
Ravoux News


The First Assembly West of Chicago and the Oldest Assembly in Minnesota!!

2121 Radatz Avenue, Maplewood, MN 55109-1414 (

Newsletter Editor & Website AdministratorDan Collins –

Faithful Friar– Fr. John Paul Erickson– Pastor-Churchof the Blessed Sacrament


We do well to join all creation, in heaven and on earth, in praising you, our mighty God through Jesus Christ our Lord. You made man to your own image and set him over all creation. Once you chose a people and, when you brought them out of bondage to freedom, they carried with them the promise that all men would be blessed and all men could be free.

What the prophets pledged was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, your Son and our saving Lord. It has come to pass in every generation for all men who have believed that Jesus by His death and resurrection gave them a new freedom in His Spirit. It happened to our fathers, who came to this land as if out of the desert into a place of promise and hope. It happens to us still, in our time, as you lead all men through your Church to the blessed vision of your peace. And so, with hearts full of love, we join the angels, today and every day of our lives, to sing your glory in a hymn of endless praise!

In Christ,

Fr. Erickson


Faithful Navigator SK Steve Smith 612-597-5556

BrotherSir Knights,

Advent has a twofold character, for it is a time of preparation for the Solemnities of Christmas, in which the First Coming of the Son of God to humanity is remembered, and likewise a time when, by remembrance of this, minds and hearts are led to look forward to Christ's Second Coming at the end of time. For these two reasons, Advent is a period of devout and expectant delight. (USCCB)

As we look forward to the commemorating the birth of our Savior, and look forward to His return, let us continue to strive to embody the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism which set The Knights of Columbus apart from other fraternal organizations. This is a time of year when we especially open our hearts to those around us and give of our time talents and treasure to show Christ’s love to those around us.

First and foremost, give Baby Jesus a gift: the gift of your heart converted to Him. Be Joyful! Christ is born for us. Say Merry Christmas or Blessed Christmas…no matter the reaction of others.

I look forward to seeing my brother Sir Knights and Ladies at the December 12 social. The January meeting is our Renewal of Obligations. Tuxedo and social baldric are required dress.

Faithful Navigator SK Steve Smith

Faithful Captain SKKenneth Scheierl 763-502-1060

12/12/17 Christmas Social,

At Ideal Hall, St. Paul

Entree: Roast beef

Potatoes: Rosemary potatoes

Vegetable: Veggie blend

Salad: Garden

Dessert: Christmas cookie assortment

Cost $15 per person.

Reservations and cancellations are due by Dec 8. If you did not sign up at the November meeting, or signed up before and cannot eat, contact Faithful Captain Ken Scheierl at 763-502-1060 or email . Fellow Sir Knights, YOU are responsible for the cost of the meal, if you sign up and do not attend. MEALS WILL ONLY BE PROVIDED FOR THOSE WHO SIGN UP BY December 8th.


Honor Guard Commander SK Terry Chromey: PFN 651-235-5254

Sir Knights
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Please keep those less fortunate than ourselves out by keeping them in your prayers and makings contributions so all can enjoy this joyous time of year.
Just a reminder that in the month of January at our regular meeting we will have our renewal of obligations everyone attending should dress in your tuxedos with service baldric and bring your regalia I will have more information in the January newsletter.
Honor Guard Commander
Terry Chromey

Notes, Quotes & Anecdotes

Message from Supreme Chaplin Archbishop William E. Lori

The Good of the Order


Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori

We can overcome disagreements through, and for the sake of, our shared charity, unity and fraternity.

ROBERT’SRULES OF ORDER, the authoritative playbook on how to run a meeting, stipulates that meetings should include a segment called the “Good of the Order.” This is time that is reserved for participants to offer comments or observations about the organization and its work. It is also time set aside for disciplinary matters involving fellow members.

