/ FORM OV 4 (CSF4255)
(Focus on the things over which you have control)
Establishment: Hudnall Park Outdoor Centre

ACTIVITY: Orienteering


Group Leader: Outdoor Connexions Staff

Approved by: Nicola Mitchell / Position: Head of Centre / Date: 29/01/2016

Significant Hazards and Associated Risks

Those hazards which may result in serious harm or affect several people /

Those who might be harmed

Persons at risk from the significant hazards identified / Control Measures(CM’s):
Controls, including relevant sources of guidance
(e.g. Generic Risk Assessment, CSF Offsite Visits Manual, Guidance from Provider, etc.). Specific CM’s not included in the generic RA (e.g. briefings, actions by leaders / participants, qualifications / experience of supervisors) / Additional CM’s required?
If existing CM’s cannot be met or circumstances have changed / Residual Risk Rating
(H / M / L)
Hazards caused by group or individual behaviour / ALL GROUPS / ·  Adherence to Lesson Plans
·  Appropriate group size to age of participants.
·  Monitoring and management of group to
ensure safety is not compromised
·  Instruction on safe means of moving around
Briefing about not letting branches flick back on other participants / L
Hazards of road and track crossings / ALL GROUPS / ·  Participants to be made aware of roads,
tracks to cross and of how to move safely
along the road
·  Participants to be made aware of risk from
road traffic
·  Courses for years 1 to 3 to be set within boundaries that exclude roads. / L
Children getting lost and wandering in to hazardous area / ALL GROUPS / ·  Briefing on activity boundaries
·  Ensure supervision at all times
·  Ensure there is a procedure for recalling groups either by setting a known return time or using a recall signal.
·  For courses that extent beyond the confines of the immediate Centre buildings, adult supervisors to have a mobile phone and appropriate contact numbers ie tutor, first aider / L
Trips and falls / ALL GROUPS / ·  Participants made aware of increased risk
when running on uneven tracks
·  See risk assessment for teaching outdoors
·  Regular checks of activity area
Hazards of equipment / GROUPS USING ORIENTEERING PUNCHES / ·  Participants shown how to use punches
safely and made aware of serrated edge
Extreme weather and environmental hazards / ALL GROUPS / ·  See risk assessment for teaching in the
outdoors / L
01/01/2017 / REVIEWED BY:
Nicola Mitchell / COMMENTS:

Form OV4 page 1 of 3 November 2006

Risk assessment Issue 3

CSF4255 (Offsite Visits Manual, Part E)

Form OV4 page 1 of 3 November 2006

Risk assessment Issue 3

CSF4255 (Offsite Visits Manual, Part E)