Oakwood SCC Meeting
September 14, 2015 4:00pm
In attendance: Dianne Phillips, Kimi Tanner, Wendy Jones, Virginia Pearce, Joanne Frandsen, Barbara Luka, Kelsey Nichols Absent: Michelle Fogg, Jennifer Bevan, Kari Sikorski
Community Council Elections:
Only two candidacy forms were received by the deadline, therefore an election is not required. One additional position is available. Past members will be asked if they would like to fill the position. Council agreed on this action.
FTE increase:
Oakwood has been given ½ FTE position that will be used to help the 5th grade and their large class sizes. (35 and 33 students.) The new teacher will teach core subjects to 5th grade students taken from Mr. Crandall’s and Mrs. Rosenof’s classes in the a.m. and help reduce the 5th grade classes to a more teachable size. This change is expected in a few weeks.
Business partners:
Kelsey Nichols is working on securing business partners for Oakwood. Currently James Davenport and the Cottonwood Senior Living Center have become partners. These businesses will be given a banner to advertise in the parking lot and placement in the school directory, depending upon donation amount. Virginia will email Kimi, Kelsey and Dianne a tax form for donations for businesses.
“No Sales” Fundraiser:
Dianne is very pleased with the donations that have come in for the fundraiser. Currently it is about $5,500, which does not count business partner donations.
These funds will be used for field trips, school supplies such as compasses, science materials such as plastic test tubes, and other needs that are not covered by current school budget.
Art night:
Art night will be Monday November 16, 2015 from 5:30-8:00 p.m. Plans for class projects and baskets have begun. Advertising artwork is in its beginning phases. It will be a great community event, where all proceeds go to the Oakwood Art program.
Parking lot:
The parking lot is always a concern. Discussion took place about signs making the parking lot a “cell phone free zone,” however parents seem to become blind to stationary signs. Possible campaign with people with flipping and twirling signs that say “no cell phones” and “don’t park in drop off.”
Crosswalk relocation seems to be positive, however there are still parents with complaints about its new location. The flashing “Slow down” signs should still be coming from the city.
Virginia has formed a “Walking School Bus” with parents that live to the north of Oakwood and it is working great!
Next meeting October 13 at 8:00 a.m.