Save the date

20th & 21st May 2017 is going to be our farewell weekend to Phil & Ranee. An invitation flyer is available, ask one of the Wardens if you would like a paper copy or Pauline if you would like one sent electronically.

Do pass the information on to whoever you think would like it. Contact Pauline on 267 8361 or for further detail.

ANDREW IS 70!!!!

Please help us celebrate Andrew's 70th birthday on Saturday 18 February. Drop into church anytime between 2.00 and 4.30pm. There will be lots of afternoon tea comestibles but please bring a bottle if you fancy alcohol!! Please let Zoe know (07792063883) if you are coming for catering purposes. Thank you!

Treasure Island

Our panto this year will take place on Friday 27th January at 7pm and Saturday 28th at 1 pm and 7 pm in the Community Hall. Tickets £5 Adults, £3.50 conc., £15 ‘family ‘( 2 adults & 2 children ). Call Kate on 07855 752 581.

Dates for your diary

* Jan 27-28th St Tim's Panto weekend

* February Alpha course

Are you new to St Tims?

We welcome you to St. Timothy’s. We hope you have enjoyed your time here with us. We would like to keep in touch with you. Please leave your details (name, address, phone no. etc) with one of the sidespeople or in the church office just off the welcome area


If you feel you need prayer for any situation please approach somebody in the leadership team who will be able to direct you to someone who will pray with you. You can also write your request down and post it into the request box on the prayer board in the welcome area.


Welcome to

St Timothy’s Church



Passion for God – Compassion for People

Sunday 22nd January 2017

9.30 amMorning Prayer

11.00am Family Worship

PreacherPhilip Townsend

4.00 pmUnder 5’s Service

6.30 pm The Harbour

with communion

The Week Ahead

Mon 23rd / 4.30 pm Monday Club
7.00 pm Prayer meeting
Tues 24th / 9.30 am Tiddlers
11.00 am Tuesday Social club
2.00 pm Space4faith
6.00 pm The Hub
wed 25th / 11.00 am Café
12 noon Holy Communion
12.30pm Lunch club
7.00pm Prayer meeting
7.45pm Community Life
Thur 26th / 9.30 am Sunbeams
fri 27th / 9.30 am Mums small group
2.00 pm Friday Fellowship
3.00 pm Friday Café
7.00 pm Treasure Island
SAT 28TH / 1.00pm Treasure Island
7.00 pm Treasure Island

Sunday 29th January 2017

9.30 am Holy Communion

11.00 am Family Service

6.30 pm The Harbour

This week

Readings1 John 4 v.7-13

John 14 v.21-26

Hymns :


HoF 6 O Praise ye the Lord

HoF 302 It is a thing most wonderful

HoF 76 Love Divine


Screen Bless the Lord, O my soul

WB 75 Jesus shall take the highest honour

WB 89Love the Lord your God

MP 149 Love Divine

MP 233 There’s a quiet understanding

WB 81Lord I lift you’re name on high

MP 248 To God be the glory

Mattress required

Jamie Lee is in need of a new mattress. If anyone has one they no longer need could they see him in church or phone 07730464067.

Parents of King Edwards Students

You are invited to a parents prayer meeting to pray for the school, its staff and students on Thursday 2nd February from 8-9pm at 2, St Anthony Road, Crookes. S10 1SG

Please email: if you would like more details or to let us know you are coming. You can also ask to be put on the mailing list for future meeting dates.

Monday club

is extending its age range to become a club for Y1-Y6 children, from Monday 6th February. There will be a weekly activity rotating between cooking, gardening, science, and art. Contact Emma on 07403 568 659, or if your child would like to come, and please invite non-St Tim's families!

Families Social

on Saturday 4th February at 10.30 we will be meeting at Cannon Hall farm to see the animals and enjoy the adventure playground. There is an indoor picnic area so you can bring sandwiches. If you're planning on coming, please let Emma know on 07403 568659 so that we can look out for you when we get there. Also contact me if you need help with transport.

Skilled person required

We are looking for someone who has the skills and equipment to make and edit a short film for us. See Pauline for more detail and info.

Retro-gaming Café at Wesley Hall

Our Retro-gaming Café is returning on Saturday 28th January from 2pm to 5pm. Come along and enjoy all the best consoles from the 1980s onwards, with a wide selection of classic games, as well as artisan coffee and themed activities for all the family. Admission is free and all are welcome; you are never too old or too young to game!


19:30 Sheffield Cathedral The 'Love is in the Air' concert from Sheffield Senior Orchestra (youth orchestra ages 11- 18_) and Hallmark of Harmony. This will feature the symphonic dances of West Side Story


Adults - £10, Under 18's - £3

Doors open at 7pm.

Tickets are available to buy online, by calling Glenn on 07775843466 or John on 07834041069 or on the door (subject to availability).

There will be complimentary drinks (Prosecco, Buck's Fizz, fruit juice) served on arrival and a licensed bar at the interval. See Zoe or Hannah for more details

The Harbour

Please join us this evening for a time of worship and time with God.

We are starting a series looking at the first letter of Peter.

There will be meal following this service. Please tell Philip or Ellen if you are going to come.

Hope to see you there