That’s what the phrase “the good of the order” means to those who are skilled parliamentarians. But when I hear this phrase, I also think about the Knights of Columbus. I think about the good of our Order, founded in 1882 by Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney. Not even he could have imagined how his beloved Order would grow and the world of good it would do for its members, their families, the Church, and communities all over the world.


I think about who makes up the Knights of Columbus and all that it does in service of others, and I ask myself, “How can I promote the good of the Order? ”Left to my own resources, I can’t adequately answer that question, for the good of the Order cannot be reduced merely to my opinions. The same is true of every Knight of Columbus.


The Order we joined is not a debating society, nor is it an arena where we play out a contest of wills. Rather, it is an organization rooted in charity, which expresses itself in genuine unity of mind and heart and in a brotherhood of service. In fact, our ability to do great good for our members, our Church and our world depends on our willingness to preserve and strengthen this solidarity.

Time and again, I have experienced the great dedication of many brother Knights. In their commitment to the Order, they are passionate about the principles upon which the Knights of Columbus was founded, about the brotherhood we share, and about the good works that we do. Such commitment and passion sometimes lead to strong opinions, and experience teaches that these opinions can differ. At times, we may disagree with a decision made by our local or state council, or with a decision that comes from Supreme. After we’ve expressed our opinion respectfully and cogently, we may be upset that our view did not prevail. When that happens, it’s easy to throw our unity and charity under the proverbial bus. Sadly, some brother Knights may even decide to walk away.

If and when we reach such a crossroads, I firmly believe that we need to stop, look, and listen. We have to stop being angry, look at what the Order is really all about, and listen to the voice of the Lord.


The first step is quelling our anger. There is such a thing as just anger when we see injustice or corruption. However, that is not the same as harboring enmity, grudges, rivalries or even thoughts of vengeance against a person who gets under our skin. When we nurture our anger against leaders or other members of the Order, we chip away at the unity and fraternity that makes the Knights of Columbus distinctive and great.

Second is the need to look carefully at what is central in the life of the Order. The charity we share is not merely our good will but the charity of Christ. The unity we share is not merely a human consensus but rather the unity of the Holy Trinity. And the brotherhood we share is that of the Son of God who became one of us and united himself to us. If you think this sounds a bit inflated, please reconsider! Our Order was founded as a Catholic organization by a parish priest to draw us closer to Christ and to the Church. Our principles come from the Gospel and lead us deeper into the Gospel.

Our solidarity in Christ, for example, is more than agreement based on common interests. It is a moral virtue and a God-given power to band together to do enormous good. Our fraternity is, to be sure, a path to great friendships that extend to our families and a source of real support in living our faith, especially in times of trouble. But in our solidarity, we are not confined to our individual interests and opinions. Rather, we participate in something much greater than ourselves and accomplish things we could never do alone. We share profoundly in one another’s faith and humanity, and together we open ourselves to God’s grace. So, while it is natural to get upset when we don’t get our way and our views are overridden, we must not stay angry and forget to look at the bigger picture.

Finally, we need to listen – first to the voice of the Lord and of the Church, then to our loved ones, and then to our brother Knights. From time to time, our strong opinions can make it difficult to pray so as to discern the will of God and to hear what the Church or others are telling us. Therefore, we need to keep things in perspective by developing our life of prayer – listening to the voice of the Lord and seeking his will in our lives. Then, when we speak, even if we disagree, our words will have the ring of wisdom and authenticity. With this in mind, let us all devote ourselves anew to the good of the Order!


