Ms. Gallegos

Rooms 118 and 116

Email: ktgallegos@cps.k12

Class website:

AP Spanish Language Course Description

Spanish AP Language is equivalent to a third-year college course. The objective of this course is to continue developing proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing, using all modes of communication. There will be a focus on advanced Spanish at the start of the year, which will include frequent mistakes and commonly confused words, transitional phrases, idiomatic expressions, interjections and conversational phrases, and examination of effective strategies for reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This will be followed by a grammar and themes framework in which tenses, moods and other syntactic constructions are revisited alongside units of advanced thematic vocabulary.

Students are further exposed to the culture and current events of Spanish-speaking countries through challenging contemporary publications, works of literature, and authentic audio and video recordings presented in the target language. These materials are used as the subjects of in-depth classroom discussion. Students are expected to converse and write about topics explored in class with native-like flair, control and accuracy.

Class will be conducted entirely in Spanish. Students in this course are required to take the AP exam. One’s success in this class depends largely upon their ability to organize their time, work independently, and set and achieve their own goals.

Authentic materials – reading, writing, speaking, and listening

Reading. Students will read and interpret authentic texts in the target language as a vehicle of language study and expansion as well as emerging literary analysis.

Writing and speaking. Students will learn to apply the following in written and spoken Spanish: idiomatic expressions, cognates, synonyms and antonyms, and rich vocabulary; transitional phrases to introduce, add or emphasize an idea, express a contrasting point of view, give examples, and draw conclusions; a variety of grammatical structures using proper concordance (subject-verb, subject-adjective, gender-noun agreement, tense agreement), and correct mechanics (punctuation, accentuation, syntax, orthography).

Listening. Students will learn to make inferences and predictions and interpret linguistic cues by listening to a variety of regional dialects on audio and video. These authentic recordings will be at the level of native speakers, or advanced learners.

“La ley de la lengua”

La ley de la lengua means that the only language allowed in class is Spanish. On occasion I may resort to English for educational purposes. A student’s failure to follow this pledge will reflect negatively in his or her participation grade.

Methods of Evaluation

• 20% Exams, tests and quizzes

-  Tests generally include matching or multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank and short answer sections. Students will be made aware of test dates. Unannounced quizzes may be given at any time. A final exam will be given at the end of first semester and a final project at the end of second.

• 25% Interpersonal and presentational writing

-  Students will write frequent well-organized essays in reaction to text, audio and/or information discussed in class, which will be evaluated for its content, organization, synthesis of ideas, range of vocabulary, and grammatical accuracy. Essays are graded using the AP Exam rubric! Part of the grade includes peer editing and rewriting to improve proficiency. There are also frequent informal writing activities, such as journal entries, letters, emails, and dialogues.

• 20% Active, engaged participation

-  Participation cannot be underestimated in AP - it’s 20% of your grade! What does it look like?

o  volunteering to ask and answer questions

o  helping others learn

o  speaking in Spanish for the entire class, no matter the circumstance

o  taking notes

o  coming prepared to class (see below)

o  maintaining a respectful and positive attitude for the people around you

o  involvement in whole class, small group, and independent activities until you are told to stop


You will lose participation points if:

1)  You have an unexcused absence or you arrive tardy

2)  You are not prepared in class with books and supplies

3)  You are distracting others from learning or exhibiting off-task behavior

• 20% Projects

-  Projects will be assigned occasionally throughout the semester. Please begin projects shortly after receiving the assignment as opposed to saving them for later.

• 15% Homework

-  Homework may include grammar and vocabulary practice, binder checks, literature assignments, recorded speaking in response to conversational prompts, listening activities at home, etc.


Each student is required to bring the following materials to every class meeting:

-  Abriendo Paso, Gramática and Triángulo

-  A 3-ring binder in your possession by next Monday

-  Keep all class materials in your binder in the order in which they were assigned. You will receive *a lot* of information. Maintain your binder w/ 5 dividers in the following order: 1) Apuntes/Campanazo, 2) Vocabulario, 3) Handouts, 4) Escrituras, 5) Tarea

-  Other materials you should have in your possession, but need not bring to class every day, include:

o  a set of blank 3x5 index cards (for vocabulary words)

o  a good Spanish/English dictionary, such as The New World Spanish/English, English/Spanish Dictionary Revised Second Edition published by Signet, edited by Salvatore Ramondino

o  a copy of 501 Spanish Verbs

General Classroom Procedures

Campanazo / Bell Ringer: If, upon entering class, an activity is projected on the screen or there is a bell ringer on the board, please out take out your notebook and answer the warm-up questions.

