How to classify drugs and measure drug consumption

- Course in the ATC/DDD methodology

The course gives an introduction to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system and the technical unit of measurement, the Defined Daily Dose (DDD). Applications of the ATC/DDD methodology will be presented and discussed.

Both lectures and working group sessions will be included. The lectures will cover the following topics:

  • Background, overview and development of the ATC/DDD methodology
  • The main principles for establishing new ATC codes and assigning DDDs
  • ATC codes and DDDs for fixed combinations
  • Procedures for applications (ATC codes, DDDs and changes)

The second day will focus on the application of the ATC/DDD methodology in drug consumption statistics; practical examples included. Other applications of the methodology will also be presented.

The working group sessions are important elements of the course. Various ATC/DDD problems and points to consider related to the application of the methodology in drug consumption statistics will be discussed.

Participants will be invited to share their experiences regarding the methodology.

Background knowledge: The course is open for all interested parties. However, basic knowledge in common medical terminology is recommended. The language on the course will be English only.

WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology

The course is arranged by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology, which is situated at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health in Oslo. The Centre is responsible for the development and updating of the ATC/DDD system. New drugs are classified and DDDs are assigned by the Centre in cooperation with the WHO International Working Group for Drug Statistics Methodology. This Working Group includes international experts in the fields of clinical pharmacology and medicine, international public health, drug regulation and drug utilisation. An expert from the Working Group will participate as a lecturer on the course.


The course will be held at the Rica HolbergHotel, Holbergs plass 1, 0166Oslo.


Monday12June 2006from 09.00 to 16.30

Tuesday13 June 2006from 09.00 to 1600


The language will be English.


NOK 4000,-. This fee includes documentation, the publications from the WHO Collaborating Centre in Oslo, lunches, refreshments and dinner on Monday evening.

Accommodation and breakfast are not included.

Please note that for cancellation of participation after 26 May 2006, the participation fee will not be refunded.


A number of rooms will be preliminary reserved for three nights from Sunday 11 June 2006for the participants at the Rica Holberg Hotel, Holberg plass 1, 0166 Oslo. The hotel is situated in the centre of Oslo.

Please fill in your hotel reservation by using the enclosed form, as soon as possible, and not later 22 May 2006, or by contacting:

Mrs Tove Granum (Norwegian Institute for Public Health, WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology):

by telephone: +47 23408159/+47 23408160

by telefax: +47 23408146

by e-mail:

The price per night for a single room is NOK 940,- (breakfast included).

The price per night for a double room is NOK 1140,- (breakfast included).


If you wish to participate at the course please return the enclosed registration form to the WHO Collaborating Centre before 19 May 2006. Please note that the number of participants is limited to 35.

WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology

Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Postboks 4404 Nydalen

0403 Oslo


Tel: +47 23 40 81 60

Fax: + 47 23 40 81 46




Monday 12 June 2006 (09.00 – 16.30)

09.00Welcome and presentation

09.30Introduction and historical background


10.30ATC classification

Working groups: ATC problems


13.30The concept of the Defined Daily Dose (DDD)

Working groups (and coffee): DDD problems

15.30Experiences from the WHO International Working Group for Drug Statistics Methodology

(presented by a representative of the group)

16.30Closure of the first day


Tuesday 13 June 2006 (09.00 – 16.00)

09.00How to deal with combination products?

09.45Different applications of the ATC/DDD methodology


10.45ATC/DDD in drug consumption statistics


13.00Working groups: drug consumption statistics

14.00Applications of the ATC/DDD methodology – experiences by the participants

15:00National implementation of the ATC/DDD system

16:00Evaluation and closure

Name______First name______


Institution or company______





If the course in fully booked, please include med on the waiting list
Participation fee: NOK 4000,-

Credit card

American Express / VISA / Master Card

Card number:Expiry date:CVC2 value:

Signature: ______Card holders name:______

Signature for card holder required for all charges.CAPITAL LETTERS

Bank transfer

The money will be transferred to bank account no 7694 0506820, IBAN code NO71 7694 0506 820, Den Norske Bank, 0021 Oslo, Norway. Swift adr. DNBANOKK, VAT no: NO 983744516. (Please remember to mark the transfer with our complete address and your complete name and address)


Payment is enclosed, as an international money order or cheque. An extra € 20 should be added to cover bank charges.Please send the cheque to the address below.



First name:
Date of Arrival:
Date of Depature:
Estimated hour of arrival to the hotel

Please , make a reservation for:

Smoker / Non-smoker
One single room
One double room

Please fill in and send this reservation form before 19 May 2006 to:

WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology

Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Postboks 4404 Nydalen

0403 Oslo


Tel: +47 23 40 81 60

Fax: + 47 23 40 81 46
