CrowRiver Youth Hockey Association

Board Meeting Minutes

August 9th, 2006

Meeting was called to order at 7:07pm by President John Reynolds. The meeting site was held at the RockfordCommunity Center.

Board Members Present: Sue Farniok, John Reynolds, Sue Sutton, Jim Carson, Kevin Voss, Robyn Lorentzen

Board Members not present: Doug Lawman, Sally Prinsen & Deb Meyer

Others in Attendance:John Herkenhoff

The meeting proceeded as follows:

Treasurer’s Report: Sue Sutton stated that John Reynolds, Deb Meyer and herself had a successful meeting to determine the 2006-2007 playerice fees for the upcoming season. Ice fees have increased by 15% but we are still one of the lowest paying associations when comparing to our surrounding rinks.

CRYHA is working with a $22,000 deficit, with a $40,000 deficit carry-over from last year. All board members agreed that fundraising and gambling are key this year to help CRYHA with our deficit.

A motion to approve the Treasurers’ Report was made by Jim Carson and seconded by Robyn Lorentzen. The motion was approved without objection.

Gambling Report: The July and August gambling reports were presented by John Herkenhoff.

July estimated allowable expenses of $9,500.00 and actual expenses of $324.31 were reported. A motion to approve the expenses was made by Jim Carson and seconded by Sue Farniok. Motion was unanimously approved.

Lawful purpose expenditures were presented. A donation of $7,000 to CRYHA was proposes. A motion to approve the Lawful Purpose Expenditures was made by Robyn Lorentzen and seconded by Jim Carson. Motion carries with unanimous approval.

August Allowable expenses: $7075.00 and actual expenses of $1,202.90 were reported. A motion to approve the expenses was made by Sue Farniok and seconded by Jim Carson. Motion was approved unanimously with no objections.

August Lawful Purpose expenditures: $0.00 donation for this month of August.

John Herkenhoff updated the board on the progress of the audit from last November that is still underway. We acknowledge that we, the Crow River Youth Hockey Board received and accepted the letter to Cindy Krueger (State of Minnesota Gambling Control Board) in regard to the LG 861 form and prize receipts. We understand a reply has been received and we have complied with all requests. We also are aware that a check in the amount of $25.72 for game taxes will be sent to the Gambling Control Board. A motion was made by Jim Carson and seconded by Kevin Voss. The motion was approved unanimously.

John Herkenhoff presented to the board and asked for approval to open a gambling booth at the bowling alley, Doc Holidays in Delano. The opportunity was discussed and we understand we will pay 10% to Doc Holidays for rent. John H. expressed a high level of trust and comfort with the employees to run games and manage money. We as a board agreed that it could be a great opportunity to bring in money for the CRYHA program. A motion was made by Kevin Voss and seconded by Sue Farniok. The motion was approved without objection.

A motion was made to approve the Gambling Report by John Reynolds and seconded by Jim Carson. The motion was approved without objection.

Registration: We have mailed a flyer late June/ e-mailed early July/ offered a $200.00 stick to anyone who registers early/ e-mailed again the 1st of August/ and are now going to mail another hard copy to the remaining families who have not responded to earlier attempts. We need to have our #’s in place to correctly determine player fees and also let District 5 know how many teams we will be playing in 06-07. We have deadlines to meet to avoid penalty fees for making team changes.

In discussion:Coaches are required to wear helmets and we need to establish our policies around this new rule.

All board members please read over the Power Point Mission Statement and focus on the 4 strategies, bring your thoughts & ideas to the Aug. 23rd committee meeting. Look over the materials Deb Meyer passed out, what are your thoughts; especially on the Calendar of Events.

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 by Jim Carson and seconded by Sue Farniok.