Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Topic Question / How Did The Victorians Shape The Didsbury We Know Today? / What Makes The Earth Angry? / Is Greece Really As Ancient As They Say? / What Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg? / Who First Lived In Britain? / Why Should We Visit Other Countries?
WOW Entrance / History Detectives
Children to visit Didsbury village and find clues from the buildings, places and people of how Didsbury has emerged over time – children to work in kagan groups and use ipads etc to gather information.
/ Tornado Strikes Year 3
Children to return to class that has been turned upside down! Children to then watch weather reports and discuss what they think has happened?
Children to then create a clean-up operation for the classroom in kagan groups. / Mini Olympics
Children to host a Beaver Road Olympics and compete as classes to see who is the victorious class of Year 3 / Exciting Egg
Egg incubator brought into the classroom and the children observe the development and hatching of chicks over the half term. / Archaeologist
Teacher to have buried a ‘time-capsule’ somewhere around school. Children are to go and discover the box then return to the classroom and discuss / explain / investigate its contents!
Who/What/Where/Why have you found?
How are you going to explain your findings to the class? / Explorers Challenge
Children to be given an envelope in their kagan groups – they are being sent to a certain country in the world – children are to use ipads/books etc to research the country and then plan an expedition/ survival pack that they then showcase to the class – discussing the choices they have made.
EXIT Point / Who do you think you are?
Children to create a programme/short presentation of how Didsbury has changed over time. / Volcano Eruptions
Children to erupt volcanoes they have been creating in art and design. / Mini Master Chef
Children to design and create their own Greek salad. Salads to be judged by Mr How and Mini Master Chef award received by winning kagan group / Eggcellent!
Children to design and create a chick hut for their new chickens to live in using all their learning to ensure their hut are ‘chick proof’ / ‘Horrible Histories’
Children to create a Horrible History sketch from their favourite era they have studied. / ‘A Place in the Sun’
Travel Agents
Children to invite parents in they are to sell them a holiday and parents then to choose which holiday they would like to book.
Kagan groups
Pre-Learning & Post-Learning Challenges? / Pre Learning challenge – Children to write a letter to their favourite celebrity.
Post Learning challenge – Children to write a letter to a famous Manchester based author. / Pre Learning challenge – Children to watch a variety of new reports and then write down the key ‘features’ they think a report has.
Post Learning challenge – Children to write a weather report ‘live’ from an area of destruction. Children to film reports. / Pre Learning challenge – Children to watch a variety of myths and note down what they had in common.
Post Learning challenge – Children to create their own myth about Beaver Road to read to the children of Key Stage 1. / Pre Learning challenge –
Post learning challenge - / Pre Learning challenge – Children in kagan groups to make a class information book about the class – each taking a different section/feature.
Post Learning challenge – To create a non-fiction book about a destination of their choice – linking in and to be used in ‘A Place in the Sun’ exit point. / Pre Learning challenge – Children to perform a play in kagan groups and identify wheat they would need to do to create a script.
Post Learning challenge – Children to create a script/play for their horrible history sketch that is to be filmed.
ENGLISH / Talk for Write / Hurricane Katrina
(Journey) / Theseus & The Minotaur
(Myths & Legends) / The Twits
Poetry / Poetry
Famous Victorian Poetry / Poetry
Calligrams & Shape Poetry / Poetry
Fables & Parables / Poetry
Tongue Twisters & Word Play / Poetry
Famous current day poets from around the world/ Adverts or jingles / Poetry
Classic Poetry
Word Reading / SPAG focus / SPAG focus / SPAG focus / SPAG focus / SPAG focus / SPAG focus
Transcription / Non-Fiction
Letters & Newspapers
Letter writing / Narrative
Stories With Familiar Settings / Narrative
Myths, Legends & Fables / Non-Fiction
Instructions & Diaries
Instructional Writing / Non-Fiction
Information Texts & Reports
Information text writing / Narrative
Dialogue & Plays
Play writing
S / Number / Number, Place Value and Rounding
Addition & Subtraction
Position, Direction & Movement / Multiplication and Division
Properties of Shapes / Number, Place Value and Rounding
Addition & Subtraction
Data / Multiplication and Division
Properties of Shapes
Position, Direction & Movement / Number, Place Value and Rounding
Addition & Subtraction
Measurement / Number, Place Value and Rounding
Addition & Subtraction
Multiplication and Division
Addition & Subtraction
Multiplication & Division
Properties of Shape
Position, Direction & Movement
SCIENCE / How has science shaped who we are today? / What do rocks tell us about the way the Earth was formed? / How can Usain Bolt move so quickly? / How does the blossom turn into the Apple? / How far can you throw your shadow? / Are you attractive enough?
