PresentDr Chris Fabray (Chair), Mr Paul Fisher (Vice Chair), Mr P Crysell, Ms V Harman, Cllr. B McEldowney, Ms Serena Reid, Cllr O Sweeting andCllr N Ward

In attendance Clerk: R Powell; Assistant Clerk: J Quinn

Prior to the start of the meeting the Chair requested that the short video clip and presentation relevant to Agenda Item 6.3 be shown to Members.

1.Apologies Cllrs T Gillespie and M Knight

2.Welcome from the Chair

Dr Fabray welcomed Cllr Neil Ward to the group and Jim Quinn as the new Assistant Clerk.

Agenda Item 4 was considered at this point in the meeting as Dr Fabray informed Members of the resignation of Cllr J Bate from the group. It was noted that following this Cllr Bate had also taken a 3 month sabbatical from her role with both the Parish Council and the Village Hall.

3. Previous Minutes

To consider approval of draft minutes of meeting held 19/10/16

The Clerk noted that the minutes were entitled incorrectly and would gain access to the original document in order to alter this.

It was agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 19 October 2016 were an accurate record of the meeting.

4. To note the resignation of Cllr J Bate from the Group

Welcome to Cllr N Ward who will now be joining the group

This item had been considered previously in the meeting at Agenda Item 2.

5.Report from Cllr B McEldowney following attendance at the CPRE (Campaign for Rural England) North Worcestershire Meeting (10/01/17)

To include discussion as to whether the information gained at this meeting relating to Housing Development Numbers for 2030 was in line with that previously received from Bromsgrove

Cllr B McEldowney reported on is attendance at the CPRE meeting, which was not well attended. The main topic of discussion was the BromsgroveLocal Plan and in particular the identification of sites for new housing. There is a need to identify sites for 7,000 houses of which 4,700 have already been identified leaving a balance of 2,300 to be found. These may have to be in the Green Belt which is currently under review. There may also be a need to accommodate overspill from Birmingham and the Black Country. It was noted that TheSecretary of State for Communities & Local Government (Sajid Javid) is placing great weight on sites identified in neighbourhood plans.

The Area Assessment Study identifies that Catshill had met its housing target up to 2023. However, a further review may mean that additional sites are needed.

Members discussed the document including the advice received not to use this during first phase consultation and areas identified that could possibly take housing allocation.The Clerk advised Members that the initial consultation was to establish issues within the Parish and that maybe this document should be kept for a later date in the process. It was discussed however, that there was a need to inform people of what has been identified and that the information was in the public domain anyway with a counter argumentthat not displaying it may encourage freer thinking by members of the public.

It was thought landowners probably knew about the identification of these sites, especially as the information was in the public domain.

A query was raised regarding the possibility of aconflict of interests if such a landowner joined one of the Neighbourhood Planning Working groups.

The Local Transport Plan was also mentioned at the meeting which indicated that works at junction 1 of the M42 were likely.

It was agreed that the Clerkwould circulate the consultation as it would be relevant to the appropriate working group.

6.To approve all documentation created by the Working Group

Dr Fabray commenced this item with thanks to all members of the Media Working group for the hard work they had put in to prepare the media for the Phase 1 Consultation. He pointed out that a particular challenge for the group was how to engage young people.


Members discussed amendments within the leaflet including the inaccuracy of the shaded area on the map on page 1 and the need to alter the phrase ‘listed 11’ to just ‘listed’; the change of the word ‘utilising’ to ‘influencing’ on page 2 and rewording ‘businesses’ to ’amenities’ on page 3.

Members also discussed the way in which the leaflet should be built.

It was agreed to accept production of the leaflet subject to these alterations

It was agreed that Mr Fisher would action the production 1000 of the leaflets in a side opening format for the approximate cost of £100. The invoice should be brought to the Clerk.

6.2Banners –

At the consultation event Dr Fabray envisaged these banners being placed either side of a map of the parish where there would also be a table for completion of questionnaires. Venues suggested included: village hall; Co-op; Spar and Catshill Community Club. A Working Group is needed to co-ordinate this. Any purchases were to be passed through the Clerk for approval.The cost per banner was reported as approximately £30.

