The inclusion of disabled people stars at schools. The education opens two doors—social inclusion and economic opportunities. However of 86,709 Rwandan disabled children aged 5-19, 64 % were attending schools versus 81 % of the population without disability while 27% of those children have never attended school (Rwanda: 2012 census). A number of those children start primary school but gradually drop out for various reasons which are often at the heart of invisibility of disabled children in ordinary schools: negative perceptions for parents, teachers and classmates; physical and communication accessibility problems, lack of child centred approach in education, lack of dedicated learning materials, resource constraints.

Under Liliane Foundation financial support AGHR is striving towards changing the lives of children with disabilities. We facilitate them to access quality health services and education.

Drocella is 9 years old. She was born in 2006 with her both two legs congenital malformation.She walked on all four until AGHR found in 2012 when she was 6 years because her parents were not able to afford her medical treatment. Since then, AGHR started providing with her medical services under Fondation Liliane financial support for her rehabilitation purpose. She benefited a surgical operation at and the orthopedic appliances for both her two legs that gave her the opportunity to stand for her first time and join the school. Taking into consideration that it was difficult for her to travel for long from home to school, Drocelle stay a boarding school for her primary studies. She is know in Primary level two ( P2).

Sandrine got hearing and speaking impairment. At the time that AGHR staff met Sandrine she was not studying. Since then she was supported to go to l’Institute Filippo Smaldone, school for the children with hearing and speaking impairment. Together with his classmate on her left, another child supported by AGHR under Fondation Liliane financial support, they are active student always sitting on the firt place. She is good at communicating in Sign Language with her colleagues. She is now in P5. Her parents are very proud of her child and how she is active.

Samuel got both hearing and speaking loss since his childhood. He is always smiling and good looking. AGHR has financially supported him to go to school and he was also provided with all the materials needed including but not limited to school fees, uniform, shoes, etc. Samuel is a hard worker student and very active in his class. He successfully passed the P3 level and he is in P4 at Institut Filippe Smaldone. His behavior changed into cooperation, discipline and he is very friendly with his colleagues.

Zura was born in family of seven children. She lives with her parents. Zura was amputated when she was 10 months because of gangrene had set in. With her first surgical operation she has had walking difficulties using orthopedic appliances. Thus with the support of Fondation Liliane Zura benefited the second surgical operation for the orthosis to fit. She got her orthosis and crutches that significantly changed her live. She can stand and walk without crutches that build her confidence.

At the time AGHR met her, she was no longer attending the school because walking difficulties and she rejoined know the school to continue her studies. She is always smiling and according to her this was the foundation for her bright future.



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