Honor Guard Business Manager SK Robert Barry PFN & FDM 651-455-3287

Sir Knights,
November 12 –Knights of Columbus Council 3659 Memorial Mass for deceased members at
St. John Vianney in South St. Paul. 7 Sir Knights
November 14 – Msgr. Ravoux Assembly Memorial Mass for deceased members a Blessed
Sacrament Church. 20 Sir Knights
November 23 –Knights of Columbus Council 4021 Thanksgiving Day Mass at St. Rose of
Lima in Roseville. 11 Sir Knights
November 25 – Funeral Mass for Sir Knight Edward Bissonette at St. John’s in Hugo.
6 Sir Knights
November 26 – Feast of Christ the King at the Church of St. Agnes. 10 Sir Knights
15 Honor Guard Events 07/1/17 thru 11/26/17
Total Attendance was 163 Sir Knights
10.87 Sir Knights per Event
December 3 – Sunday – St. Casimir’s Parish 125th Anniversary Mass (934 Geranium).
Assembly Time 8:30AM; Mass at 9:00AM. Archbishop Bernard Hebda will
be the Celebrant.
December 10 – Sunday – St. John Vianney in South St. Paul for the celebration of the new floor in the church. Assembly Time 10:00AM; Mass at 10:30AM. Archbishop
Bernard Hebda will be the Celebrant.
January 9– Tuesday – Msgr. Ravoux Assembly Renewal of Obligations at the Church of St. Agnes (Schuler Hall). Social Hour at 6:00PM; Dinner
Faithful Comptroller SK Richard Fredrick PFN 651-773-0912

Dues billing will be starting this month, $24 for Regular members, $10 for Honorary members, Life members are free. Please try to take care of this in a timely manner.
Two important events are coming up.
  1. Christmas Party: December 12, 2017, TST Hall on Dale.
  1. Renewal of Vows: January 9, 2018, St. Agnes
Hope and Pray for Merry and Blessed Holidays RMF
Our newsletter can also be viewed on our website, Please contact me with any website questions or suggestions.
SK Dan Collins
Website Administrator

Prayer List ______December 2017______In Memoria

Please remember in your prayers Brother Sir Knights, their families and the caregivers of: Father Kenneth Ludescher, James Chase, Will Eddleston, Robert Barry, John Jablonski, Ron Traen, Duane Jabas, Eugene Sabaitis, Donald Groschen, Lloyd and Doris Frank, Frank Junghans, Joseph McGrath, Maynard Oster, Charles and Carolyn Lake, Floyd and Joanne Zdrojkowski, Will Overacker, Ray and Shirley Weider, Milo Haus, Al Spangenberg, Lou and Nancy Bogdanovich, Joel Eder, Del and Joan Eder, Ed Oster, Evelyn Perszyk and her daughter and caregiver Kris Rose, Bryan LaHaise, Andy Litschke and Kathleen Stemholm, Susan Schilling who is the sister-in-law of Sir Knight Mike Schilling; and all who prefer not to be identified by name. Please pray for all Faithful Sir Knights, their spouses, and family members who are in need of prayer.

When we pray from our heart, it can do great things, like miracles. Don’t give up, they do happen. Many people need your prayers. It costs you nothing and will make you feel good inside and out. We need more people to pray. So many people need our prayers.

Thank you!


Monsignor Ravoux Assembly Officers, 2017-2018

Faithful Friar -- Father John Paul Erickson -- - 651-738-0677

Faithful Navigator ------Steve Smith ------612-597-5556

Faithful Captain ------Kenneth Scheierl - ------763-502-1060

Faithful Pilot ------Del Lindgren - 651-324-3837

Faithful Comptroller ------Richard Fredrick -- ------651-773-0912

Faithful Purser ------Dave Sampica ----- -- 651-442-5074

Faithful Scribe ------Josh Phinney ------515-729-4997

Faithful Inner Sentinel --- George White – 651-269-4917

Faithful Outer Sentinel --Ron Krueger - - 651-330-1817

Faithful Admiral ------William Eddleston- -- 651-482-8920

Faithful Trustee 3 years -Terry Chromey ----- ----- 651-493-9419

Faithful Trustee 2 years - Duane Jabas ------651-426-1244

Faithful Trustee 1 year ---Thomas Zweber --- ------651-426-9248

Faithful H.G. Bus. Mgr. -- Bob Barry ------651-455-3287


Knights of Columbus

Msgr. Ravoux Assembly 529

2121 Radatz Avenue

Maplewood, MN 55109