Fall 2006

Mr. Weigel

Room 211.


American citizens today are born with a number of different rights and privileges that most people just take for granted. We are given the freedom to say what we want, to do what we will and to go where we wish (of course with certain exceptions) without government interference. But where did these rights come from? The United States of America is the OLDEST living democracy in the world. Our form of government and economyhave been role models for societies around the world for numerous generations. So how did a nation of farmers that originated as 13 colonies of the Great British Empire transform into the sole world superpower of the 21st Century?

As a class, we will examine a number of different events and eras that helped transform the United States into what it is today. Events such as the American Revolution, the Louisiana Purchase, the Civil War and World War One helped create our great nation. And other events of the 20th and 21st Centuries such as World War Two, the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement and September 11th have changed our attitudes and ideology to adapt to the time period.

It has been said that whoever controls the present controls the past, and whoever control the past controls the future. And as a class, we will attempt to predict the future by examining the road that we took to get here.

History is nothing more than a collection of stories filled with heroes, villains, great accomplishments and costly mistakes. And the story of the birth and existence of the United States of America is in no way an exception. The Founding Fathers, or our nations first “heroes” begin the story in the 1700’s fighting a villain by the name of George III and his army of British “Red coats” in what historians call “the greatest upset in the history of the world”. Today this event is more commonly known as the American Revolution or the War for Independence…and this is where our story will begin.


  1. Be RESPECTFUL. This is my number one rule. Be respectful to your teacher, your classmates and yourself. I will NOT tolerate any disrespectful behavior, especially talking when someone else is speaking.
  2. Raise your hand if you have a question or wish to talk.
  3. Stay in your seat unless you have permission.
  4. Keep the room looking nice. Your desk and surrounding area are your responsibility. Pick up all trash and keep the books under the desk when you leave.
  5. Follow the school Code of Conduct. No food or drinks in the classroom, keep cell phones turned off and out of sight, etc.
  1. Be PREPARED. This can and will be a very laid back class where I encourage class discussions and participation. But I expect everyone to:
  2. Be in your seat when the bell rings. Anyone not in your seat will be marked Tardy for the class period.
  3. Have your notebook, assignments, pen/pencil ready when the bell rings.
  4. You must have your student I.D and Agenda with you every day. No student will be allowed to leave class without YOUR agenda book and I.D.
  5. Bathroom visits are a privilege, not a right. Do not abuse the privilege or you will lose it.
  6. Students must have a notebook for this class. 1 or 3 Subject notebooks with a place to keep handouts will be acceptable.
  7. ALL students will be required to take notes. This will be a lecture/discussion based class, so the ability to take notes will be critical.
  1. ATTENDANCE is very important. Since this is a 19-week course with block scheduling and 4-day weeks, being in class every day is essential.
  2. With an EXCUSED absence, you will have 2 class periods to make up any quizzes, tests, or assignments. Assignments due on the day you missed MUST be handed in immediately upon your return.
  3. It is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed and to get any handouts, notes, assignments, etc.
  4. UNEXCUSED absences will result in a “0” on all missed assignments, class participation and tests/quizzes.
  5. ALL MAKEUP QUIZZES AND TESTS CAN AND WILL BE ESSAY FORMAT and will not include extra credit.
  1. CHEATING/PLAGIARISM will not be tolerated. All of the work you do in this course is expected to be your own. Absolutely no cheating or plagiarism (using someone else’s words or ideas as your own without proper citation) will be tolerated.
  2. All cases of cheating/plagiarism will be turned into administration for disciplinary action….so don’t do it.













  1. TESTS
  2. Tests will be Chapter and Unit Tests. Since this is an honors class, most tests will be essay, identification, and short answer. There will normally be 2 exams per marking period.
  3. ALL makeup exams will be essay format.
  2. Will be Announced and Unannounced. Chapter and section quizzes will be given after each section, and “Pop Quizzes” will be given on assigned reading.
  3. ALL makeup quizzes (except pop quizzes) will be essay format.
  2. Homework is due at the BEGINNING of the class period. You may turn in assignments ONE DAY LATE for HALF CREDIT. No assignments will be accepted later than one day.
  2. You will be expected to turn in a “Current Event Journal” each week.
  3. You must read/watch/listen to AT LEAST 6 Current Event stories from the United States each week. You can read the newspaper, watch a news program, visit a news site on the internet, etc.
  4. For each story, complete the worksheet by including the title of the story, a brief summary and YOUR OWN personal thoughts/reflections.
  5. Every Thursday you will turn in your current events at the beginning of class and we will discuss any stories you find interesting or informative.
  2. This is a large percentage of your grade (20%) so it is very important that you participate on a daily basis. You will be given a grade out of 10 each week depending on your participation, attendance and behavior.
  3. Participation can be anything like volunteering to read aloud, answering questions, making a relevant comment, asking questions, discussing Current Events, Smiling, etc. If you need ideas on how to participate, come talk to me and we’ll think of some.
  4. ANY DISRUPTIVE OR DISRESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Not only does it hurt your learning but also the learning of others around you. Under normal circumstances, I will give you ONE warning. The 2nd offense will result in some disciplinary action (after school detention, 50% for participation, etc). And the 3rd offense will be sent the Administration and will result in a 0% for participation. Basically I will treat you with respect and I expect the same in return.
  2. We will be doing a number of different projects and activities designed to encourage students to work cooperatively in groups and present different information to the class.
  3. Projects will normally consist of research, a presentation, and audio/visual aids (Power Point, Movie Maker, Poster Boards, etc.)


Introduction/Colonial America/French Indian War

1 Week. Aug 8-11

American Revolution.

4 Weeks. Aug 15-Sep 8. *TEST*

Antebellum America and Creating a Nation.

1 Week. Sep 12-15

The Civil War. “The War for Southern Independence.”

4 Weeks. Sep 19-Oct 13 *TEST*

Reconstruction, Teddy Roosevelt and the Progressive Era

1 Week. Oct 17-21

World War One. “The Great War”

2 Weeks. Oct 24-Nov 3. *TEST*

The Great Depression, FDR and New Deal

1 Week. Nov 7-10.

World War Two and the Holocaust.

3 Weeks. *TEST* Nov 14-Dec 1.

Cold War Era, Civil Rights Mov’t andModern US History/Current Events.

1-2 Weeks. Dec 5-16.

I have read the syllabus and understand the requirements for the course. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Student ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian______Date ______