Officer Application
- Members will be reviewed by a Board. If passed, you will be voted for during elections (April 5).
- Officer duties are outlined on pages 2-4 of this document.
Benefits: Resume/Applications for Graduate School/Scholarships, Leadership Development, Networking Opportunities with GSU faculty, Gaining of Knowledge/Skills/Experience, Personal Development
Name: ______
What position are you interested in? Vice President, Treasurer, Public Relations, Secretary, Historian,
Volunteer Coordinator
Are you a Tri-Beta (Associate or Regular) or Biology Club member)? ______
How long have you been a member? ______
What year are you (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior)? ______
Why do you want to be an officer?
What makes you qualified?
Can you work well with others? Explain.
How many hours a week are you willing to spend to uphold this organization? How many hours a week do you think your requested officer position typically spends?
Article VIII – Officer Duties
Executive Board duties and power of control:
- The Executive Board can set procedures for the organization that do not infringe upon the rights of the members.
- The Executive Board shall meet prior to every general body meeting to set the agenda and discuss any issues. The executive board meetings will be held a week before general body meetings, and will be conducted at least two times a month.
- At executive board meetings, a quorum of 4/7 is necessary to conduct business.
- Officers are to treat each individual with the utmost respect. Unprofessional and detrimental behavior will not be tolerated.
- All officers shall wear their TriBeta badge for each meetings and events sponsored by TriBeta at all times.
- Officers are expected at all times to put their best effort forward in performing their duties and responsibilities to as to ensure that TriBeta GSU is efficient and effective as a student organization.
- The role of the President includes, but not limited to the following duties and responsibilities:
- Beknowledgeable of all officer duties and responsibilities.
- Attend andpreside over all meetings and chapter activities.
- Setup for each general and officer meeting.
- Actas the primary coordinator for all chapter activities.
- Conductmeetings with the officers and advisor.
- Prepare and distribute an agenda for each meeting.
- Beknowledgeable of and enforce procedures.
- Plan the chapter calendar for each semester.
- Insure the appropriate meeting space or event space is available or reserved.
- Stayinformed of all chapter activities.
- Establishcommittees and appoint personnel necessary to carry out assignments.
- Monitorthe progress of all chapter activities.
- Representthe organization at university or community events.
- Encouragecooperation and participation of all chapter members.
- Workwith all other officers to actively pursue the organization’s best interests.
- The role of the Vice President includes, but not limited to the following duties and responsibilities:
- Beknowledgeable of all officer duties andresponsibilities.
- Attend all meetings and chapter activities.
- Assistthe President withall of the Presidents’ assignedduties.
- Assists the President on the status of each member’s fee payments, meeting attendance and volunteer activity.
- Act in place of the President during his/her absence.
- Consult with officers.
- Provide assistance to all other officers.
- Conduct regular meetings with the President to discuss pertinent information.
- Aid in the coordinate of meetings and volunteer activities
- Stay informed of all chapter activities.
- Work with all other officers to actively pursue the organization’s best interest.
- The role of the Secretary includes, but not limited to the following duties and responsibilities:
- Creates all official correspondence after consulting with the President.
- Be knowledgeable of all officer duties and responsibilities.
- Attend all body and officer meetings.
- Record the minutes of each meeting and provide a copy to each officer.
- Write and send emails to all chapter members regarding meetings, events, and other important announcements through OrgSync and TriBeta’s Gmail.
- Reply to all personnel emails from members regarding meetings and activities.
- Consults with the President on the status of the member’s meeting attendance.
- Maintain and keep track of member attendance sign-in sheets at all meetings.
- Consults with the Volunteer Coordinator to stay informed of all chapter activities.
- Send reminder emails to all members regarding each meeting and event through TriBeta’s Gmail and OrgSync.Reminder emails must be sent twice: 4 days before and 1 day before the meeting and the event.
