CONTENTS March 2017


Agriculture and Forestry

Agricultural Chemistry and Seed Commission¾Rice Seed Certification (LAC 7:XIII.749) 499

Office Agricultural and Environmental Sciences¾Horticulture and Quarantine Programs¾Citrus Greening

and Citrus Canker Disease Quarantine (LAC 7:XV.127) 498

Rice Seed Certification (LAC 7:XIII.749) 499

Sweet Potato Yield Adjustments (LAC 7:XV.143) 500


Department of Veterans Affairs, Military Family Assistance Board¾Military Family Assistance Program

(LAC 4:VII.Chapter 9) 501


Bureau of Health Services Financing¾Abortion Facilities¾Licensing Standards (LAC 48:I.4431) 502

Home and Community-Based Services Waivers¾Community Choices Waiver¾Electronic Visit Verification

(LAC 50:XXI.9305) 505

Inpatient Hospital Services¾Graduate Medical Education¾Supplemental Payments Pool Elimination

(LAC 50:V.1331) 505

Inpatient Hospital Services¾Graduate Medical Education¾Supplemental Payments Pool Elimination

(LAC 50:V.1331) 506

Inpatient Hospital Services¾High Medicaid Hospitals¾Supplemental Payments Pool Reduction

(LAC 50:V.953) 507

Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities¾Supplemental Payments

(LAC 50:VII.32917) 507

Personal Care Services¾Long-Term¾Standards for Participation¾Electronic Visit Verification

(LAC 50:XV.12909) 508

Office of Aging and Adult Services¾Home and Community-Based Services Waivers¾Community Choices

Waiver¾Electronic Visit Verification (LAC 50:XXI.9305) 505

Personal Care Services¾Long-Term¾Standards for Participation¾Electronic Visit Verification

(LAC 50:XV.12909) 508

Wildlife and Fisheries

Wildlife and Fisheries Commission¾Commercial Bait Gulf Menhaden Season¾2017 509


Agriculture and Forestry

Office of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences¾Honey Bees, Apiaries, and Fire Ants

(LAC 7:XV.Chapters 5 and 7) 510

Office of the Commissioner¾Placing of Advertising or Sponsorship Signs on Department Assets

(LAC 7:V.3101) 515

Economic Development

Office of Business Development¾General Provisions¾Meetings of the Board (LAC 13:I.107) 519


Board of Elementary and Secondary Education¾Bulletin 1922—Compliance Monitoring Procedures

(LAC 28:XCI.101, 105, 107, 109, 301, 303, 305, 307, 311, and 313) 516

Board of Regents, Office of Student Financial Assistance¾Scholarship/Grant Programs

(LAC 28:IV.703 and 1903) 518

Environmental Quality

Office of the Secretary, Legal Division¾Recordkeeping for Sources Exempt from Air Permitting

(LAC 33:III.501)(AQ367) 520

Work Practice Standards During Start-up and Shutdown (LAC 33:III.2201)(AQ364) 521

This public document was published at a total cost of $1,275. Two hundred fifty copies of this public document were published in this monthly printing at a cost of $1,275. The total cost of all printings of this document including reprints is $1,275. This document was published by Moran Printing, Inc. 5425 Florida Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, as a service to the state agencies in keeping them cognizant of the new rules and regulations under the authority of R.S. 49:950-971 and R.S. 49:981-999. This material was printed in accordance with standards for printing by
state agencies established pursuant to R.S. 43:31. Printing of this material was purchased in accordance with the provisions of Title 43 of the
Louisiana Revised Statutes.

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presentation of the Louisiana Register is available at the Office of the State Register, or an audio cd of requested sections of the Louisiana Register can be provided for the production cost incurred. For more information contact the Office of the State Register.