These were agreed subject to the wording on the “Read the Leaflet” banner being changed from “Let us” to You can.

6.3Media presentation

This Powerpoint presentation and the Government’sNeighbourhood Planning video had been shown at the beginning of the meeting.

It was agreed thatthe slide 2 caption should be listed building and the text on the final on slide 6 be changed from “makes” to endorses or accepts. For slide 3 the Clerk was asked to check that the local Plan end date was actually 2030.


This was agreed subject to: in question 2 “through” be replaced by throughout; at the end in the box marked “Gender”, “male” and “female” be removed and the space left blank; the age breakdown be changed so that “Under 18” remains but remainder replaced by,18-30; 31-50; 50-70; Over 70.

It was noted that the production of these would be a similar cost to those of the leaflets. A 5% sample of the residents of the Parish were needed equating to approximately 350 completed questionnaires.

It was agreed to produce 1000 copies of the questionnaire.

Members discussed the best method of gaining an accurate overview of all ages within the village. It was noted that Dr Fabray was happy to carry out the analysis of the collected data and that the possibility of providing the questionnaire online should be explored. It was requested that all Members of the Steering Group complete a questionnaire in order for Dr Fabray to begin to study the analysis tool.

6.5 A0 Maps from Bromsgrove District Council

It was noted that the map that had been received represented the area of the Parish shaded in blue. Additional maps that had been requested highlighting busy roads open spaces and wildlife spots had not yet been acquired.

Dr Fabray took this opportunity to show the group examples of displays that had been used in other Neighbourhood Plan consultations in order to illustrate how the maps could work. It was noted that organisation of these events would not be easy and that a Working Group would need to be formed to plan and co-ordinate the process.

7.To agree level of funding to produce the correct amount of material for each of the leaflet, banner and questionnaire documentation

During discussions in Agenda Item 6, Members had identified the costs of producing media for the Neighbourhood Plan.

8. To create a working group to manage the Consultation Phase of Stage 1 of the Neighbourhood Plan

Members took this opportunity to discuss the need for identification badges for the group to wear when communicating and canvassing residents. It was noted that a Working Group would need to be formed to co-ordinate and plan the process of the first stage of consultation. Claire Wing, Village Hall Supervisor, may be able to assist with providing materials and ideas for the set up of the hall.

No formal agreement was made on this subject at this point in the meeting.

9. To review the overall project plan and change if necessary

It was noted that this was a complicated project that, if completed in the two year time frame, would be work well done. It had been suggested that the project plan did not allow much time for working groups to deal with and produce policies for, the issues raised by residents. It was suggested, therefore, that three working groups be set up now, that would begin work looking into the main perceived areas of concern in the Parish. These could then be refined and focused once collation of data feedback from consultation informed the actual areas of concern.

It was agreed that the following Working Groups and leads be established:

Housing – Mr P Crysell

Infrastructure – Cllr N Ward

Environment – a lead for this group was not established within this meeting. Members were asked to consider who would be suitable for this role.

It was noted that each of these Working Groups would need Terms of Reference to be established.

10.To agree a time, date and venue for the next Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and relevant working group

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group be held on 15th February 2017 at 19:30 hrs in the Committee Room at Catshill Village Hall

It was agreed that the Clerk would establish the availability of the room with Claire Wing, the Village Hall Supervisor, and inform Members once this was complete.

It was agreed that,as a Working Group had not been established, the main item on the Agenda for the next Steering Group would be consideration of the design of Media.

It was agreed that the Clerk/Assistant Clerk would obtain additional maps representing traffic, open spaces and wildlife to be obtained in order for the documents to be agreed.

It was agreed that draft documents of the Terms of Reference for the Working Groups would be brought to the next meeting of the Steering Group.

This meeting ended at21.05hrs.


Chairman, Neighbourhood Plan Steering GroupDate

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group - meeting held 18/01/17