Silksworth Community First Panel, Silksworth Youth and Community Centre
Minutes of Meeting held 11.00a.m. Saturday 14th January 2012
Cllr Phil Tye, Youth Almighty
Joanne Laverick, Youth Almighty
Vivienne Metcalfe, Sunderland City Council
Christine Gorley, Silksworth Residents Association
Cllr Pat Smith, Silksworth Ward
Anne Donkin, Gentoo
As this was the first meeting of the Panel discussion was held on Chairing arrangements and secretariat to the meeting. It was agreed in order to help build capacity of the Panel and share skills and knowledge that can be used in forward planning that there would be Chair and Secretary roles held on a yearly basis. Year one for Chair, Vivienne, year two, Christine and year three Pat. Year one for secretary, Joanne, year two and three to be discussed at further meetings.
Discussion was held on the voluntary and community sector organisations delivering in the Silksworth ward and the need to set priorities which cover these community organisations who are currently delivering to the needs of the local community.
Priority Setting:
A flip chart exercise was carried out to set the priorities and the following were agreed upon to send to Community Development Foundation:
· Embrace sport and activities and ensure part of Olympic legacy.
· Improve local community projects and facilities and the local environment.
· Address increasing needs of young people.
· Identify and improve where needed access to services for older and vulnerable people.
Community Open Day:
It was agreed to hold an open day on February 4th 2012 to achieve:
· Presentation on Community First
· Sharing of priorities and consulting on what the community feels fit into these priorities
· Engagement with voluntary and community groups in the Silksworth Ward
· Support on how to complete the Community First application forms
In order to ensure attendance at the open day Vivienne will draft a letter to be circulated via the West Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) network email and mail out lists which covers VCS organisations delivering in the Silksworth ward. In addition Vivienne will draft a poster to place in local shops, community venues and churches in order to ensure as much publicity as possible. Information will also be placed on the Community First section of the Youth Almighty website.
Draft text to include – Are you a VCS organisation delivering in Silksworth ward – come along to Silksworth Youth and Community Centre for an Open Day to discuss Community First in your ward
The Panel members will be attending and leading on the day – sitting on tables with attendees, presentation on Community First, answering queries, supporting with explaining priorities and ensuring people get involved and sharing application forms.
Lisa who delivers the dance group within the Centre on a Saturday was approached and came into the meeting and agreed to put on a dance presentation at the open day and to also provide opportunities for attendees to participate.
A further meeting was set for Thursday 2nd February 2012 at 6.30pm. in Silksworth Youth and Community Centre for planning for the open day.
The meeting closed at 12.30p.m.