Bureau of Health Services Financing¾Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments¾Louisiana Low-Income

Academic Hospitals (LAC 50:V.2501 and Chapter 31) 522

Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities¾Licensing Standards

(LAC 48:I.8595 and 8599) 524

Nursing Facilities¾Reimbursement Methodology (LAC 50:II.Chapter 200) 525


Office of the Commissioner¾Homeowner and Fire/Commercial Insurance Policy Disclosure Forms

(LAC 37:XIII.Chapter 153) 530

Regulation 76—Privacy of Consumer (LAC 37:XIII.Chapter 99) 534

Natural Resources

Office of Conservation¾Financial Security for the Plug and Abandonment of Oil and Gas Wells and

Determinations of Future Utility (LAC 43:XIX.104) 535

Offsite E and P Waste Transfer Pipeline Systems (LAC 43:XIX.501 and 571) 536

Public Safety and Corrections

Office of State Police, Transportation and Environmental Safety Section¾Motor Carrier Safety and

Hazardous Materials (LAC 33:V.10303) 537

Motor Vehicle Inspections (LAC 55:III.807 and 819) 537

Transportation and Development

Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board—Military-Trained Individuals/Military Spouses and
Use of Seals (LAC 46:LXI.903, 909, and 2701) 538

Workforce Commission

Plumbing Board—Plumbers¾Introductory Information; Licenses; Revocation and Related Administration

Proceedings; Continuing Professional Education Programs (LAC 46:LV.101, 301, 303, 307, 308, 309,

310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 901, and 1002) 541


Agriculture and Forestry

Office of Animal Health and Food Safety, Board of Animal Health¾Equine (LAC 7:XXI.Chapters 5 and 9) 553

Environmental Quality

Office of the Secretary, Legal Division¾Secondary Hazardous Materials (LAC 33:V.105, 109, and 322)

(HW118) 558


Board of Pardons¾Clemency Consideration Eligibility and Application Filing (LAC 22:V.205 and 209) 570

Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control¾Capital Improvement Projects

Procedure Manual (LAC 34:III.131) 572

Real Estate Commission¾Disbursement of Escrow Deposits (LAC 46:LXVII.I.2901) 573


Board of Examiners of Psychologists¾Ethical Code of Conduct of Psychologists (LAC 46:LXIII.Chapter 13) 574

Fees (LAC 46:LXIII.601 and 603) 583

Supervision of Psychologists and Licensed Specialists in School Psychology (LAC 46:LXIII.703 and 3301) 585

Board of Medical Examiners¾Athletic Trainers General, Licensure and Practice (LAC 46:XLV.Chapters 1,

31, and 57) 586

Physician Assistants, Licensure and Certification; Practice (LAC 46:XLV.Chapters 15 and 45) 595

Bureau of Health Services Financing¾Nursing Facilities¾Preadmission Screening and Resident Review

(LAC 50:II.Chapter 5) 601

Office of Aging and Adult Services¾Nursing Facilities¾Preadmission Screening and Resident Review

(LAC 50:II.Chapter 5) 601

Public Safety and Corrections

Corrections Services¾Offender Mail and Publications (LAC 22:I.313) 603


Board of Trustees of the School Employees’ Retirement System¾Limitation on Benefits (LAC 58:VII.401) 604


Children and Family Services

Louisiana’s 2017 Annual Progress and Services Report 606

Social Services Block Grant Intended Use Report 606

Economic Development

Office of Business Development¾Notice of Public Hearing¾Substantive Changes to Proposed Rule:

Industrial Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Program (LAC 13:I.Chapter 5) 607

Environmental Quality

Office of Management and Finance¾Fees—Office of the Secretary, Air, Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste,

Water Quality, Underground Storage Tank, and Radiation Protection—Risk/Cost Benefit Statement 611


Office of Public Health, Bureau of Family Health¾Public Notice of Title V MCH Block Grant 612

Natural Resources

Office of Conservation¾Orphaned Oilfield Sites 612

V. INDEX 615


Louisiana Register Vol. 43, No. 03 March 20, 2017

Emergency Rules


Louisiana Register Vol. 43, No. 03 March 20, 2017


Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Office Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Horticulture and Quarantine Programs¾Citrus Greening and Citrus Canker Disease Quarantine (LAC 7:XV.127)

In accordance with the emergency provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. 49:953(B), and pursuant to the authority of the state entomologist in R.S. 3:1652, notice is hereby given that the Department of Agriculture and Forestry is adopting these emergency regulations establishing a quarantine for citrus greening disease (CG) and citrus canker disease (CC) caused by the bacterial pathogens Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. aurantifolii. The state entomologist has determined that CG and CC has been found in this state and may be prevented, controlled, or eradicated by quarantine.