-  Technology: CD and MP3 players and cell phones are not allowed in the classroom.If you are seen using these items during class they will be confiscated. Playing games and streaming audio or video, etc. while using the laptops in class is unacceptable. If you are found to be at a site other than the one assigned, your participation grade for the day will be zero.

-  Dismissal: Class is not over until you are dismissed (by me, not the bell).Until then, please stay in your seat and remain focused.Do not put away your materials early, or line up at the door.Before exiting the classroom, be sure to leave a tidy workspace for the next student.

-  Bathroom: Please attend to personal needs before and after class.

-  Homework: NO late homework is accepted unless it is make-up work for an excused absence. Essays, because they are such a significant part of your grade, will be accepted late but will go down one letter grade for each day they are late. Please note…

Ø  It is your responsibility to find out what assignments/quizzes/tests were missed during an absence. Check the class website or the homework folder in the classroom or your partner before consulting me.

Ø  If you have an excused absence you have the same number of days absent to turn in your assignments.

Ø  In case of a long-term absence, it is the student’s responsibility to meet with the teacher as soon as possible in order to arrange a plan for submitting missed assignments.

Ø  All missed tests will be taken upon return from the absence.You will be asked to arrange a time to make up tests and quizzes before or after school.

Ø  If absences are unexcused, a “0” will be given for all missed work.

Primary Texts

Abriendo Paso – Gramática y Lectura. Prentice Hall. Díaz, José M.

Triángulo: A Propósito, Cuarta Edición, Student Workbook. Wayside Publishing. Gatski, Barbara.

AP Web Sites

AP Spanish Language Course Home Page

AP Spanish Language Course Description

Extra Practice: Authentic Audio, Video & Other Media


· My class website, which contains links to online Spanish radio:

· Typing accents:

· Verbix – conjugate verbs in Spanish:

· StudyStack – learn vocabulary by creating virtual flashcards:

*StudyStack displays a stack of "virtual cards" which contain information about a certain subject. Like flashcards, you can review the information at your own pace, discarding the ones you've learned and keeping the ones you still need to review. When you enter the data, it can be displayed as flashcards, a matching game, a word search puzzle, and a hangman.


· Online grammar aide:

· Grammar exercises organized by concept:

· Spanish language and culture site w/ practice exercises:

· Study Spanish – online grammar practice and explanations:

· Archive of activities in Spanish:



· Livemocha – allows you to learn by connecting to a native speaker:

· Epals – pen pals in Spanish:

· Mundo Hispano – online simulation w/ other Spanish speakers:

· Espanglish:

· Univisión chat en español:

· Univisión foros en español:



· BBC en español:

· BBC news audio magazine w/ language learning support:

· Biblioteca Cervantes Fonoteca Virtual (audio recordings of literary classics from Spain):

· Biblioteca Cervantes Videoteca Virtual (video recordings of literary classics from Spain):

· Canal Once Video Gallery:

· University of Toronto – an excellent archive offering recordings of diverse dialects in Spanish:

· Portal – offers links to hundreds of TV channels that offer streaming video on the Internet:

· El País – national newspaper of Spain, featuring articles, audio and video: http://www.elpaí

· Caracol Radio (Colombia):

· Radio Internacional Feminista – audio archives:

· Unión de Radios Libres de y Comunitarias de Madrid – a huge collection of different radios programs available via podcast:

· Radio UNICEF – dedicado a los temas de la salud, la educación, la igualdad y la protección de la infancia:

· La Dialectoteca – recognize the diverse dialects of Spanish:

· AM 590 Continental (Argentina):

· (Scroll down to the bottom of the page for a list of links to Spanish language radio stations worldwide)

· Hispanic Radio Network, Inc. (U.S.)

