LESSON / UNIT TITLE: Immigration to the U.S (c. 1890-1920)
Teacher Name(s):Jennifer Beck and Justin VanFleet
School District: Loyalsock Township School District
Building: Loyalsock Township High School
Grade Level: 9-12
Subject: U.S. History
Time Required:120 Minutes (2-3 class periods)
Lesson/Unit Summary (2-3 sentence synopsis):
This lesson on immigration will walk students through the trials and tribulations America dealt with concerning immigration from the late 1800’s through the early 1900’s. In order for students to gain a better understanding, they will be required to relate the historical immigration studied in class to current immigration issues in America.
Essential Questions for Lesson/Unit
- Why did Immigrants come to America in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries?
2. Where did the Immigrants go once they got to the U.S.?
3. What were American feelings towards the new Immigrants?
Pennsylvania Academic Standards Addressed in Lesson/Unit
8.1.9. B. Historical Analysis and Skills Development: Analyze and interpret historical sources.8.1.12. B. Historical Analysis and Skills Development: Synthesize and evaluate historical sources.
8.1.12. C. Historical Analysis and Skills Development: Evaluate historical interpretation of events.
8.3.9. B. United States History: Identify and analyze primary documents, material artifacts and historic sites important in United States history from 1787 to 1914.
8.3.9. C. United States History: Analyze how continuity and change has influenced United States history from 1787 to 1914.
8.3.9. D.United States History: Identify and analyze conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations in United States history from 1787 to 1914.
8.3.12. C. United States History: Evaluate how continuity and change has influenced United States history from 1890 to Present.
8.3.12. D. United States History: Identify and evaluate conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations in United States history from 1890 to the Present.
Lesson/Unit Objectives
At the conclusion of this lesson/unit, students will be able to:
- Differentiate between groups of people immigrating to America in the early part of the 20th century.
- Compare and contrast immigration during the turn of the 20th century to current immigration.
- Discuss and analyze continuity and change over time in relation to American immigration.
Vocabulary/Key Terms for Lesson/Unit
- Emigrant
- Immigrant
- Famine
- Political
- Economic
- Social
- Exclusion
- Alien
- Naturalization
- Naturalization
- Foreigner
- Refugee
- Visa
- Mandate
- Abolish
- Process
- Screen
- Selection
Historical Background for Teachers/Research Narrative
(Insert a 2-3 page abstract that details your research on the lesson/unit topic.This is where you get to share your scholarship with your peers.You should provide enough information that a teacher could potentially teach the lesson/unit and answer general questions based on studying your narrative.
Immigration to the United States: Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries
In the late 1800’s through the mid 1900’s, immigration to America ballooned. Both Castle Garden, and later Ellis Island of New York City, and Angel Island of San Francisco dealt with huge numbers of immigrants mostly coming from Europe and East Asia. The numbers were staggering. In New York City alone, over twelve million people passed through the gates of Ellis Island. This immigration center was only open from 1892 to 1956 (Saywack). Angel Island absorbed perhaps two hundred thousand immigrants from Japan and China alone throughout the period (Barde). Opportunities in the United States were incredibly abundant due to the Industrial Revolution. People swarmed the cities, resulting in packed factories, multiple languages, and filthy living conditions. Many people from Italy, Ireland, Japan, China and a variety of other countries settled in cities, effectively creating ethnic neighborhoods throughout.
While resettlement took place in abundance, and many people obtained employment, ethnic hatred and prejudice began to arise. Tensions grew in factories between people of different nationalities. As issues heated among immigrants themselves, politicians began to feel the pressure as well. The United States limited the amount of immigrants that were allowed to enter from only specific areas in the world. Immigrants from China, Eastern Europe, Italy and Ireland were specifically targeted and limited with various acts. For example, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, signed by President Chester A. Arthur, put a ten year moratorium on Chinese immigration for the purposes of labor (Teaching with Documents: Using Primary Sources from the National Archives). A variety of prejudices arose, and immigration became a national source of debate. While America would often open her doors to some, she would close them to others.
Works Cited:
Barde, Robert. Immigration at the Golden Gate. San Francisco : Praeger, 2008. Book.
Saywack, Priam. "Immigration in New York City." 2012. Fordham.edu. Web. 21 September
"Teaching with Documents: Using Primary Sources from the National Archives." Washington,
D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1989. pp.82-85. Web. 21 September 2012.
Instructional Prodedures and Activities
1. Bell Ringer(s): One per day (Teacher will begin class with a bell ringer activity. In order to do so, teacher must either use the Promethean ActivInspire software file, or write the items on the board. )
- Who has been in a large car ride? How long? Did you have AC? Did you enjoy the experience? Compare that long car ride to the long journey across an ocean for those coming to America at the turn on the 20th century.
- Why did Immigrants come to America in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries?
- Where did the Immigrants go once they got to the U.S.?
- What were American feelings towards the new Immigrants?
2. Ellis Island Videos:(Go to the History Channel’s website and view the videos on Ellis Island to provide detail on an immigrant’s Ellis Island Experience. Use the 7 Letter Home document to provide a note taking area.)
3. Notes 7.1 Content Presentation
4. Why did they come? Graphic organizer. (Provided in ActivInspire Software)
5. Continue analysis of which groups came to the United States by completing a worksheet from Cicero: History beyond the Textbook (Unit 10) titled: Immigration Chart. Students should also complete Immigration Islands Comparison to better differentiate between the immigration stations.
6. Students will select a familial name and find an actual immigrant from Ellis Island who descends from the area in which their heritage dictates. (Provide username and password as an entire class by signing up at ellisisland.org.) Use Word Document titled: 7 letter home.
7. Students will write a letter to a family member back home describing their experience of arriving at Ellis Island. Students are to explain the three ways to enter the country after watching the history channel videos. (See 7 Letter Home for more information.)
8. Formal assessment (Quiz 7.1)
Suggested Strategies for Differentiating Instruction
As this lesson has a great amount of elements to discuss, diffferentiation strategies are limitless. The strategies will be broken into sections of the lesson compponents:
- Assessment: Lessen amount of choices in Multiple Choice, provide word banks
- Investigation: Provide documents for student rather than have them use Ellis Island’s document bank.
- Letter: Provide a template for less organizational difficulties in writing. Groupwork could be possible.
- Worksheets: None provided as this is a classroom/homework activity. Groupwork could be possible.
Assessment of Student Learning (Formative and Summative)
- Formative:
Letter Home Rubric
Immigration Chart
Immigration Islands Comparison
Immigration Graphic Organizer
- Summative
Assessment quiz 7.1
Materials and Resources*
*Refer to included Supporting Resources
*Notes 7.1
*7 letter home
*ActivInspire Visual Lesson Guide
Internet Resources:
Ellis Island website:
Cicero: History beyond the Textbook, Units 10 and 12
*Immigration Islands Comparison
*Immigration Chart
The History Channel
Author(s) of Unit/Lesson Plan
Jennifer Beck, Justin Van Fleet
Loyalsock Township School District, Loyalsock Township High School, 1801 Loyalsock Drive, Williamsport, Pennsylvania 17701 Bottom of Form