Psalm 127:3: “Behold, children are an inheritance from Yahuweh—the fruit of the womb is His reward.”

Psalm 128:1-4, 6: “Blessed are all who fear Yahuweh—who walk in His ways…Be blessed, and let it be well with you. Let your wife be as a fruit-bearing vine within your house, your sons like olive plants all around your table. Behold, so shall the man be blessed who fears Yahuweh…and let you see your children’s children!”

Genesis 1:26-28: “And Elohim said, `Let Us make man in Our image--according to Our likeness--and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock, and over all the earth and over all the creeping creatures that creep on the earth’. And Elohim created the man in His image…male and female He created them. And Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said to them, `Bear fruit and increase, and fill the earth and subdue it…’ ”

Psalm 8:2: “Out of the mouths of babes and infants, You have founded strength because of Your adversaries--to put an end to enemy and avenger”.

Every child that is born from male and female human parents is in the likeness and image of the Creator, thus, from birth, they become enemies of Lucifer! Each baby testifies to the beautiful nature and intelligence of his Maker.

In this article, I am not going to give space to writing about diabolically evil parents who abuse their children, sadistically torture them, use them for sex slaves, or the ones who give birth to children for use in sacrifice to Satan because they themselves are sex slaves of Satanists, or they are in league with Satan themselves. My purpose is not to take you through the horrors of what is being done to babies and children by diabolically evil people, but to point out to you how good-hearted people--people like you--innocently sacrifice their children to Satan by following the dictates of the culture we were raised in.

In contrast I will tell you a little of how a few deceived Muslim parents, raised in their ancient cultural thinking, think it an honor to sacrifice the children in order to blow up Jews in Israel, for Allah’s glory. Islam is more of a cultural legal system of government than a religion. It is a system of control by the muftis under Islamic law, much of which is not attached to the Koran. Their cultural history goes back into ancient times when their religion dictated that they offer their children in sacrifice to their gods—like Ba’al, Molech and Chemosh. In the wilderness journey the tribes of Israel were tempted by the beautiful women of pagan tribes they encountered, and by their religions.

In Leviticus 10:21 Yahuweh says: “You shall not let any of your seed pass through the fire to Molech…” Jeremiah 32:35: “They built the high places of Ba’al…to cause their sons and daughters to pass through the fire to Molech,

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which I commanded them not, neither came it into My mind that they should do this abomination”.

Before they entered the land, and afterwards, the children of Jacob (Jacob was named “Israel” by Yahuweh) had a strange attraction to offering their children into the iron hands of these fire-containing gods. When the House of Israel, the ten tribes, split from the three tribes of Judea after Solomon’s death, and moved up to live in the north of the land, they continued their practices of child-sacrifice. But, the tribe of Judah, from which we get “Jews” also sacrificed children to Moloch in the Valley of Hinnon in Jerusalem, as the book of Jeremiah tells us.

When the ten northern tribes scattered into other nations for trade purposes with the Phoenicians, they took these wicked practices with them. When Yahuweh finally had to scatter the rest of them by 722BCE into all nations AMONG the gentiles, they brought their abominations there too. Idolatry, and madness against their own children never really left their sin nature, though Christianity civilized them. Thus the western culture continues in idolatry and rejection of the Torah of Yahuweh (the teachings and instruction of the Kingdom of heaven for our life on earth to be good). The Torah puts the job of teaching the children how to be good citizens in the Kingdom of heaven into the hands of the fathers.

Because of lust for money and things, lust for position and prestige, advancement, control and power—which is all part of Idolatry—children are left with babysitters, put in public schools and day-cares afterwards, or pre-schools and nurseries, boarding schools or academies, so that idolatrous parents, driven by lust to accumulate wealth and rise the “corporate ladder” can live the lifestyle they want unhindered by their children’s needs.

There is nothing or no one that can replace your parental love for your children. Those who love their children put them before advancement in the idolatrous materialistic world. If you have to go from a $500,000.00 dollar house to a two bedroom apartment so that mom can stay with the children and home school them, and dad can spend more time with them teaching them the Word of Yahuweh, then do it. Isaiah 2:2-22 tells us that Yahuweh will rise in wrath to bring down the pride of man and all of his idolatry.

But, realistically, it is better to remain without children than to be so selfish as to bring them into the world only to abandon them for others to raise.

