Name …Jack Smith……………………. Date set …25 July 08…………….. Date to be reviewed …7 October 08
Child’s Strengths/Can Do’s………Jack enjoys playing with a familiar adult. He likes the marble run, cars, trains and messy play……………..
Child’s targets / How to do it / Who will do it / How often / Resources needed / Outcome (to be completed for review meeting)Jack to be able to take part in a turn-taking game with adult support / Adult to play marble run game with Jack. Use a ‘Wait’ symbol if necessary. Reinforce with language “My turn, your turn” and “Good waiting” / Key person / Once per session / Marble run
Wait symbol / Jack can consistently take turns playing marble run with his key person and no longer needs the Wait symbol. Next we want to try introducing another child (good role model) to the same game, keeping adult support.
Jack to extend his range of activities by using a choosing board / Adult to have velcroed symbols/photos of up to 4 favourite activities on a board. Ask Jack to choose an activity and post symbol in box. Reinforce with gestures and clear language eg “Jack, Playdoh or trains?” / Key person or any available member of staff / Throughout the session / Choosing board
Velcroed symbols/photos
Posting box / Jack can consistently choose an activity from 4 choices on his choosing board. This means he is purposefully engaged in different activities instead of flitting around the setting. He doesn’t always get the time to do all the activities so next we want to also use the sand-timer to try to move him on to another activity.
Signed by parent/carers:……………………………. Signed by SENCo: …………………………..
IEP Review Notes:
Jack’s parents are really pleased with his progress and have started using a choosing board at home to help him decide which activity he wants to play so that he plays with a wider range of toys/activities. Giving Jack choices has also had a positive effect on his behaviour both in the setting and at home. Discussed new IEP targets.
Date of review: …7 October 08……………… Signed by parent/carers:…………………………. Signed by SENCo: …………………………..