- The role of the Treasurer includes, but not limited to the following duties and responsibilities:
- Be knowledgeable of all officers duties and responsibilities.
- Attend all meetings and chapter activities.
- Prepare a tentative budget at the end of the spring semester in which he/she took office and discuss it with the president for finalization.
- Consults with the President on the status of the member’s fee payments.
- Consult with the president to complete the Mid-Year Allocation Request Meeting for university-distributed funds.
- Reports all monthly transactions to the president- including copies of bank statements and membership fee receipts.
- Work with the appropriate fee council regarding funding.
- The role of the Public Relations Chair includes, but not limited to the following duties and responsibilities:
- Be knowledgeable of all officer duties and responsibilities.
- Attend all meetings and chapter activities.
- Consult with the President to finalize all guest speakers for the general body meetings before the start of each semester.
- Participating in all of the Student Organization Fairs to advertise for Tribeta at GSU.
- Responsible for posting meeting schedules around the campus at the beginning of the semester.
- Responsible for posting advertisement flyers at specified locations at least 3 school days before the general body meetings.
- Actively in charge of Facebook and the Tribeta Website. Public Relations Chairman must post all meetings and other important announcements on Facebook.
- Work with all other officers to actively pursue the organization’s best interest.
- The role of the Volunteer Coordinator position include but not limited to the following duties and responsibilities:
- Be knowledgeable of all officer duties and responsibilities.
- Attend all meetings and chapter activities
- Maintain contact with volunteer organizations
- Create new contacts with medical and non-medical organizations.
- Coordinate all volunteer activities each semester with at least two volunteer activities per month.
- Must keep track of all volunteer activity of the members each month, and will be responsible for keeping track of all the volunteer forms turned in at the end of each semester.
- Consults with the President on the status of member’s volunteer participation. Stated in Section Article V Code B, members who fail to get 10 points of community service a semester will be put on probation and will not be eligible to receive any club benefits (including graduation cords) until they have made up their missing points.
- Event arrangement, posting the exact time and date on OrgSync and Facebook.
- Contact members through OrgSync, Facebook, Tribeta’s Gmail, or personal email to help sort any issues, regarding transportation. It is also the responsibility of the volunteer coordinator to inform the President for possible car rentals, and all required forms to use car rentals must be completed on time.
- Coordinates all group trips to visit other sites of attraction, such as medical schools, etc.
- Work with all other officers to actively pursue the organization’s best interest.
- The role of the Historian position include but not limited to the following duties and responsibilities:
- Be knowledge of all officer duties and responsibilities.
- Attend all meetings and chapter activities.
- Takes pictures of each AMSA meetings and events on AMSA’s, Facebook, and the Tribeta Website.
- Responsible for the pictures, arts and crafts of the organization’s promotion poster for fairs.
- Stay informed of all chapter activities.
Article IX – Removal from Office
- Any officer may be removed from their position at any time during their term by one ofthe following methods:
- Aformal resignation from the elected officer.
- Dueto failure to execute duties for behavior that is inconsistent with being a leader of a student organization.
- UponagreementofthecurrentlyelectedPresidentandTribeta’s faculty Advisor,anofficer maybe removedfrom their position for any reason.
- If an agreement cannot bereached among thecurrently elected President, and Tribeta GSU Advisor, a removal of position vote will be held at the next occurring officer meeting. All officers attending the meeting must vote. A majority vote among the officers must be reached for an officer to be removed.
- Only the Tribeta GSU Advisor may remove the President from office. Upon removal of the President, the Vice President will be made interim President.
- The President may appoint an active Tribeta GSU member as an interim officer to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of any removed officer.
- All officers must be notified before their removal process is being started.
- The officer will be given a 14-day notice that their position is being reviewed. The officer may present any information or evidence to the Executive Board or general membership at the scheduled meeting.
- If the Executive Board initiated the removal process and it passes at their meeting, it must be presented to members in the next general body meeting.