Deuteronomy 6:4-7: “Hear O Israel, Yahuweh our Elohim, Yahuweh is `echad’. And you shall love Yahuweh your Elohim with all your heart, with al your soul and with all your might. And the words that I am commanding you today shall be in your heart andyou shall impress them upon your children and shall speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up…”

The word “echad” is a family word—a unity word”—one in purpose and desire. Genesis 2:22-24: “And the rib, which Yahuweh Elohim had taken from the man

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He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And the man said, `This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh…’ For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one (echad) flesh”. (Italics mine)

Genesis 1:26—“Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…” Messiah was “begotten”—He proceeded out of the center of Yahuweh and took form in order to one day come and die for us. Father and Son are “echad”—one in unity and purpose. Messiah said: “I and the Father are one”. Thus Elohim started with a family of two with Adam and Eve, as Yahuweh is a family of two—Yahuweh the Father, and Yahushua Yahuweh the Son. Yah is the family name—I AM.

The principle of recreation by a “seed” is basic to His very nature. This is why the Luciferic world community loves to remove seeds from fruits and vegetables with genetic altering. This is why they are trying to create another race in their own image, and trying to destroy Yahuweh’s creation. Lucifier, his “fallen angels” (demons), and his human agents are dedicated to creating a world without Yahuweh or His Torah, or His image to remind them of Him.

Malachi 4:4-6 in the context of the second coming of Messiah as King: “Remember the Torah of Moshe, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Yisrael—laws and right rulings. See, I am sending you Eliyahu the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of Yahuweh. And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction.” The teaching of the children by the fathers of His instructions, must include teaching them to fear Yahuweh, obey Yahuweh, and love Yahuweh, with all their heart, mind and strength.

The one thing that will keep Yahushua, as He returns with the wrath of Yahuweh, from totally destroying the earth is that a remnant of Torah-observant people will be left on earth who will be teaching their children the Torah—the teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven found in the first five books of the Bible--turning their hearts to one another in the love of Yahuweh. It is the Torah-guarding set-apart, pure of heart, remnant that is the

salt of the earth.

In America the divorce rate is reaching 60%! This is usually because both partners live by “Greek love”—which is a feeling that seeks gratification for its self-life, for its security and its “self-esteem”. Yet the Word says to husband and wife: “…subjecting yourselves to each other in the fear of Yahwueh”. There is almost no fear of Yahuweh to be found in the western world. A vague concept of “God” can be taken or left, depending on how one feels. Hebrew understanding of love means to submit and lay down your life for the one loved. It involves commitment to a binding covenant, and responsible, mature, observance of that covenant of marriage. These principles are almost gone from American culture, and understanding of a covenant

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relationship is almost non-existent. If man and wife cannot keep covenant in a marriage, they won’t keep covenant with Elohim either.

The Bride of Messiah obeys His commands without question or compromise, and follows her “Lamb” wherever He goes.

In comparison, the divorce rate of the Orthodox Jews is so rare it is less than 1%. Father admonishes us to embrace His culture, where relationships are based on covenants!

From 167 BCE under the Greek rule of Antiochus Ephiphanes, who worked viciously at Hellenizing the Jews and who succeeded to some extent, to Rome’s Emperor Hadrian in 133 CE, the hate for the Torah was made into law. Under the rule of both, no one was allowed to circumcise their boys, guard Shabbat or the Festivals, teach the Torah, or refuse to eat pork. In other words, obedience to Yahuweh was forbidden! Thus these two cultures created a religion that also teaches that the Torah is obsolete and not to be obeyed—Christianity.

Thus the culture of Greece and Rome, with its religion, passed down to us today with its disdain and mocking of the Torah of Yahuweh, and thus the western-culture fathers, except for a small remnant of Jews and Torah-guarding Messianic believers, no longer teach their children the Torah, and have brought ruin upon their children.

Since the 1960s when prayer was taken out of school in America, Bible reading in class forbidden, witnessing about Jesus forbidden, speaking against sin forbidden, the rise in teen pregnancy, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, violence, and rebellion in general has been astronomical. The Bible and prayer were buffers for our children. Public school and all public media has programmed children into the idolatrous and rebellious culture of Greece and Rome, and today they are rebelling against all authority—their parents, teachers, the elderly, the police, and the governmental laws of the culture itself. Because the Torah has been removed from the exiled House of Israel, we have a large amount of children and youth that are rebellious, lawless, violent, and totally out of control. They mock at sin, mock goodness and purity, mock righteousness, mock parents and grandparents, and of course, mock “God” and the Bible. Besides the opening of a door to sexual license, the schools are now handing out condemns to children as young as fifth graders, and if the girls do get pregnant, they can go to an abortion clinic without their parents permission. Our culture has opened doors for all types of sex-related diseases--venereal disease and AIDS--and the destruction of young adults—body, soul and spirit.

