TITLE:PACS System Administrator
GRADE:Superintendent Radiographer IV
DEPARTMENT:Directorate of Radiology & Physiotherapy Services
LOCATION:Based at Blackpool Victoria Hospital but providing System Support across all sites of the Blackpool, Fylde & Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust
ACCOUNTABLE TO:Clinical Director via Radiology Director Manager
HOURS OF DUTY:35 hours per week (Flexible Arrangement)
JOB SUMMARY:Manage the Radiology Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS) on a day-to-day basis, providing support to system users and ensuring that the system is functioning correctly. Additionally to provide support to ensure that the RIS is working effectively and provide information and activity reports to the Directorate management.
- Service Provision
1.1.Take responsibility for the day-to-day organisation and maintenance of the PACS system and its data.
1.2.Manage communication between Trust IT and Radiology staff, PACS/CR equipment suppliers and other modality service personnel
1.3.Maintain an accurate log of PACS and CR assets showing their current performance status and system information (IP address, location, reference number etc)
1.4.Develop an equipment service programme to ensure that equipment performance is optimal at all times
1.5.Develop and maintain a mechanism for recording equipment faults
1.6.Develop and keep up-to-date disaster recovery plans and contingency plans in case of equipment failure
1.7.Act as a contact point for PACS/CR equipment supplier personnel, including granting permission for dial-in access when this form of support is required
1.8.Act as a liaison between special modality staff, radiologists, clerical staff and PACS/CR equipment suppliers
1.9.Monitor equipment performance and provide first line system support during normal working hours
1.10.Monitor PACS room environmental conditions and report and take action on conditions which will affect system performance and bring about adverse affects on computer equipment
1.11.Providing system support outside normal working hours, on an ad-hoc basis
1.12.Ensure that daily data backups of critical servers are being performed
1.13.Perform verification of studies that are broken during automatic RIS validation and correct faults with archived data created by other system users
1.14.Maintain user access and determine the access rights of users
1.15.Assist end users across the Trust in using all PACS image viewing systems, often responding to urgent requests for assistance
1.16.Assist the PACS Project Manager and Radiology Directorate Manager in the development of future business cases for hardware and software developments, including software upgrades, a planned replacement programme for individual components, and eventually an entire system.
1.17.Provide input during planning for work to upgrade the Department’s facilities to ensure that the environment is suitable for digital imaging
1.18.Act as a deputy to the Radiology Information System (RIS) System Administrator in his absence
1.19.Produce when required RIS activity reports for the Directorate Manager
1.20.Act as the Archive Jukebox manager to ensure that data is being stored to the DLT archive and can be made available when required.
1.21.Maintain and extend good working relationships with all other staff in the Trust who are affected by the change in service provision from film-based to digital
1.22.Act and assist in the absence of the PACS Project Manager
1.23.Develop (in conjunction with the IM&T Department) interface pathways between the PACS and other hospital computer systems to achieve integrated electronic patient records.
1.24.Produce access strategies to ensure that images are always available, wherever and whenever they are required
1.25.Monitor the Image Management Service Contract to ensure that the Trust can maximise the benefits that the PACS brings to patient care.
1.26.Behave in a professional manner, be punctual and uphold the reputation of the Department at all times
1.27.Accurately record data on the Radiology computer systems including the RIS, HIS and PACS
1.28.Hours of duty are 35 per week – normally committed to the PACS project but with clinical duties on an agreed schedule in the main department.
1.29.Be aware of the need for financial control and make efficient use of resources
- Safety/Security
2.1.Perform regular equipment safety inspections.
2.2.Observe and comply with all relevant legislation, including (but not limited to) IR(ME)R 2000, IRR 1999 and the Data Protection Act 1998
2.3.Observe and comply with the Department’s pregnancy, 10-day and local radiation rules
2.4.Comply with the Trust and Departmental Fire and Health & Safety Regulations
2.5.Ensure all hardware is secure and protected from theft and that password protection is provided to authorised users and that this is changed on a regular basis.
- Training & Development
3.1.Undertake training on the use and operation of the PACS to System Administrator level.
3.2.Train users and end-users of the system, in particular allowing for staff turnover.
3.3.Train key Trust staff (both within and outside of the Radiology Department) to become key operators of the system, to facilitate the cascade training of existing staff and the induction training of new staff.
3.4.Take part in such formal and informal teaching as may be required by student radiographers on the subject of digital imaging
3.5.Cascade information relating to hardware and software developments to such staff groups as may be necessary
3.6.Ensure that a core group is trained to such a level as to be able to provide system support out of hours in the absence of the System Administrator. Written instructions should also be available for these staff
3.7.Produce training manuals and instructional material to assist all staff with the use of digital imaging equipment / software
3.8.Facilitate visits to the Trust made by other institutions interested in the development of PACS or CR systems
3.9.Liase with other hospitals using PACS and CR to ensure that the best practice techniques developed elsewhere can be utilised at this Trust.
3.10.Give support and advice on other IT matters to staff, in conjunction with the Trust IM&T Department
3.11.Create a comprehensive document recording the process of the Trust’s conversion from conventional to digital imaging, monitoring and recording the changes to radiology department users’ working practices
3.12.Participate in training and regular staff appraisal
3.13.Undertake regular CPD to maintain a high level of professional competence
3.14.Participate in the Professional Development Plan as agreed with the PACS Project Manager and Directorate Manager
3.15.Produce teaching materials, articles, handbooks and workshops to assist other establishments in the conversion to digital imaging.
- Clinical Governance
4.1.Participate in the Department’s QA testing programme, monitoring the CR and PACS systems performance
4.2.Participate in the Department’s clinical audit programme
4.3.Develop strategies to monitor and improve input data quality
4.4.Monitor staff competence in the use of CR and the PACS, providing further training where necessary
4.5.Participate in the Department’s overall standards monitoring programme
- Services
5.1.Co-ordinate, develop and maintain the radiology Intranet and Internet sites in conjunction with other department staff, the Trust’s IM&T Department and Press/PR Officer
5.2.Ensure that all material pertaining to the Department and available via the Trust Intranet and Internet sites is kept up-to-date
19TH August 2002