Sheffield Diocesan Ecumenical Officer (DEO)

Role Description for the Element of Responsibility

The role of the DEO is to facilitate the Diocese’s relationship with all other Christian denominations and specifically to encourage and support all local ecumenical partnerships and relations involving the Church of England within the Diocese.

The post is part time, combined with a parochial or other responsibility. The recent post-holder devoted one day a week (three sessions) to this work. The understanding of the church council or other appropriate body in the DEO’s other (main) responsibility should be established, and clarity about division of expenses established.

The Bishop of Sheffield appoints the DEO and reviews the post every three years in consultation with the Bishop of Doncaster.

The DEO reports to the Bishop of Sheffield and is a member of the International Links Committee.

The DEO will be involved in the establishment of budgets for ecumenical work. The DEO’s budget will allow for attending an initial training conference sponsored by Churches Together in England, for the annual consultation of DEOs organised by the Council for Christian Unity, and for other appropriate in-service training.

The duties and responsibilities of the DEO are:-

Within Diocesan structures act as the Officer of the Bishop and of any Board, Council, Committee or

Task Group which requires ecumenical advice or information; be a member of the Diocesan Synod (to be nominated by the Bishop, if

not already a member); be in attendance as required at the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral

Committee; inform, and receive information from, the Bishop and his staff about

parochial or diocesan appointments and other matters where there is

ecumenical participation or potential;


In serving local ecumenism maintain contact with all parishes and sector ministries where there is a

Local Ecumenical Partnership (and specifically to support the clergy and

leaders in such LEPs), to give advice to LEPs and potential LEPs, in

conjunction with the Ecumenical Development Officer of Churches

Together in South Yorkshire, on legal and procedural matters, and to keep

any appropriate diocesan Board, Council, Committee or Task Group

informed of developments; be available to deaneries to encourage informal as well as formally

sponsored ecumenical working; identify and be available to parishes or wider areas where further

ecumenical development might take place; be a source of advice and information about ecumenical matters from a

Church of England perpective;

In relation to Churches Together in South Yorkshire work in conjunction with the Ecumenical Development Officer of

Churches Together in South Yorkshire and with Ecumenical Officers in

partner churches; be one of the representatives of the Diocese on the LEP Committee

Churches Together in South Yorkshire, and to ensure that early

consultation takes place for filling Anglican vacancies; be one of the representatives of the Diocese on the Standing

Committee of Churches Together in South Yorkshire, and to inform that

body of the agenda of the Diocese, so that ecumenical consultation can

take place and enable the implementation of appropriate ecumenical

patterns of working; assist the Ecumenical Development Officer of Churches Together in

South Yorkshire in the selection and training of Anglicans for the review of

LEPs and other ecumenical tasks;


In relation to national ecumenism maintain contact in conjunction with the diocesan secretary and

General Synod members, with the General Synod and its Council for

Christian Unity, in order to be aware of Anglican developments of

ecumenical significance; learn about and contribute to the relationship of the Church of England

with other member churches of Churches Together in England and the

Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland; read and be able to introduce literature arising from national and

international dialogues between churches and world communions;

In developing theology and vision undertake study and reflect with others upon the nature of unity in the

light of God’s purpose for the world and the Church; act as a theological resource person and enabler, expounding and

extending the vision of Christian partnership and unity, and sharing in the

task of making this vision a reality;

November 2014