Mark 13:12: “And brother shall deliver up brother to death and a father his child. And children shall rise up against parents and shall put them to death”.

What we have sowed, we will reap. We have not brought our children into the discipline of the Torah, nor taught them to fear Yahuweh—the Elohim of Israel--because we haven’t feared Him. And we haven’t feared Him because we

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don’t know Him. Our religion was just that—a religion. Without guarding His covenant it is impossible to know Him, or to know His Messiah personally.

We have taught our children the culture we were raised in, taken them to church, perhaps—giving them a lawless (Torah-less) religion that has told them the “God of the Old Testament” and His rules are not for today. Thus lawlessness has bred lawlessness and both will reap the results.

John 6:45: Messiah said: “It has been written in the prophets, `They shall all be taught by Yahuweh. Everyone, then, who has heard from the Father and

learned, comes to Me”.

John 5:46-47: Messiah speaking: “If you believed Moses, you would have believed Me, since He wrote about Me. If you do not believe his writings, how shall you believe My words?”

It is amazing that because Christians are taught to reject the Torah of Yahuweh, they do not obey the Messiah’s words either. Very, very few Christians obey even the basics of what “Jesus” taught. This is why they feel no need to teach their children the Word, for they don’t study it themselves.

Radical Muslims allow their children to blow themselves up for their god. This practice is a throw-back to the worship of ancient “familiar spirits” of demons, brought into today’s world. The House of Israel, the ten northern tribes that make up most of the people of the western world, also has brought forward the “familiar spirits” of demons in today’s sophisticated “modern” society, which are causing people to sacrifice their children to demons in a more subtle, “respectable” gentle manner.

The average Muslim does not want to sacrifice their child as a suicide bomber. Most don’t even read the Koran. Most Arabs or Iranian Farsi are family-loving people who just want to live like anyone else, raise their children and be happy. Except for Satanists and Lucifer worshippers, the people of the western world are horrified at child-sacrifice.

Yet, the United Nations funds children’s suicide bomber camps in places like Gaza and the refugee camps of the “West Bank”—Samaria. Because of the mind programming they get in these children’s camps, they willingly are ready to sacrifice themselves as martyrs for Allah. The word “love” does not appear in the Koran. The Scriptures are the only Book that teach us how to love Elohim and how to love our fellow man, and how to raise our children in love.

Muslim children in Israel are taught at a very young age how to throw stones at IDF soldiers. When older, they replace stones with hand grenades. When the

IDF ruled Gaza, oftentimes in raiding villages they would find weapons of all types in the walls and under children’s beds. It is the same for their raids in Samaria (West Bank). Fadi, a young resident of Jenin, in the West Bank, told the Hezbollah reporter that, “the explosives are designed to blow their (the soldiers) heads off, the next time they dare to enter our came will be over our dead bodies”. This kind of thinking gives prestige and identify to young Arab boys, who are too often not loved by their fathers. From the age of two they have to learn to fight for themselves or be beaten up by older children.

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Once weaned from the breast, they learn to survive by experience. The Palestinian Authority (the one that America pours billions of dollars into and supplies with weapons) puts cartoons on TV designed to make children hate Jews. In their schools, they are never taught about the U.N. partition of Palestine giving the Jews their own land, but only taught that the land is theirs and they have to take it back from the oppressors. Arabs who know the truth about what their own leaders are doing to stir up the trouble, have to be quiet and play the game, or else they are murdered by their own people. Christian Arabs suffer silently, and oftentimes are martyred.

But, American children are given video games to play that teach them how to

kill others for pleasure and entertainment. Movies on TV show violence and death, and young boys are given toy guns. In Germany, there is a video game that teaches children to kill Jews.

How do we “sophisticated” people sacrifice our children in “respectable” ways? By taking them away from the precious teachings of Yahuweh that will cause them to be wise, healthy, mature and strong, and throwing them into the arms of Lucifer’s people and his world system--people destined for the lake of fire. Lucifer’s world is teaching children and youth to be dummies--controllable, lustful, whiney babies--who demanding what they want, or else.