Why do we do homework?

Homework serves a very important purpose in this class. Each assignment is done BEFORE we cover that material in class. By completing the assignment, it will be easier to follow along with the class discussion and enable you to participate in that discussion. Perhaps more importantly to you, your homework average makes up about 20-25% of your report card grade in my class for the remaining 3 marking periods. This could be the difference between a failing average, or an average in the 80s!

What is a typical assignment like?

A typical homework assignment will involve reading 3-5 pages (including pictures, etc.) from your textbook, followed by answering Study Guide questions on a worksheet. Each section of the book has its own homework assignment (4-5 per chapter). The worksheets for each section are colored:

Section 1 = Blue
Section 2 = Yellow
Section 3 = Green
Section 4 = Pink
Section 5 = Purple

  • If printing at home, use this as a guide.

How is homework graded?Top of Form

Homework is graded based on quality and effort, more than right or wrong answers. If you want the best grade, you need to give me your best answers! Each assignment is graded on a 0-5 scale:
5 = 100% - ALL Qs answered, and answers are well-done.
4 = 80% - One Q might be unanswered or the quality is acceptable, but should be better.
3 = 60% - Some Qs unanswered, or quality needs big improvement.
2 = 40% - Many Qs unanswered &/or poorly answered.
1 = 20% - Minimal effort put into assignment.
0 = 0% - Barely done or not turned in.

  • 6 = 120% -Work that is outstanding! Student goes above and beyond expectations!
  • 4's and 5's are acceptable grades. Anything lower is not! You should always shoot for a 5!

How often will I get homework, and how long will it take to finish?

About 15-20 homeworks are assigned per marking period for the remaining 3 quarters. That is an AVERAGEof 1 ½ to 2 assignments each week. This means that some weeks there will be more, and some weeks there will be less. It should take the average student approximately 45 minutes to an hour to complete each assignment, including the reading portion. Since it is not given every night, that is a reasonable amount. All assignments are posted on the white board in the classroom, as well as on my teacher page: . These are updated weekly, and can be printed at home if you forget to grab one in class.

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______

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