WOW / Mad Scientist!
Why do we learn about Science? / Volcano Eruptions
Children to create their own volcanoes and erupt them. / Usain Bolt – Challenge!
Check to see how far each can run in the 9.68 secs which is the world record for 100m. Compare with Usain Bolt / Allotment
Children to visit their ‘role play area’ for this term an allotment area in the outside garden. Chn to then choose from a variety of seeds etc to plant a plot in the allotment in the outside garden. / Super Shadows
Children to be given a variety of materials and then in kagan groups create a shadow puppet show for reception based around their talk for write story of the term – include translucent/etc materials / Messy Materials!
Children to be given a variety of materials they are to sort them into categories (including magnetic) and then test their theories
What did they find out?
Why did it happen?
ART AND DESIGN / How can we capture Didsbury’s history in art and music? / Can you collect some rocks to create a rock sculpture? / How would you go about reproducing a clay pot in the style of the Greeks? / How can you capture the beauty of the blossom? / Who are the famous artists of the Mediterranean and what can we learn from them? / What do we know about the life styles of the early Britons through the art they produced?
COMPUTING / Location, Location, Location
Filming programmes of Didsbury. / . Garage Band – How can we create musical piece to represent a weather pattern? / News Reports live from Battle fields of Ancient Greece / App creation to explain how the ‘apple’ is created / A Place in the Sun – Children to create adverts for the destinations they are trying to sell to the parents/carers during the exit point.
Branding for the Mediterranean dishes the children create. / Horrible History – filming
DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY / How can we create a model map illustrating Didsbury across the ages from Victorian? / How can we recreate an erupting volcano? / If we had created Greece – What would it look like and why? / How would you create a home grown meal for the children of Beaver Road? / How can we organise a Mediterranean food festival?
How would you design and make a Mediterranean food dish? / How did the Early Britons make shelters?
GEOGRAPHY / How has where Didsbury is placed effected how is has changed since the Victorian era? / How do volcanoes impact on the lives of people and why do people choose to live near them?
Who experiences extreme weather in our country? / Where is Greece and why do so many people enjoy going on holiday there?
How do Greece’s physical features, including its climate differ from ours? / Could we grow any fruit in this country, if not why not?
Why is so important for us to look after the bees in our country? / What are the advantages/ disadvantages of living in a Mediterranean country?
Why do Mediterranean countries have a warmer climate than we do?
How would you go about attracting someone to visit a Mediterranean country?
What are the advantages/ disadvantages of living in a Mediterranean country? / Who first lived in Britain and how does this differ to other countries?
HISTORY / Has anyone famous ever lived in Didsbury? / What causes a volcano to erupt and which are the famous volcanoes in the world? / Who were the Ancient Greeks and what did we learn from them?
How would a tourist to Greece today be reminded of the power of the Ancient Greeks?
Would you have enjoyed being an Olympian?
What is democracy and what part did the Greeks have in creating it? / How has the food we grow changed over time? / Why doesn’t everyone speak English and use the same money? / Would the Early Britons have visited a supermarket for their food?
What can you find out about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages?
How do you think the early Britons would have communicated?
MUSIC / How can we capture Didsbury’s history in music? / How can we capture a stormy weather pattern using music, drama and dance? / How can we capture Greek music? / How can we use food to create music? / Which European cities can we associate with different types of music? / How can we use the stone age tools to create music?
EDUCATION / How do our P.E. lessons differ from the Victorian P.E. lessons? / How can we capture a stormy weather pattern using music, drama and dance? / How can we train for the Olympics? / Why is it important to exercise? / Where have the sports we do today originate from and how do sports vary over the world? / How has exercise changed over time from Early Britain?