cost $14.97
Post an announcement for medical forms every week from now on until summer camp. Two copies are required and they should use the 2014 format.
Allatoona is offering a day called Watermania where the scouts will have the opportunity to try different activities in the water. Tt is offered on August 23. Lisa suggests this activity and re-schedule the family picnic for a different day. Jim will give an answer in the following days.
Who has taken ownership of the troop’s domain? When is the troop’s website going to be ready for update? Kristin will check this.
Summer Camp: since there are enough adults attending summer camp, Kristin won’t go and she will coordinate transportation.
Troop 008
Parents Meeting
August 5th, 2014
- The payments for all activities in the troop will be done with checks or cash. The possibility to use pay pal or other payment services imply charges that our troop is not willing to pay at this point.
- Kristin Peterson and David Janes will contact Robert Whitfield again to determine the use of the domain for the troop’s Website.
- David Janes will search for BSA logos for the trailers. Once we have the logos, they will be placed on the trailers and we will be able to park them at the church.
- Jim Srock will provide the troop’s calendar with all the activities and dates. New destinations and activities will be included.
- The troop will add internet-based invitations such as evite for campouts and activities to get better organized and to promote participation.
- The committee approved a $200.00 popcorn sales-goal per scout this fall. Marilyn will use ice cream cards and awards to motivate scouts to sale.
- Kristin Peterson will contact David Cox to develop a plan for different fundraisers that the troop will work on through the year to cover payments for High Adventure campouts and/or others.
Troop 008
Parents Meeting
September 2014
- Marlen has volunteered to go to the next Round Table meeting
- Robert Payne presented all the information related to the wreath sale and David Cox the information related to the pine straw sale. The committee voted in favor to the wreath sale and Robert will conduct a meeting for the troop to provide all the information
- Marylin gave a brief report for Popcorn sales and the rewards for the scouts who sell.
- After the wreath sale and the popcorn sale, the troop will consider to organize a car wash by Wendys
- Robert Payne will work with Kevin Wilson to set up a new website for the troop.
Troop 008
Parents Meeting
October 2014
- Recharter Process: Marlen gave David Janesa packet that contains all the documentation required. David and Kristin Peterson will do all the paper work.
- Budget: David Janes suggested to implement a better system to refund parents for gas.
- The committee voted in favor to reduce the troop dues. Every scout will pay $120.00 instead of $130.00 and $100.00 for the second sibling instead of $120.00
- The troop website is already in place and it works.
- Paypal. The troop will offer the option of Paypal to give parents the opportunity to make their payments online. There will be a small charge for transactions that the user should absorb.
Pending Actions:
- Logos for trailers
- Merit Badge Clinic
- Yorktown
- Budget updated
- Popcorn report
- Wreath Sale report
- High Adventure Campout Update
- Foothills District Honor Roll and 2015 District Banquet
- Uniform Inspection
- Troop’s Inventory
Troop 008
Parents Meeting
December 2014
- Recharger: It was completed on time. There are 34 boys registered.
- Every committee member will let Kristin know who they think should be nominated for the Good Egg award.
- Order of the Arrow Elections:
Kristin and Jim will determine a date and it will be set in the calendar.
Kristin will contact Doug Morin to invite him to come to one of our meetings to talk to the boys.
- MB Clinics.
Since it a MB clinic should not be a fund rising, Sandy will do more research on how it has been run by other troops.
- Fund raising:
We will let the boys decide if they want to run a car wash.
Will David Cox take care of the logistics?
- The committee will have a meeting with all the ASMs to review the “boy-led” policy.
Troop 008
Parents Meeting
January 2015
- District Banquet: The troop purchased 4 tickets for the banquet. One will be assigned to the Good Egg recipient. The rest will be given away to those committee members who are able to attend. Please contact Kristin Peterson if you are interested. The banquet will take place on Friday, February 6that the Piedmont Church in Marietta.
- Order of the Arrow: The policy for elections has changed and an election team from the Order of the Arrow will attend one of our meetings to conduct it. The dates are Jan. 27th, Feb. 10th, and Feb. 17th.
- Scholarship Fund: It was suggested an annual donation to a pack in need in Marietta. Jim will talk to the Champagne family to see if they agree with the idea.
- Camp Cards: Marilyn will conduct this fund rising. She will attend the district meeting on Feb. 7th to pick up the cards and she will start the distribution promptly on Feb. 10th.
- Summer Camp: It will take place at Camp Comer in Alabama from July 5th to July 11th. Greg Watson will provide more details related to cost, MBs and extra activities at the next meeting.
- Troop’s Budget: David Janes will provide a report, which will be used to define the right policy to refund gas expenses.