PTO Meeting

October 20, 2003

Meeting of the Woodland PTO was called to order at 7:00 pm. Introductions of board members and attending parents were made.

Meeting Details

Secretary’s Report: Secretary, Marge Ogle, read the September PTO minutes. The minutes were amended to reflect the correct first name of Claudia Klohr. A motion to accept the report was made by Kris Lupton, seconded by Lisa Leehy.

Treasurers Report: The treasurer, Donna Nahlik reported that T-shirts were listed as an income; the bill has yet to be received. This is a “Break-even” line item. The major fundraiser (coupon books) has brought in a total of $21,615.24. There is still the matter of $134 in bounced checks and fines outstanding along with a handful of extra coupon books are still available for purchase. Winners of the fundraising contest will be placed in the monthly Newsletter as well as announced in the morning assembly. Also regarding income, we received $266.07 in funds from Target in conjunction with their fundraising partnership.

Expenses are being incurred in the area of classroom material requests, Alpha smart carts, playground equipment, and agendas. We have also received $69.89 in bank/check charges. Donna will call the bank regarding the charges in an effort to get this reversed.

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Stacey Marshall, seconded by Lisa Leehy.

Principals Report: The top fundraising winners were treated to a Trolley ride with the Principal. Everyone had a great time. Regarding the upcoming Halloween events, the back gate will be open so that parents can park in the back. Parties will begin at 2:30 pm. Parade officials have need for the Woodland parking lot beginning at 4:00 pm. The District superintendent is forming a Growth committee and has asked that all PTO officers attend. The meeting will be October 30th at 9:30 am at the Hadley house. Parent/Teacher conferences will be scheduled.

Old Business

Regarding the question of adding Plexiglas walls to the Bus shelter, the original design did not have this incorporated into the plans. If we wish to add the walls, additional funds will be needed.

Regarding the need for Room Parents and media volunteers, all positions have been filled. Library carts are still an outstanding issue due to the fact of inadequate information.

We are still waiting to receive school pictures. Some of the classes did not meet the photographer’s expectations. Pictures will be distributed as soon as we get them.

Committee Reports:

  • The Book Fair will be in the Music room (room 222) and Parents night is set for November 5 until 8:00pm.
  • Accelerated Reader store opens October 21. An expected shipment has yet to arrive and there are only 8 volunteers to man the store. Lisa Leehy and Gail Phelps will be happy to receive calls from more volunteers. The A/R pizza party has been scheduled for October 30.
  • Box Top for Education is going well. Top classroom winners receive a special Box Top pencil.
  • Bulletin Boards will be decorated by Stacey Marshall for the month of November.
  • Buzz Books are in and distributed. The cost was $540.60.
  • Foreign Language program has 114 students enrolled; 90 of these students were expected/paid. October 31 is the payment deadline for the remaining students. The price for this program is now $85 and provides for a more organized/professional staff.
  • Fundraising, an additional $110 can be added to the total previously reported in the Treasurer’s report. 20 books are still available for purchase with 6 books unaccounted for. Unaccounted for books are gradually being returned. The prizes requested by the students have yet to arrive. The monthly Newsletter will mention the extra books available for purchase. It was also mentioned that students can still e-mail family and friends across the country and use the coupon book website to credit the student for their purchase.
New Business

New Agendas: The Agendas have proven to be a great communication tool for Teachers and students. Since funds are available, a motion was made to place Agendas in the line item budget. Lisa Leehy made the motion and asked that $2500 be allocated; the motion was seconded by Holly Teague.

Digital camera:(informational discussion) A lot of pictures were taken via Digital camera for our yearbook. The owner of this camera will not be at Woodland next year. There is also a need to have a Digital camera available to the teachers on an adhoc basis. Approval and purchase of this item must be done by the District office. Yearbook officer Gena Seibert has some idea of what is needed but we want to be certain before presenting a request to the District. The PTO is asking if anyone has an expertise on this topic to please contact Gena. We understand that a camera rated 2.5 or above is needed. Attending parent Bill Odom volunteered his expertise and will contact Gena.

School Shirts: The committee has reported that sweatshirts have not yet arrived and the t-shirts that did arrive are the wrong color. Navy blue was requested and the shirts are royal blue. The company made the mistake; but not enough refund/discount has been offered. The order was resubmitted.

A motion to adjourn was made by Chris Shawshank; seconded by Kris Lupton.


Budget changes:

Coupon Book fundraiser brought in over $21,700.

Income from the Target shoppers program brought in $266.07.

District Growth committee is being formed.

More volunteers are needed in the A/R store.

Line item named Agendas was added at a budget of $2500.

Digital camera information is needed

Pending items:

Library carts

Digital camera request

Next Meeting – November 17 at 7:00 pm.