Term 1&2 Program for Korean teaching 2015
Stage 1/ Year 2/ Push and Pull (Primary Connection)
The Push-pull unit is an ideal way to link science with Korean literacy in the classroom. The unit provides the opportunity for students to explore pushes and pulls. Through investigations, students observe and gather evidence about how these forces act in air and water, and on the ground. Students identify the effect of the pull of gravity and learn that both air and water can ‘push’.
Students identify the forces they use in their daily lives to play and work and live. They observe and discuss the effects of gravity and how forces work in water, air and on the ground. They use science inquiry skills to conduct a test of fall time for paper helicopters.
· create a list of push and pull words to develop a word wall.
· work in teams to explore how toys move
· represent push and pull forces using force-arrow diagrams.
· complete a ‘Science Fair’ folder using the terms ‘push’ and ‘pull’ in Korean
Using Language / Making Linguistic Connections / Moving Between Cultures1.UL.1 recognises and responds to words, phrases and simple sentences in spoken Korean
1.UL.2 identifies and responds to features of written Korean
1.UL.3 uses known words in Korean to interact in everyday activities
1.UL.4 demonstrates developing writing skills by recognising and copying Korean / 1.MLC.2 explores ways in which meaning is conveyed in Korean / 1.MBC.1 demonstrates awareness of cultural diversity
1.MBC.2 identifies cultural practices in Korean-speaking communities.
Week / Outcomes and Indicators / Teaching and Learning Experience / Planned assessment
1 / Team Teaching
2, 3, 4 & 5 / 1.MLC.2
· recognise features of the written language as representations of sound, eg simple greetings, their names written in Hangeul.
· recognise ways in which Korean people express their culture through Lunar New Year celebrations
· explore cultural symbols and practices, eg through games such as 세배 and songs about Lunar New Year. / Recall what they have learned last year in Korean class.
· Head, shoulders, knees and toes
· Primary colours in Korean
· Happy Birthday song in Korean
How to write my name in Korean?
Introduce Student’s name in Korean alphabet. Use name tags and Classdojo.com.
Individual Ss: Copy their name in Korean on mini white boards.
Extension: Write 4 sentences to introduce themselves on mini white boards.
Lunar New Year Assembly practice.
6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 / 1.UL.1
· listen actively to aid comprehension
· identify and respond to key words and phrases in context, eg songs, rhymes, dance, actions and games
· respond to greetings, questions, commands in verbal/nonverbal ways in familiar social interactions, such as ‘Freeze in position’ games and classroom instructions.
· recognise symbols and words of the language about ‘Push and Pull’ in print, eg as labels, captions and in charts
· demonstrate comprehension, eg by matching words to pictures and actions
· participate in social exchanges with teacher and peers, eg greetings, introducing self and others, such as 안녕하세요 선생님.
· reproduce symbols, words and phrases about ‘Push and Pull’ by tracing, copying and colouring in
· produce texts, eg push and pull/밀고 당기기, favourite toy/내가 좋아하는 장난감 on the ‘Science Fair’ folder.
· Recognise and reproduce sounds in Korean, eg pronunciation of consonants / Science Fair Project/ Push and Pull
Lesson 1; Toys
Explores and describes how pushes and pulls can make toys move, e.g. pushing a ball or toy car makes it move.
Introduce ‘Science Fair’ project using manila folders.
Complete the cover page for the Science Fair; introducing the word Push and Pull in Korean; 밀고 당기기.
Learn the names of toys in Korean, e.g. toys/장난감, car/자동차, ball/공, Teddy bear/곰인형.
Collects toys that move and classifies them according to their type of movement, e.g. roll, spin, slide, fly and float.
Learn the types of movement in Korean, e.g. roll/구르다, spin/돌다, fly/날다, float/뜨다.
Take a photo of each student’s favourite toy that need force (push and pull) to move.
Background students; complete the text book about toys and verbs ‘ I have/ don’t have’/ 있어요, 없어요.
Lesson 2; Everyday push and pull
Explores and describes how push and pull can make things move and occur in everyday activities around the classroom, home and playground.
Use force arrows to demonstrate the direction of pushes and pulls.
Learn how to say, read and write push and pull in Korean.
Push/밀다, pull/당기다.
‘Freeze in position’ game/즐겁게 춤을 추다가 그대로 멈춰라; Use signs of 밀다, 당기다, 구르다, 돌다, 날다 to play this game instead of ‘freeze’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQIcgadCk3M
Lesson 3; My favourite toy
Explains and describes how my favourite toy/what makes this toy move.
Learn forming simple sentences using the key verbs; 밀어요, 당겨요.
Invite students to bring their toys and verbally form a sentence. E.g. 자동차를 밀어요. 기차를 당겨요.
Complete the work sheet of tracing sentences. Paste on the individual folders. Background students; write a describing text, explaining how my toys move. E.g. 빨간 자동차를 밀어요.
Lesson 4; Making Push n Pull card
Learn making push and pull card using cards boards.
Use the photo of students on the cards to be appeared.
Lesson 5; Isaac Newton’s the Laws of Motion (mini book making)
Introduce the scientist Isaac Newton and explain the Laws of Motion.
Introduce vocabulary; Laws of Motion; 운동의 법칙
Complete the cover page of the mini book.
Lesson 6; First Law of Motion
Explain the first Law of Motion; objects keep on doing what they're doing.
Introduce vocabulary; first in Korean; 첫번째
Complete the ‘first law of motion’ page.
Lesson 7; Second Law of Motion
Explain the second Law of Motion; Everyone knows that heavier objects require more force to move the same distance as lighter objects.
Introduce vocabulary; second in Korean; 두번째
Complete the ‘second Law of Motion’ page.
Lesson 8; Third Law of Motion
Explain the Third Law of Motion; for every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size, but opposite in direction.
Introduce vocabulary; third in Korean; 세번째
Complete the ‘third Law of Motion’ page.
Lesson 9 and 10; Calligraphy
In small groups (pull the groups out of the class), complete the calligraphy of밀어요. 당겨요. / Assessment strategy
Students produce a ‘Science Fair’ folder of Push and Pull.
Assessment Criteria
The student:
· reproduces words and phrases about ‘Push and Pull’ by tracing, copying and colouring in
· produces texts, eg push and pull; 밀어요. 당겨요., ordinal numbers; 첫번째, 두번째, 세번째 on the ‘Science Fair’ folder.