Josiah V. Thompson
Uniontown, Pa.
Family Record Book
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The Historical & Genealogic Societies of Pennsylvania No 1300 Locust St Corner of 13th Phila, Pa July 16, 1926 11 AM
After being sent upstairs & down again looking for the Rev John Casper Stoever original records, I got the attention of Mr Ernest Spofford, a handsome business like man who was very obliging & very efficient.
They have here the "Metzger Book" which has a lavender back, not green & is entitled a "History & memorial Report of the Rights between the heirs of Theobald Metzger vs the Netherlands with genealogies of the different families by John J. Scholl Allentown, Pa. E.B. Leiserring & Co Book & Job Printer, Allentown, Pa 1868"
In his "Preface" bottom of page 3 & top of page 4 (the book contains 104 pages) he says he has the records of over 4000 families & upwards of 2000 letters from every state in this country which are all carefully arranged for presentation & will be kept for future reference. Signed John J. Scholl, Allentown, Pa. say 1868.
See Mr Romig at Allentown, Pa as to
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when he died & who got this data on page 60 he names Sybilla Zimmerman, who married John Rothermel (Rode Armer from the Dukes of Switzerland) as coming a widow to Phila on ship Thistle Aug 30, 1730 with her six children. They were married 1708 or 1709. Children, Anna Maria, Paul, Peter, John, Christian & Lorence.
1. Anna Maria born Feby 1712 married 1729 Peter Fetherolf, son John Jacob Fetherolf who was born at Wachbach, Mch 20, 1699. He, Peter Fetherolf, died Aug 15, 1784 & his wife somewhat later & are buried in Lehigh Co, Pa. They had six children, Jacob, Philip, Peter, Barbara married Philip Hain, Catharine married Mr Seigfrit, Maria Magdalena married Christolf Bittenbender. Their descendants are in Penna & Ohio. Gives 13 different family names of descendants.
2. Paul purchased 250 A in Maiden Creek Tp adjg his brother Christian 1738 & married 1747 Maria Catharine Maurer. Were buried on Lands of Jacob Rothermel, Fleetwood. Begat 7 children: Peter, Leonard, Paul, John, Jacob, Barbara, _____, original tract then, 1868, in possession of his great
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grandson Paul Rothermel descendants in Pa, NY, Ohio, Ind & Ills & gives 15 other family names.
3. Lorence bought 150 A in Windsor Tp 1738 (then Phila now Berks Co) & married about 1745 or 1746. Buried near Alburtis Sta, Lehigh Co. Had one son, Leonhard & one daughter Maria, who married John Christian Romich. Descendants in Pa, Ohio, Mich, Ills, Ind, Iowa & he gives 15 different family names among them being Scholl (his own line probably)
4. Peter bought 100 A Oct 15, 1737 in Maxatawny Tp & had as far as can be learned 5 children, David, Peter, Marguerite who married Abram Trevilbees (Dreibelbiss), Abraham & Catherine & their descendants are in Pa, NY, Ohio, Ill & Ind & gives 30 family names also including Scholl.
5. John Rothermel, the youngest of the six was but 7 yrs old or thereabouts when he landed in this country born Jany 24, 1722 (see family record of Jacob Rothermel, Fleetwood, Pa) married Elizabeth Seigfrit & settled on 25 A warrant dated July 7, 1737 adjg lands of his brother Lorence. He died Nov 24, 1785 (see family record of Jacob Rothermel, Fleetwood, Pa
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& his wife Elizabeth Nov 8, 1809 & are buried on lands of Jacob Rothermel, Coxtown, Pa & begat 4 children: Abraham, Jacob, Daniel, & John who left descendants as follows: gives 12 family names but don't mention the other six children among whom was great grandmother Mary Markle nor does it mention Markles as descendants.
