Annual General Meeting
5.30pm, Friday 16th October 2015 at
KPMG Building, 235 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA.
1. Welcome and apologies
Ted Donelan, Peter Stephenson, Ann-Margret Withers, Sabina Shugg, Peter Stephenson, Rosalie Schultz, Kim McCreanor, Ian Roberston, Vanessa Shugg, Margaret Shugg, Peter Shugg, Julia Smith, Wendy Duncan, Phil Tucak, Rachel Brie, Micehlle Macleynit, Christine Roll, Alisa Alden, Lynne Bradshaw, Karen Rhodes, Alex Cearns, Deb Brown, Andrew Smith, Ben Laidlaw, Cat Neve, Catherine McDonald, Claire Comrie, Jackie Bice, Jonathan Taylor, Kirrillie Caldwell, Laetitia Moison, Lisa Vella, Reuben Welke, Ruth Simpson.
Bobbie Bates, Gary Smith, Peter Collier, Jackie Tang, Judy Flanagan, Julia Hardaker, Melissa Price, Rob Mullhane, Robyn Sermon.
2. Minutes of the 2014 AGM were tabled
The minutes of the 2014 AGM were accepted as a true and accurate record.
Moved: Sabina Shugg Seconded: Stephen Cutter
3. Executive reports
1. President: Ted spoke to his report regarding the changes and challenges for the organization over the past 12 months and welcomed Kim as the new CEO for AMRRIC.
2. Chief Executive Officer: Kim spoke to her report mentioning the positive work of the organization and formally recognizing the work of the previous CEO.
4. Financial reports
Treasurer Ann-Margret Withers spoke to the financial statements.
Merit Chartered Accountants of Darwin were appointed as auditors.
All reports were accepted as read.
Moved: Ann-Margret Withers Seconded: Sabina Shugg
5. Other business
(i) Proposed Constitutional Changes
As outlined in the documents circulated to members, Ted recommended a special resolution to the meeting that the following changes be made to the constitution to enable a selection process for board members and the inclusion of the Governance & Nominations Subcommittee in the board selection/recruitment process.
1. Proposed changes to Clause 27 – Nominations for election to the Board and Office Bearers.
It is proposed that the text in green be added and the text in blue is removed such that subclause (1) reads:-
(1) A member is not eligible for election to the Board unless they have been nominated by the Board Governance and Nominations subcommittee, and the Secretary receives a written nomination for that member by another member by the aforementioned subcommittee not less than seven days before the date of the next annual general meeting.
2. Proposed changes to Clause 29 – Election by Default
It is proposed that the text in red is removed:-
(1) If the number of persons nominated for election to the Board under clause 27 does not exceed the number of vacancies to be filled, the President must declare the persons to be duly elected as members of the Board at the annual general meeting.
(2) If vacancies remain on the Board after the declaration under subclause (1), additional nominations of Board members may be accepted from the floor of the annual general meeting.
(3) If the nominations from the floor do not exceed the number of remaining vacancies, the President must declare those persons to be duly elected as members of the Board.
(4) If the nominations from the floor are less than the number of remaining vacancies, the unfilled vacancies are taken to be casual vacancies and must be filled by the new Board in accordance with clause 34.
Moved: Anne-Margret Withers Seconded: Phil Pogson
The special resolution detailing these changes was passed.
6. Election of new Board members
Three Board positions retire by rotation each year. Nominations were received from incumbent members Ann-Margret Withers, Peter Stephenson and Ted Donelan for these three-year terms.
Nominations were also received from Simon Costello and Kate Blaszak for the one year and two year terms created by the retirement of Merle O’Donnell and Geoff Irwin respectively.
Since the number of nominations matched the number of vacancies, these people were all declared duly elected.
Meeting was closed 6.18pm.