CG and CC pose an imminent peril to the health and welfare of the Louisiana commercial citrus industry due to their ability to infest rutaceous plants. This industry has a farm value of $2,400,000-$5,000,000 in southeastern Louisiana in the form of citrus nursery stock, and $5,100,000 in the form of commercial citrus fruit in the state. CG renders the fruit unmarketable and ultimately causes death of infested plants. CC causes premature leaf and fruit drop, twig dieback and tree decline in citrus trees and is spread by wind-driven rain or through the movement of infected plants. Failure to prevent, control, or eradicate these diseases threatens to destroy Louisiana’s commercial citrus industry and the growing and harvesting of citrus by citizens of Louisiana for their own private use.

Louisiana’s commercial citrus industry adds $7,500,000-$10,000,000 to the state’s agriculture economy each year. Sales of citrus trees and plants by nursery stock dealers to private individuals also are important to the state’s economy. The loss of the state’s commercial citrus industry and privately owned citrus trees and fruit would be devastating to the state’s economy and to its private citizens. The quarantine established by this emergency regulation is necessary to prevent the spread of CG and CC in Louisiana outside of the current areas where these diseases have already been found.

For these reasons, the outbreak of CG and CC in Louisiana presents an imminent peril to the health, safety and welfare of Louisiana’s citizens and the state’s commercial and private citrus industry. As a result of this imminent peril, the Department of Agriculture and Forestry hereby exercises its full and plenary power pursuant to R.S. 3:1652 to deal with crop and fruit pests and contagious and infectious crop and fruit diseases by imposing the quarantines set out in these emergency regulations.

This Rule shall have the force and effect of law March 3, 2017 and will remain in effect 120 days, unless renewed by the commissioner of agriculture and forestry or until permanent rules are promulgated in accordance with law.

Title 7


Part XV. Plant Protection and Quarantine

Chapter 1. Crop Pests and Diseases

Subchapter B. Nursery Stock Quarantines

§127. Citrus Nursery Stock, Scions and Budwood

A. - C.6. …

D. Citrus Greening

1. The department issues the following quarantine because the state entomologist has determined that citrus greening disease (CG), also known as huanglongbing disease of citrus, caused by the bacterial pathogen Candidatus Liberibacter spp., has been found in this state and may be prevented, controlled, or eradicated by quarantine.

2. Quarantined Areas. The quarantined areas in this state are the parishes of Orleans, Washington, Jefferson, and any other areas found to be infested with CG. The declaration of any other specific parishes or areas shall be published in the official journal of the state and in the Louisiana Register.

3. Regulated Materials. The following materials are hosts of CG and their movement is prohibited from CG-quarantined areas due to the presence of CG:

a. all plants and plant parts, including but not limited to nursery stock, cuttings, budwood, and propagative seed (but excluding fruit), of: Aegle marmelos, Aeglopsis chevalieri, Afraegle gabonensis, Afraegle paniculata, Amyris madrensis, Atalantia spp. (including Atalantia monophylla), Balsamocitrus dawei, Bergera (=Murraya) koenigii, Calodendrum capense, Choisya ternata, Choisya arizonica, X Citroncirus webberi, Citropsis articulata, Citropsis gilletiana, Citrus madurensis (= X Citrofortunella microcarpa), Citrus spp., Clausena anisum-olens, Clausena excavata, Clausena indica, Clausena lansium, Eremocitrus glauca, Eremocitrus hybrid, Esenbeckia berlandieri, Fortunella spp., Limonia acidissima, Merrillia caloxylon, Microcitrus australasica, Microcitrus australis, Microcitrus papuana, X Microcitronella spp., Murraya spp., Naringi crenulata, Pamburus missionis, Poncirus trifoliata, Severinia buxifolia, Swinglea glutinosa, Tetradium ruticarpum, Toddalia asiatica, Triphasia trifolia, Vepris (=Toddalia) lanceolata, and Zanthoxylum fagara;

