Dear Parents:

I would like to welcome you and your child to 1st grade. I am looking forward to working with you and your child this 2016-2017 school year. I expect for this year to be filled with great opportunities for your child to grow academically and socially.

I am sending out a yellow folder with several documents that need to be filled out. Please fill out and return all documents as soon as possible.

School Supplies

Please see attached school supply list. Please try to have all supplies by Monday, August the 8th or before will be fine.


Our school requires your child to wear a school uniform Monday-Thursday (Fridays

are free dress days but there are still some dress codes the kids must follow). You can buy uniforms in our front office.

Homework Policy/Behavior Log

Your child will have homework, Monday-Thursday. It will be turned in on Fridays.

Homework will begin on Monday, August 15th. Please make sure to check Agenda and sign daily as there might be important information sent out.The only items to be returned on a daily basis will be Agendas and Fluency Folder.

“Lining Up” & “Dismissal” Procedures

The school bell rings promptly at 7:40 a.m. Please be sure to walk your child to the cafeteria. I will pick up all students in the cafeteria. Please DO NOT bring your child inside. On the first day of school, I will let students know where to line up every morning.

Dismissal will be at 3:15 p.m. If you plan on picking up your child early, please sign them out in the office BEFORE picking up your child in the classroom.

Due to hot weather please provide your child with a cap and water bottle (pre-filled with water only) for PE especially during these hot summer months.


First Grade students will be having lunch at 11:15-11:55. Please make sure to give your child lunch money if he/she needs to pay for lunch, or deposit money in his/her account.


Communication is the key to a successful year. I will be available during the year to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your child.

My conference time is from 8:45a.m.-9:30a.m Feel free to email me at or make an appointment ahead of time if you wish to have a conference. The school number is 937-8300. I look forward to meeting you! This will be a great year full of learning experiences!!

Thank you,

Mrs. Morales