Industrial Revolution to Imperialism

Instructor: Mr. Dixon

Room: 105

Phone: 593-7731 Ext: 105


Office Hours: 7:15 - 7:45 am, or by appointment


Mission Statement:

Central High School’s mission is that students will be provided the educational opportunities to succeed in life.

Course Description:

This is a semester course, open to all students, fulfilling the Social Science requirement. A survey that begins with the dawning of the modern industrial development of Western civilization and looks at the problems that resulted with this development including the growth of cities and the rise of labor unions and unrest. The course will examine the birth of Communism, Nationalism, and the spread of Imperialism.

Course Website:

All class information including: calendar, notes, assignments, study guides, projects, tests, etc. will be located on the Central High School website under Mr. Dixon’s page.


Ellis & Elser.World History: Connections to Today. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.: Prentice Hall, 1997.

Required Supplies:

Students are required to obtain the following supplies: Notebook, pens and pencils.

Classroom Rules:

1. Students will adhere to the discipline policy stated in the student handbook.

2. Students will treat other students and the instructor with respect, and in turn, the instructor will treat students with respect.

3. Students will listen and pay attention during instruction, directions, and class discussion

4. Students must actively participate in class. Learning is not a spectator sport.

5.Students must be on time and have all materials with them. Tardies will be given if students are late or not prepared.

6. The instructor’s materials are off limits to students unless given permission.


8. Restroom visit requests are permitted but limited to one person at a time with a maximum of five minutes - so plan accordingly. You must have a pass at all times when leaving the classroom.

9. Do your own work. Plagiarism means copying the work of another and presenting it as your own. It will not be tolerated. Plagiarism will result in a zero for that assignment and a referral to the principal.

Classroom Procedures:

1. Seating is assigned at the beginning of the semester. Changes will be made as necessary.

2.Assignment Expectations:

  1. Written assignments will be legible and neat when turned in.
  2. Spelling and Grammar do count. Your point when writing out a response must be clear to the reader. When in doubt about a word - look it up in the dictionary.
  3. Please put the following on the top right hand corner of all papers:
  4. Full Name (First and Last)
  5. Class and Hour
  6. Assignment Description and Page Number if necessary
  7. Date
  8. Assignments are to be completed on time for full credit. Late assignments are assessed a penalty of 10% per day.
  9. Reading assignments are to be completed prior to class and will be used to provide evidence to support your answers. THESE READING ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE SUBJECT TO ASSESSMENT AT THE START OF CLASS!

3.Absent Work: You are responsible for getting missed assignments from the instructor. You are also responsible for getting any notes that you may have missed from your classmates. Refer to the student handbook to determine the amount of time you have to complete the assignment.

4.Working in groups: Group work is an integral part of this class. It not only teaches content but social skills as well.

Grading Breakdown:

Quarter Grade:

Assignments (45%): Short term assignments, in class activities, group work, and DATANOTEBOOK CHECKS, constitute 45% of your grade.

Quizzes and Tests (45%): Study guides will be given one week in advance of all tests. Quizzes may be given without advanced notice!

Class Contribution (10%): Class attendance (one unexcused absence results in a zero for your contribution for the week, being prepared (bring your book) and participation will contribute toward your grade. Sleeping in class, reading during lectures, working on other assignments, or failing to be prepared will seriously deplete this grade.


Semester Grade:

3rdQuarter (40%): Assignments, quizzes, tests, and class contribution will determine your 3rd quarter grade.

4th Quarter (40%): Assignments, quizzes, tests, and class contribution will determine your 4th quarter grade.

Comprehensive Exam (20%): This exam will cover material from both 9-weeks.

Grading System:

A = 100 - 93

B = 92 - 85

C = 84 – 75

D = 74 – 67

F = 66 - 0