6. Christian bought 250 A in Maiden Creek Tp adjg his brother Paul July 3, 1734 (indicative of his being older than John, notwithstanding Kate Smith's statement that he was the youngest) & begat 7 children: Margaret married Jacob Long, Sybilla married Paul Grosscup, Magdalena, Maud, Peter & two others. (Don't name Martin). Descendants are in Pa, Ohio, Ind, Ills & Tennessee & gives 8 family names but don't even include Grosscup or Meyers.
The name of Henry S. Dotterer, my old correspondent is on the front fly leaf of this book. It is now 12:30 PM
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The records which Wm Caspar Stoever Esq had were after his death on Oct 27, 1924 merely deposited for safe keeping by his widow & sister so Mr Ernest Spofford in charge here & who got them out for me says. They are:
1. A pamphlet entitled:
"Records of Rev John Casper Stoever Baptismal & marriage 1730‑1779 Harrisburg, Pa 1896, Harrisburg Pub Co" & contains 77 pages
2. Is his original record book (Day Book size) which is in German. I think the pamphlet above is a translated printed copy of this old record book & I think what I copied at the Newberry Library Chicago, Ills early in Apr 1924 which see is taken from it.
Leaving 12:44 PM
See Book 10 p 548
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At Lutheran Publication Society No 1228 (or 1227) Spruce St, Corner of 13th Phila, Pa July 16, 1926 1:20 PM
I find here a "History of the Lutheran Church of Pa 1638‑1820 by Theodore Emanuel Schmank, Phila, Pa General Church Publications 1903" On pages 242, 245 & many others are references to Rev John Casper Stoever, see Index.
The man in charge says the Mt Airy (Phila) Theological Seminary has the most complete Library relating to the History of the Lutheran Church & said too that Dr Reed was Librarian there.
He also said there was extant a "History of the Lutheran Churches of Berks Co, Pa"
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At residence of Mr & Mrs Chas Morford Hallman NO 510 Brighton Ave, Pennside, Berks Co, Pa July 16, 1926 5:44 Pm or 4:44 PM Standard time.
I arrived here 15 minutes ago & found Mrs Hallman's brother Thomas Burd Zell sitting on the front porch. He says that his relative, Col James Burd fought the battle of Bushy Runn in Westd Co, Pa & that Col Henry Bouquet to whom credit is given was many miles from the scene at the time. He says that this was determined by recent investigations made by the late Burd S. Patterson of Pgh, Pa himself & others. He brought me upstairs & introduced me to his sister, Mrs Hallman & his mother, Mrs Josephine Patterson Thompson Zell who Addams S. McAllister in his "Descendants of John Thomson" very properly designates the "Queen of the Thompsons". Mrs Zell in her 93d year born Dec 6, 1833 is a handsome woman, with features & cut of the head much superior to her likeness in front of above work. She shows no wrinkles & would readily pass anywhere for 70 yrs of age. She is spry & active. She says Addams S. McAllister, a bachelor, married
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a Phila woman some 4 or 5 yrs ago & she showed me his snapshot photo with his two young children. He has taken a government Position & is now living at NO 3409 34th Place N.W. Washington D.C. She advises me to see him saying he has fuller information about the Thompsons than anyone else.
Mrs Zell said that some of the first cousins of her father, William Thompson, had children who went west. Says John, the Pioneer, her great grandfather, had a son Peter, by his 3d wife & she thinks Peter had a son Thomas Thompson who went west probably to Ohio & came back to Penna & got a wife & went to Topeka Kansas.
Mrs Zell says her mother, Charlotte Chambers Patterson was related to the Potters of Center Co, Pa whom she used to visit. The picture of her mother in which Mrs Zell aged 6 yrs appears is the outstanding one in both the books. Descendants of John Thomson & James Patterson of Conestoga Manor.
