Research Student Administration
Degree of Doctor of Business Administration Examination Report Form
Form Guidance and Processes. Examiners must complete and sign a joint report on the form set out below. The completed form, both preliminary reports and thesis should be returned to the PGR Administrator within the Faculty/Academic Unit. The PGR Administrator should submit the form to the Research Administrative Team in Student Registry Services within two weeks of the oral or other examination.
Procedures for the conduct of research examinations are detailed within the ‘Guidance for Internal and External Examiners of Candidates for Research Degrees’ which is underpinned by the University’s Ordinances and Regulations for Research Degrees – available online at:
Examiners are expected to read the ‘Guidance for Internal and External Examiners of Candidates for Research Degrees’ and be familiar with the associated Ordinances and Regulations for Research Degrees before conducting the examination.
In addition, it is expected that examinations are conducted with regards to the University’s policies on Professional Conduct, Equality and Diversity - available online at:
Please note that, following approval by the Research Degrees Committee (RDC), a copy of this report will be forwarded to the Candidate.
Please ensure this form is typed (including Sections 3 & 4) and signed by all examiners.
CandidateFull Name
UB Number
Title of Thesis
Faculty/Academic Unit
Date of Registration
Date and Place of Oral Examination
Independent Chair
- Recommendation of Examiners (please check the appropriate box/es
Note 2 – Please refer to the Programme Specification for the DBA programme which details the expected learning outcomes for the programme and note the candidate may still be eligible for alternative degree on the basis of modules completed under previous stages, as laid down in individual course regulations.
1.1 / That the candidate be awarded the Degree of DBA /
1.2 / That the candidate be awarded the Degree of DBA subject to corrections being made to the thesis, including the abstract, to the satisfaction of the Internal Examiner (see Note 1 above).
Such minor corrections shall be completed within a period of three months of the examination. /
1.3 / That the candidate, having submitted a satisfactory thesis but failed to satisfy the Examiners at an oral examination held in connection therewith, be allowed to re-present, upon payment of an associated fee, the same thesis for a further oral examination.
The further oral examination shall take place within a period not exceeding twelve months from the date of official notification to the candidate of the outcome of the examination /
1.4 / That the candidate be allowed to re-submit the thesis in a revised form for the Degree of DBA, upon payment of a re-submission fee, with or without a further oral examination, as determined by the Examiners (see Note 1 above). Please indicate the need for a further oral examination, by checking the applicable box:
Yes, a further oral examination is required
No, a further oral examination is not required
The examining team reserve the right to request a further Viva. A decision will be made following re-assessment of the revised and resubmitted thesis
The re-submission shall take place within a period not exceeding twelve months from the date of the official notification to the candidate of the outcome of the examination. /
1.5 / That no award be made and that the candidate be not permitted to revise and re-present the thesis (see Note 2 above) /
2. Assessment of the thesis (please check the appropriate box/es)
Yes No
(a) Is the literary presentation of the thesis satisfactory?
(b)Does the thesis contain original work of merit?
(c)Is the thesis worthy of publication either in full or in part?
(d)Does the candidate give evidence of:
(i) Competence in independent work?
(ii)Critical use of published work and source materials?
3. Report on the Candidate’s performance at the oral examination and on any additional written or practical examinations
Please check the appropriate box/es below to indicate whether the presence of Candidate’s supervisor/s at the oral examination (refer to the ‘Guidance for Internal and External Examiners of Candidates for Research degrees’), Section 8
The Candidate’s supervisors were not present
The Candidate’s Principal Supervisor was present
The Candidate’s Associate Supervisor was pesent
Continue on a separate page, as necessary. Any additional pages should be stapled to this form and should indicate clearly the Section(s) to which they refer:
4. Report on the thesis
Please give a joint critical appraisal of the thesis in approximately 500 words, including comments on:
- The nature and scope of the investigation
- The contribution made to the subject field, including the extent to which the thesis contains original, publishable work of merit
- The quality of the submission and, where appropriate, of the investigative work described
- When minor corrections or re-submission are required:
- Minor corrections – the examiners should ensure that a list of corrections is released to the Candidate immediately after the examination and a copy is appended to this report
- Re-submitted thesis – the examiners should ensure a list of corrections and amendments is released immediately to the Candidate’s Principal Supervisor after the examination and a copy is appended to this report
The preliminary reports on the thesis written by the individual examiners prior to examination do not constitute a joint exam report. However, points raised on the individual preliminary reports can form the basis of the joint report below.
Please provide sufficient detail in order to prevent delay in the approval of the Candidate’s degree.
Continue on a separate page, as necessary. Any additional pages should be stapled to this form and should indicate clearly the Section(s) to which they refer.
5. Signatures of Examiners
All Examiners and the Independent Chair (or Independent Mediator for staff candidate with two External Examiners) must sign the Examiners’ Report Form. Please print name and include the date in the table below, and sign after completing the Form
Independent Chair / ______Date: ______
Print Name / ______
External Examiner / ______Date: ______
Print Name / ______
Internal Examiner / ______Date: ______
Print Name / ______
Once this has been signed by both Examiners and the Independent Chair, please return the signed form to the PGR Administratorin the Candidate’s Faculty for the Director of PG Research to read and sign off. If the Director of PGR is the student’s supervisor or Internal Examiner, please pass to the Associate Dean of Research & Knowledge Transfer to read and sign off.
Director of PG Research in Candidate’s Faculty / ______Date: ______Print Name / ______
As per Guidance, return to Student Registry Services (Research Team), University of Bradford, Richmond Building, Richmond Road, Bradford, BD7 1DP within two weeks of the oral or other examination.
This form is available online at: For queries about completing the Examiners’ Report Form and / or the research examination process please contact the Research Student Administration Team either by email on or by telephone on +44 (0)1274 235408