Nomination for the George Delaplaine Distinguished Citizen Award
This award is granted to citizens of Frederick County who have distinguished themselves in their life work and who have shared their talents with their communities on a voluntary basis. In order to preclude possible embarrassment, the nominee should not be informed of his or her nomination.
TO: The George Delaplaine Distinguished Citizen Award Selection Committee, c/o The National Capital Area Council, 9190 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20814
We are pleased to submit this George Delaplaine Distinguished Citizen Award nomination for:
Name (first, middle, and surname) ______
Mailing address ______
City ______State ______Zip ______
Business telephone ______Home telephone ______
In our opinion, the nominee has distinguished herself/himself as a ______
(Examples: medical doctor, educator, administrator, entrepreneur, corporate officer, manufacturer, scientist, lawyer, etc.)
Important Considerations
The description of the nominee’s achievements should be specific. Explain clearly the relative significance of awards and honors received by the nominee. Give facts rather than rhetoric. Words such as “outstanding” must be placed in context. Letters of endorsement are of minimal value unless they contain pertinent facts and not rhetoric.
Requirement One. The nominee must have distinguished himself/herself in his/her primary career.
Has the nominee retired from his/her primary career? Yes_____ No _____
The nominee is currently employed by or was employed immediately prior to retirement by ______
Position or title ______
Requirement Two. Through the years, it has been established that a nominee should have a record of voluntary service to the community. This is in addition to his/her achievement of a distinguished career, not in place of one. Service to Scouting is not required. Please describe the candidate’s volunteer service in and around Frederick County with an attached document.
Nomination/Selection process:
1)Nominations must be submitted to the Delaplaine Distinguished Citizen Award Selection Committee in writing.
2)Upon the closing of acceptance of nominees, the Selection Committee Chairperson will compile a list of the top five nominees.
3)The names of the top five nominees along with brief biographical sketches shall be distributed to the George Delaplaine Selection Committee members who will cast a vote for his or her top choice.
4)The most voted upon candidate will be named the George Delaplaine Distinguished Citizen for 2016.
Criteria: The defining components of what qualities the nominee shall possess
1)The nominee must have made multi-dimensional impact on Frederick County.
2)The nominee must have had key and significant personal and/or organizational or corporate community involvement and be well networked.
3)The accomplishments, achievements and contributions of the honoree must have been primarily although not necessarily exclusively, for the benefit and credit of Frederick County.
Expectations of the Honoree:
1)The honoree is expected to attend the George Delaplaine Distinguished Citizen event (unless prevented from doing so due to health or emergency circumstances). The event will be held on a Wednesday evening in October based on honoree’s availability.
2)The honoree is expected to assist with recruiting a Fundraising Committee Chairperson, who is typically a close friend or colleague of the honoree The Fundraising Committee Chairperson leads the fundraising efforts on behalf of the honoree and the National Capital Area Council.