Announcement and Call for Papers


2018 Annual Conference

May 7-9, 2018

(Monday, May 7 – Pre-conference)

May 8-9, Tuesday & Wednesday – Main Conference

Conference will beat Hilton Garden Inn, Springfield, Oregon


The Oregon Adolescent Sexual Offending Treatment Network is committed to the prevention of sexual abuse by providing professional training and support, technical assistance, and legislative action. OASOTN promotes opportunities for training and collaboration of professionals that work with youth who have sexually abused. Additionally, OASOTN advocates for the highest standards in practice with youth who have sexually abused to promote individual, family, and community safety.

2018 OASOTN Annual Conference

The conference will not be centered on any specific theme. We are looking for interesting and current topics related to juvenile sex offenses and working with adolescents using a holistic and victim-centered approach. We are interested in topics that are relevant to therapists, residential care staff, foster care providers, and juvenile parole/probation staff.

Call for Presenters – Submit by December 8, 2017.

Subjects of Interest include:

  • Trauma informed treatment
  • Juvenile justice (supervision, registration, etc…)
  • Developmental approach to treatment
  • Working with courts and attorneys; providing testimony
  • Polygraphs
  • Assessment tools and strategies
  • Treatment (outpatient, residential, secure facility)
  • Creative clinical therapies
  • Clarification and reunification
  • Victim-centered approaches
  • Working with schools
  • Collaboration with teams and communities
  • Supporting family and sibling relationships
  • Successful transitions into the community or to independence
  • Teamwork
  • Prevention
  • Responsivity needs

Guidelines for Submission: Please answer the following questions.

  • Title of presentation
  • One paragraph abstract
  • Length of presentation (1.5 hour sessions, indicate one or more time slots)
  • Level of knowledge (Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, All)
  • For each presenter: Name, degree, title, affiliation, address, phone, fax, and email.
  • One-paragraph bio for each presenter
  • Three learning goals for presentation
  • Audio Visual needs

Complete form,attach any submission materials, and email to

Due Date for submissions is December 8, 2017.

Primary Presenters will receive Conference Registrationand one hotel night.

Questions? Email

Watch for announcements.

Conference Session Submission Form

Length of Presentation: / 1.5 hour session / 3 hour session / 4.5 hour session
Level of Knowledge: / Novice / Intermediate / Advanced / All
Audio Visual Needs: / Computer / Projector / Speakers / Easel/Paper
Session Abstract (up to one paragraph):
Three Learning Goals:
One paragraph Bio for each Presenter (Please include Name, degree, title, affiliation, address, phone, fax, and email):

**Please note that the preferred format for handouts is a PowerPoint presentation or an outline style. In order for your handouts to be legible, the packet that you provide to OASOTN will need to be black lettering on a white background with few if any photos, diagrams, or artwork. The presentation that you conduct at the conference can include all of this plus media (film clips, etc.) but please clearly indicate your AV needs in advance. Please feel free to be as creative as you want for the actual presentation, the handouts, however, will need to be provided to us in a clean copy format in order to make legible handouts.

Thank you