· Radio Prague in Spanish:

· Radio Televisión Española (Spain):

· Radio y Televisión de Andalucía (Southern Spain):

· Radio UNAM (Mexico):

· Radio Universidad, Puerto Rico:

· Spanish Internet Radio:

· Spanish Language Online Radio (a Hungarian site that directly links to hundreds of Spanish language radio stations worldwide):

· Telemundo:

· Univision:

· Huge list of links to stations throughout the Americas:

· CNN en español:

· Elmundo:

· Univision:

· Voice of America News:

· Euro News:

· Grupo Fórmula:

· Radio Naciones Unidas:

· Más Voces – independent radio project:

· Centro de Medios Independientes de Colombia:



*WGBO-TV channel 66 is the Univision station for Chicago, offering news, talk, drama, movies, etc.

· Adelante Chicago (WGN) - Adelante Chicago is a community show that airs bi-weekly and focuses on the Hispanic community, covering a range of topics including the census, education, politics, and entertainment.

· LATV – WGN’s Chicago area digital channel 9.2 or Comcast Digital Cable 245 for LATV, the nation’s first bilingual music/entertainment network. LATV’s programming offers a range of content that includes multi-genre music, lifestyle and entertainment.

· Noticiero Univision (Univision) - Information on all the day’s breaking news, including in-depth coverage of events and issues that specifically interest the Hispanic community.

·  Noticias Univision Chicago a las 5 PM (Mondays thru Fridays 5:00 PM-5:30PM)

·  Noticias Univision Chicago a las 10 PM (Mondays thru Fridays 10:00 PM-10:30 PM)

· Aquí y Ahora (Univision) – Controversial topics analyzed in depth every Tuesday at 10PM.

· República Deportiva (Univision) - Where Hispanic America turns to satisfy its passion for fútbol. Exclusive coverage of soccer, including exclusive Spanish-language rights to the biggest sporting event in the world, FIFA’s World Cup Soccer Championship.

· Specials (Univision) - Univision also hosts such specials as Premio Lo Nuestro, the premier music awards show on Spanish-language television, as well as the Latin GRAMMY®s, Premios Juventud, Premios TV y Novelas, and Premios Furia Musical.

· Novelas (Univision) - Dramas of intrigue, betrayal, love and romance, history-based plots and educational themes.

· WBEZ 91.5FM Chicago Public Radio (NPR)

·  BBC Newshour: World events, perspectives and stories of the day presented in a global context.

·  Eight Forty Eight: Chicago Public Radio’s award-winning daily magazine featuring news, views and culture–all with a local bent.

·  Chicago Amplified: Our Web-based audio archive filled with diverse lectures, conversations, and other educational events presented in and around Chicago.

·  Latino USA: News, public affairs and trends with a Latino perspective.

Walter Payton College Prep Course Framework by Month, 2010–2011 Ms. Gallegos, Spanish AP Lang

September / Early October Framework

1st Quarter
Esquema 1
Español avanzado/Estratégias AP
- Aspectos claves para tener éxito en clase; Encuesta; Scattergories
- El español avanzado, partes 1 y 2; Palabras fácilmente confundidas
- Skit de español avanzado en grupos
- Diagnostic test (tarea)
- Spelling tips for native and heritage speakers
- Explicación del Foro estudiantil y muestra, Fiebre por Facebook
Esquema 2
La sección escrita del examen AP
- Formato y aspectos claves para tener éxito en la parte escrita
- Cómo escibir una carta en español
- Interpersonal writing rubric; Free response sample Q’s; Práctica
- Cómo hacer un ensayo de síntesis; Frases de transición
- Clasificación de errores en un ensayo; Corregiendo muestras de ensayos
- Presentational writing rubric; Free response sample Q’s; Práctica
- Muestra del foro (los viernes): Cambios tecnológicos
Esquema 3
La sección oral del examen AP
- Formato y aspectos claves para tener éxito en la parte oral
- Interjecciones, expresiones útiles y español conversacional
- Evolución del lenguaje y la jerga
- Interpersonal speaking rubric; Free response sample Q’s; Práctica en el Language Lab
- Framework for formal speaking
- Presentational speaking rubric; Free response sample Q’s; Práctica
- Muestra del foro (los viernes): La presión social
Esquema 4
Listening/Reading portion of AP
- Estratégias y recursos para esuchar y leer
- WebQuest auditivo
- Independent listening and reading practice at home
- Práctica en clase

Walter Payton College Prep Course Framework by Month, 2010–2011 Ms. Gallegos, Spanish AP Lang