Minutes of the Plain Township Rotary Board Meeting

Welcome/Call to order: Month: January 12, 2016

Denise Evans, Gerry Hohler, Tim Kell, Barry Kindy, Susan Mansfield, Brent May, Marty Ortman, Bob Schaffner, Eric Smer, Stephanie Soduk, Rob Steinberg, Keith Stults, Melissa Surratt, Richard Tirpak, Karen Vrabec, Trey Wackerly, Ed Waldo, Ryan Wilson.

[BOLD indicates members present]

1.  Welcome/Call to order: Brent May – 7:30 am Brent thanked everyone for attending on this snowy day.

2.  Secretary’s Report/Minutes: Melissa Surratt –. Melissa emailed January minutes to board. Trey Wackerly moved to accept minutes, Denise Evans 2nd.

3.  Treasurer’s Report: Ryan Wilson - Current cash total $47,056.89 with net assets $1,985.46 from last years auction, rotoball and fines. Expenses totaled $2,531.70 of which $546.24 was the club social activity last month. This was not unexpected as Denise and Brent had previously decided to cover the extras over the budgeted $300. Everyone agreed it was well worth the extra costs because it was such a well attended and fun event. Trey Wackerly moved to accept Treasurer’s Report, Eric Smer 2nd.

4.  Club Avenue Report: Denise Evans – Working on ideas for Spring. There will be no snow boarding get together!

5.  Community Avenue Report: Stephanie Soduk –.Stephanie reported that RYLA requested items for gift bags for students at the conference. Bob said we haven’t been able to produce enough in the past. They are asking for pens, note pads, etc. In quantities of 100. There will be 75-80 students. The items are needed for the February 23 conference.

6.  Young Professionals: Eric Smer –Eric is open to ideas to encourage YP participation. He also posed that the position isn’t very well defined. Perhaps we could strive to better define the position. Members have discussed with both Bolivar Club and Youngstown Club to consider seeding money for projects to keep members involved and get new members to join.

7.  Membership: Mike Dougan.

Amy Weisbrod from The Hunger Task Force will be joining our club in February.

8.  International: Keith Stults – Some good news: Dana Toth’s daughter, Drew Lebouf has been accepted in the International Student Exchange.

9.  Vocational: Tim Kell –Student of the month is from Fraser Elementary. Scholarships will be ready to go out next week.

10.  Vice President: Karen Vrabec – Karen is happily training Dan Lundy on the website for our club, which he has taken over as of this writing. She is also looking for a new candidate to replace her as Vice President. Susan Mansfield and Karen are looking for auction chairs for next year. Susan has been collecting auction donations and gifts and tickets. Tickets are due on January 20th. Committee meets at 5 on 1/13 at Jami Ellsworth’s house. Marilyn Barr will be bringing the sample centerpieces.

11.  President Elect Report: - Richard Tirpak –He is set for speakers through March.

12.  Past President Report: Gerry Hohler –No report

13.  President’s Report: Brent May-Brent announced we are 4 weeks (as of this report) from the auction. 37 tickets have been sold. Dave Kraft said March 23 is the basketball classic which is a week earlier this year. Need to recognize food donations and sponsorships. Discussion on the need for a licensed auctioneer and whether or not we can get around legalities by calling it something different. Exchange students from 2 clubs including ours are having difficulty getting other families to offer their homes. Keith will talk to district.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:07am

Next meeting February 10, 2016

Respectfully submitted by Melissa Surratt