


Event/Page title (max 85 characters with spaces):

Science Odyssey Makers Challenge

General Information
Start Date
(double click on grey field) / 03/25/2016 / End Date / 05/12/2016 / Duration
Start Time / n/a / End Time: / n/a
Location / SelectMuseum
(double click on grey field): / Canada Aviation and Space MuseumCorporationFoundationOtherCanada Science and Technology MuseumCanada Agriculture Museum
If Other, please enter the location here:
Contact Information / Christina Lucas, PA
URL Link /
Select Type of Event / Talk / Demo / Guided Tour / Special Event / Film
Concert / Members Only / Special Activity
x / Workshop / Festival
Program Series / Education Program / Programming Period
Fee: / Free / Free with Admission / Extra Fee
If there is a fee, please indicate the amount here: / $0.00
Event Attributes (Check the ones that apply) / For Families / For All Ages / For Groups / For Adults
For Children / Reservation Required
x / Wheelchair Friendly
Capacity (e.g. Max 30 people)
Create an EventBrite event? / Yes / No / x
Create a Facebook event? / Yes / No / x
Please push this event through the following channels: / Facebook / x / Twitter / x / Flickr / x / LinkedIn / x

English section body text. Insert intro text first if applicable, then your content within headings listed below. (Limit to 250 words when possible - users will appreciate this on mobile devices):

The Contest:

We invite students from across the Ottawa region to design and build physical prototypes of futuristic technologies particularly those that relate to the theme of space. The only limit is your imagination.


Students from both local post-secondary institutions and high schools are eligible to enter the competition. There is no limit on the size of a team.


Participants will be requested to register online to enter the competition by March 25, 2016. Submissions are due May 5, 2016 with the top three winning teams announced at the World Premiere Star Trek Launch Event May 12, 2016 at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum.


1st Place: $5,000 2nd Place: $3,000 3rd Place: $1,000


To register:

English teaser text field. This text will appear within search results pages (limit to 155 characters). Feel free to grab content from main body text however, direct relevance to the page and a call-to-action are key.

Boldly build…what no one has built before!


Event/Page title (max 85 characters with spaces):

Odyssée des sciences défi des fabricants

Frenchsection body text. Insert intro text first if applicable, then your content within headings listed below. (Limit to 250 words when possible - users will appreciate this on mobile devices):

Le concours

Nous invitons les étudiants de la région d’Ottawa à concevoir et à construire des prototypes présentant des technologies futuristes ayant particulièrement trait au thème de l’espace. Vous avez comme seule limite votre imagination.


Les étudiants des établissements secondaires et postsecondaires locaux sont admissibles au concours. Il n’y a aucune limite de participant pour les équipes.


Pour prendre part au concours, les participants doivent s’inscrire en ligne d’ici le 25 mars 2016. Les projets doivent être remis le 5 mai 2016. Les trois équipes gagnantes seront annoncées le 12 mai 2016, à l’avant-première mondiale Star Trek, au Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada.

Prix : 1re Place : 5 000 $ 2e Place : 3 000 $ 3e Place : 1 000 $


Pour s’inscrire :

French teaser text field. This text will appear within search results pages (limit to 155 characters). Feel free to grab content from main body text however, direct relevance to the page and a call-to-action are key.

Construisez audacieusement… ce que personne n’a osé construire!

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