US/A Board Meeting
Tuesday, September 4, 2012-09-03
12:00 PM EC 145
In Attendance: Gamin Bartle, Tanya Bennett, James Brown, Suzanne Ceravolo, Deshawn Cook, Mette Gomez, Kerry Klug, Dawn LoMauro, Joyce Maglione, Christina Notas, Christa Racine, Sonja Sekely-Rowland, Shawn Spaventa, Joe String, Deb Strong, Audra Tonero, Deborah Raikes-Colbert.
- Welcome
- Committee Reports
- Treasurer: Sonja Sekely-Rowland
Met with former Treasurer BJ Saysay and got caught up to speed. Still has no banner access. 2011-2012 budget is completely reconciled. No budget changes for 2012-2013 year.
- E & A: Joe String.
- Facilities
- Human Resources: Suzanne Ceravolo, Deb Strong and Deborah Raikes-Colbert
- JAA: Kerry Klug
Chief Financial Officer search interviews on Thursday and Friday. 9 candidates. Consultant did a wonderful job with the JAA-EEOC aspects of the search.
- By-Laws: Deshawn Cook
Position descriptions need to be reevaluated. Shawn, Christa and Deshawn want to clearly define and update roles. They will be sending out the descriptions and request suggestions/feedback for improvements.
- Nominating: Audra Tonero
Michelle Spiegel dropped out as Secretary. Kerry Klug will be taking over position.
Great turn-out for voting last year—will be reevaluating voting process for upcoming election.
- Programs/Staff Development: Dawn LoMauro
First general meeting: September 19th in Crawford Hall. Meet and greet with President Vivian Bull and New Employee welcome.
Programs/Staff Development is seeking fun new programs such as: pancake breakfast, trips to NYC etc.
Also, they are seeking a headlining topic of discussion for the next meeting.
- Service: Tina Notas and Mette Gomez.
- University Senate: Tanya Bennett
As organizational review is implemented—Tanya and Greg Ellmer will be working with the co-chairs to figure out how everything will be communicated.
- Members At Large: Gamin Bartle and Jim Brown.
- Compensation: Joyce Maglione
Consultant is looking at job descriptions and job questionnaire for benchmarking Faculty/Staff salaries. Looking to create salary structure in which to place new hires. Benchmarking will be determined by comparing us with schools that are similar to Drew financially, geographically, private, size of staff and size of endowment. Drew has contract with consultant that states we will pay them for entire year so this process will not stop.
- Web
- Dining Services
- Human Resources Director: Deborah Raikes-Colbert
Open enrollment into new health insurance will be in the last week of October, first week of November.
- Honorary Degree
- Old Business
- Co-Chair Report: Christa Racine and Shawn Spaventa
Co-Chairs would like the US/A Board to reach out and attend department staff meetings to inform staff members what our role is. Christa and Shawn will arm us with the knowledge we will need to communicate.
As a result of last year’s survey, staff employees expressed an interest in becoming familiar with the campus more—there is an opportunity to have a US/A board member potentially give a tour of campus/town to new employees.
- New Business
- Next Meeting Date October 2, 2012
November meeting changed from Monday, November 5th to Tuesday, November 6th.