Real web visualization

›M1 webMI pro‹ - simple scalability on all control panels

The widespread use of Internet-enabled devices has taken place at breathtaking speed. Their simple and intuitive operation is impressive. For the first time Internet and software applications are no longer stationary but can be used worldwide. These features are particularly important in visualization: Mobile solutions for HMI, service or teleservice tasks enable cost savings and greater convenience. With ‘M1 webMI pro’, Bachmann electronic is offering a new product on the market that impressively demonstrates its technology leadership: Each M1 controller is turned into the central server for fixed or mobile HMI devices.

Configuration and maintenance increase

As the complexity of machines and the number of requirements to be fulfilled increase, the effort required for engineering and maintenance naturally increases as well. Nowadays, it is not only necessary to allow for local visualization in the field, but also for the connection to a control station, a separate visualization for teleservice and sometimes also solutions for mobileterminal devices. Often each requirement here has to be implemented with separate applications. With many visualization products, the handling of different terminal devices and screen resolutions is also not possible.

Pure web visualization

Bachmann is now launching a powerful product for pure web visualizations on the market called ‘M1 webMI pro’. A slimline web server that is directly installed on the M1 controller enables the connection of anyvisualization devices, such as tablets and smartphones but also powerful operator terminals. Provided the necessary authorizations are in place, theapplication can now be accessed from any point in the world.

The integration in the powerful controllers of Bachmann shows the kind of performance that modern web technologies offer: A flicker-free display and hundreds of animated graphic elements can be implemented, even with data refresh rates of well below 100 ms. The viewing of an ‘M1 webMI pro’ visualization page immediately demonstrates the extraordinary benefits of HTML5 and SVG (scalable vector graphics), the basis for all graphic objects. Perfect graphic results can be achieved without any losses in quality when scaling and zooming.

‘M1 webMI pro’ naturally also offers all the important functions of a leading visualization solution such as automatic alarming, the storing of trend values, trend analysis, user management and multi-lingual functionality. Specialimportance was placed here on simple project engineering and flexible application. Special requirements placed on the HMI or changes to the standard behavior of functions can be implemented using client-basedJava scripts.

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M1 webMI pro revolutionizes the world of web-visualization.


State-of-the-art visualization solution on an Apple iPad™: Cockpit for monitoring a wind power plant in pure web technology.


The web server on the Bachmann M1 forms the „visualization center“, any clients can access it with a web browser, regardless of time and place.

Picture credits: Bachmann electronic

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Bachmann electronic GmbH
Kreuzäckerweg 33
6800 Feldkirch, Austria
P +43 (0)55 22 / 34 97-0

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P +43 (0) 55 22 / 34 97-0
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