
Date ______

Trudeau: A New Style Politician (pg. 217)

1)Describe Trudeau in a few words using details from the text and figure 7-14

2)What phrase describes the kind of country Trudeau wanted to build?

3)What did he believe the government had a duty to protect? Name his specific accomplishment in this field in 1982.

Quebec Nationalism (pg. 217)

4)Who came into power in 1960 upon Duplessis’ death? What was his “first step”? What changes were made to the education system?

5)What was characteristic of the “Quiet Revolution”? Explain: maître chez nous.

The Birth of Separatism (pg. 218)

6)9. What did Francophone Quebeckers become angrier at as they became proud of their achievements?

7)What questions did they ask? What did they see as the solution to their problem? What did some young, radical extremists form?

8)10. Describe the nature of the actions of the F.L.Q. Did most Quebec nationalists approve of those actions?

9)11. What happened in 1967 involving Rene Levesque? What was his political vision for Quebec? What did he later form and what did they advocate?

A Bilingual Nation (pg. 219)

10)Who became the Prime Minister? How did he feel about the Quebec situation? What did he appoint to investigate solutions to the Quebec issue?

11)What did Lester Pearson suggest in 1964?

12)What was Trudeau determined to do when he became Prime Minister in 1968? What did he do with the recommendations of the “Bi and Bi Commission”? How did Canadians react to Trudeau’s new legislation & efforts?

The October Crisis (pg. 220)

13)What happened October 5, 1970? What happened October 10, 1970? Why did it happen? What did

Trudeau invoke in response to the events of early October? Itemize what this Act permitted.

The PQ in Power:

14)Why was the election of the Parti Quebecois in 1976 such a stunning victory? What did Levesque assure the people of Quebec? To what was, the Parti Quebecois dedicated? What was a “top priority”?

15)Explain the implications of Bill 101. From the last paragraph of this section, describe the reaction to Bill 101.

Constitution and Discord (pg. 257-259)

The 1980 Referendum (pg. 488)

16)See page 467 of the glossary. Define referendum.

17)Explain, in context, sovereignty association.

18)What did Trudeau promise during the campaign? Give the results of the referendum.

Patriating the Constitution

19)Describe the scope of the B.N.A. Act. How did the power of the British government impact Canada?

20)Explain, in context, patriation. What was needed before Trudeau could make any changes to the


21)Explain what is meant by the term amending formula. What fear was expressed by English-speaking Premiers? What was the “Kitchen Compromise”?

22)Explain the “escape clause”. See page 466 of the glossary. Explain the predicament involving

Levesque and give Trudeau’s reaction to the concern.

23)Explain the significance of April 17, 1982. What happened in Quebec when the new constitution was


Trudeau steps down (pg. 259)

24)Who replaced Trudeau as Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Party?

Mulroney and Constitution (pg. 262)

25)What did the leader of the Conservatives Brian Mulroney promise in an effort to build support from

separatists in Quebec in the election campaign of 1984? What seemed “opportune” for newly elected

Prime Minister Mulroney regarding his promise to Quebec?

26)Identify two provinces that had developed “demands” of their own. What did they demand?

27)a) What event, again, sparked what many out West call “western alienation?

b)Next, go online and find out what party formed in 1987 because of this “western alienation” also identify what party Stephen Harper was a part of from 1990-1993. What purpose did these parties serve?

The Meech Lake Accord (pg. 262-263)

28)What did the Meech Lake Accordagree to recognize? What did it propose for other provinces?

29)Identify a critic of the Meech Lake Accord. What was his argument? Identify other criticisms of the Accord.

30)Which provinces withheld their support in June of 1990? How was the failure of the Accord viewed by Quebeckers? What movement gained support as a result? What did Lucien Bouchard do?

The Charlottetown Accord (pg. 263)

31)What, briefly, was the Charlottetown Accord? How was it influenced by the “Citizen’s Forum?”

What did the Charlottetown Accord propose?

32)Give the results of the October 1992 referendum. Why was it easy to find fault with it?

33)What province showed the greatest opposition to the Accord? Why? What did Quebeckers believe regarding the Accord?

34)What was Elijah Harper’s view of the accord (Fig 8-21)? Do you think his view would likely be many Aboriginal People’s response to accord?

Referendum of 1995 and After (pg. 264)

16. Who won the 1994 provincial election in Quebec? Who was the leader? What did he call?

17. Give the results of the October 30, 1995 referendum in Quebec. What two thoughts did politicians have after the referendum regarding Quebec’s status?

18. Define Clarity Act:

19. Identify two indicators of declining support for separation at the end of the century.