b. any other products, materials, articles, or means of conveyance, if an inspector determines that it presents a risk of spreading CG, and after the inspector provides written notification to the person in possession of the products, materials, articles, or means of conveyance that it is subject to the restrictions of the regulations.

E. - E.3.d.iii.(b). …

F. Citrus Canker Disease Quarantine

1. The department issues the following quarantine because the state entomologist has determined that citrus canker disease (CC), caused by the bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac A, A* and AW) with synonyms X. citri pv. citri, or X. citri subsp. citri or X. campestris pv. citri or X. smithii subsp. citri; and X. axonopodis pv. aurantifolii (Xac B and C) with a synonym X. fuscans subsp. aurantifolii, has been found in this state and may be prevented, controlled, or eradicated by quarantine.

2. No regulated materials as defined in this Subsection shall be moved out of any area of this state that is listed in this Subsection as a quarantined area for CC, except as provided in this Subsection.

3. Any person violating this quarantine shall be subject to imposition of the remedies and penalties provided for in R.S. 3:1653 for any violation of this quarantine.

4. Quarantined areas in this state include:

a. the entire parishes of Orleans, St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, Lafourche, St. Charles, St. James and St. John;

b. a declaration of quarantine for CC covering any other specific parishes or areas of this state shall be published in the official journal of the state and in the Louisiana Register.

F.5. - 6(i)(iv) …

G. Labeling Requirements for Citrus-Related Quarantines

1. Any citrus nursery stock sold, moved, or distributed within an area quarantined for Asian citrus psyllid, citrus greening, or citrus canker shall have attached to the article or to the container of the article, a permanent and weatherproof tag or label in a clear and legible format no less that than 14-point font bearing the exact words: PROHIBITED FROM MOVEMENT OUTSIDE OF THE CITRUS QUARANTINE AREAS, PENALTY FOR VIOLATION, Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry. For a current list of quarantine areas, please go to

2. Citrus nursery stock that is not in or intended for movement within an Asian citrus psyllid, citrus greening or citrus canker quarantined area shall not be required to be labeled as described in Paragraph 1 of this Subsection.

3. Citrus nursery stock labeled or tagged according to Paragraph 1 of this Subsection that is offered for retail sale in an area that is not quarantined for Asian citrus psyllid, citrus greening or citrus canker may be subject to stop order.

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 3:1652.

HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Agriculture, Office of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, LR 11:319 (April 1985), amended by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Office of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, LR 40:1308 (July 2014), LR 42:730 (May 2016), LR 43:

Mike Strain DVM




Department of Agriculture and Forestry
Office of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Agricultural Chemistry and Seed Commission

Rice Seed Certification (LAC 7:XIII.749)

In accordance with the emergency provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. 49:953(B), and pursuant to the authority set forth in R.S. 3:1433, the commissioner of agriculture and forestry and the Agricultural Chemistry and Seed Commission declare an emergency to exist and adopt by emergency process the attached Rule relative to the sale of rice seed that does not meet current minimum certified seed germination standards.

Due to the historic flooding in the rice production area of Louisiana in 2016 during seed harvest and processing, seed rice quality has been significantly negatively impacted. As a result, the department’s seed testing laboratory has analyzed numerous rice seed samples and has confirmed that much of the seed rice available to producers for the 2017 planting season does not meet the current minimum certified seed germination standards established by the Agricultural Chemistry and Seed Commission. Therefore, there is a severe shortage of rice seed that meets minimum germination standards established by current rules.