Asia UniversityAmerica Program Overview

and International Peer Advisor Information

The Asia University America Program (AUAP) has brought well overfour thousand students to Central Washington University from Asia University in Tokyo, Japan, since 1989. The AUAP is an innovative study abroad program forsophomores at Asia University and is ongoing at three Northwest universities—Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, and Western Washington University. Approximately 50 students majoring in International Relations come to each site for a five-month program from September to February, and another group of around 50-90 Law, Economics, Business, Business Hospitality, and Multicultural Communication majors come from February to July.

AUAP students are enrolled in 20 hours a week of English as a Second Language, major-related, and American Studies classes taught by AUAP instructors. The AUAP sites and Asia University work closely together to develop the curriculum, and an emphasis is placed on inviting native English-speaking students to classes to help make studying the language more authentic, communicative, and fun. Equally important to what students learn in classes is what they learn by interacting with Americans on campus and in the community. This is facilitated by Cross-Cultural Training modules in classes, experiences living with American roommates in the residence halls, interacting with "Community Friend" families and CWU "Campus Friend" students, volunteering in the community, and enjoying recreational activities in smaller groups with their International Peer Advisors (IPAs) and local friends.

The International Peer Advisor component of the program is required by AsiaUniversity. Within this component each group of 9-13 AUAP students has a CWU student serving as a resource person and friend to help the students get the most out of their experiences here and to help the campus and Ellensburg communities also benefit from the opportunity for cultural exchange. IPAs coordinate and implement activities to facilitate students' interaction with Americans both on and off campus, support and assist students as necessary within the residence hall community, encourage student participation in campus clubs, organizations, and various campus activities, and act as communication links between AUAP students and staff.

The International Peer Advisor position requires organized, professional, and responsible individuals willing to take initiative to make AUAP students' overseas experiences educational and enjoyable. IPAs are required to devote 19 hours a week to their duties which include such responsibilities as daily student interaction, activity planning, attending weekly staff meetings for exchanging information and discussing concerns, and participating in service training programs with the AUAP staff. (Please see job description for more detailed information regarding duties.) Because student needs may arise at anytime of the day or night, IPAs must be flexible in how and when the 19 hours of work are met. In order to be successful in this position, an IPA must have a genuine interest in the welfare of the students assigned to his or her group.

IPAs work closely with the Residence Hall staffs, University Recreation, the Student Medical and Counseling Center, and various other departments on campus, and are expected to be positive role models for both AUAP and other CWU students.

Being an IPA is a unique way to enrich one's college experience. The position provides continual opportunities for individuals to bring knowledge from the classroom to realistic, professional situations. The leadership skills and a broadened view of the world acquired from such an international experience will surely contribute to the future professional success of those who participate.