T.B. said that Henry Walters, Cashr of the old Harrisburg Bank & once a grocer at Balto, Md was the father of William Walters a John Thomson descendant who was at the head of the
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Louisville & Nashville RR & the Atlantic Coast Line & was worth twelve million dollars when he died. He had two children, Harry Walters & a daughter who married a Delano & her son living at Wilmington, N.C. is being trained by his Uncle Harry to be his successor. He says Harry is chairman of the boards of these RRs & is worth one hundred million dollars. See him. T.B. remembers his grandmother as a most wonderful, lonely woman, when he was 11 yrs old. He says the old historic Donegal Church is midway between Mt Joy (12 miles west of Lancaster, Pa) & Marietta, Pa. Go to that graveyard. T.B. says that there are 3 old maid daughters of his Uncle Wm Shippen Thompson living at Wichita, Kansas. Mrs Zell says to see Edwd Shippen Thompson, her nephew at Thompsontown, Pa where he has a flour mill, sand, cement etc. T.B. sells the Jno Thomson Hist for $5 & has some copies left for sales on page 115 is reference to Patterson‑Potter & on page 209 is mention of her mother Charlotte Chambers Thompson nee Patterson as shown me by Mrs Zell. See index. Mrs Zell's tribute to her mother is in the Patterson Book page 209. She is now most graciously giving her time to religious meditiations looking to a heavenly home. see bk 9 p 569
Leaving 7:30 PM
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Recorders office, Arlisle, Pa July 17, 1925 12:12 PM
I find by reference to Grantees Indices deeds to several early Carothers & make a few notations:
Deed Book 1 I page 266 where John Glen & wife for £125 convey 250 A in W. Pennsboro Tp to James Caruthers the younger.
Deed Book 1 Q 280 where James Carothers on Nov 5, 1805 & his wife Maria, make over to Geo Kline for use of said Maria all of said James Carothers interest in lands in Pa which he inherits from his father James Carothers late of West Pennsboro Tp who died intestate leaving a widow & six children of whom this James is the eldest son.
Deed Book 1 Q p 532 where James & John Carothers two of the sons of James Carothers of West Pennsboro Tp reciting that John is the eldest son & they in consideration of a debt of $800 to David Watts convey their interest including John's right to
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take it at the appraisement which Watts does & sells it 296 A 148 P to Jeremiah McKibben of Newville, Pa for $5938
Deed Book 1 P page 100 dated Aug 3, 1801 recites that James Love of Carlisle conveys to John Carothers of West Pennsboro Tp. Says that James Love & Isabella his wife for $900 convey tract of land belonging to the heirs of John Love & which contained 45 A & was bequeathed to James Love by his father. See John Love's will.
Deed Book 1 F Page 236 Deed from James Carnahan to his son Adam Carnahan states that on June 7, 1763, there was surveyed & laid out to James Carnahan a tract of land formerly in Hopewell Tp now in Newton Tp beginning on the banks of the Conedoquinnet adjg Joseph Graham & lands late of James Jack decd ctg 270 1/2 A & 6% for roads in Con. of natural love & affection for his son Adam & £300 paid by him conveys sd land on Sept 28, 1782 but reserves 1/3 of all grain & fruit that grows for his own support & requires that he do not sell while he lives unless he gives consent in writing. James (his mark) Carnahan
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Deed Book 1 H page 151 dated Dec 9, 1785 wherein John Carothers of Mecklinburg Co N.C. conveys to Andrew Carothers of East Pennsboro Tp, Cumb Co, Pa farmer. Recites that John Carothers father of said John & Andrew by his will dated Oct 14, 1777 devised to nine of his children the whole of his estate both real & personal excepting his wife's dower to each 1/9 said will registered in Carlisle, Pa now for £50 John conveys to his brother Andrew 1/9 of lands estimated to be 400 A. States that some of this land had been warranted to Robert Carothers & conveyed to John. John Carothers.
Look up will of his father John
July 23/26 see if this John isn't son of Robert whose will I got.
Deed Book 1 R p 408 dated Dec 24, 1806 between James Carothers & Alice, his wife of Hanover Tp, Beaver Co, Pa who for £100 pd by William & John Carothers of East Pennsboro Tp all their claim to one fifth part of one third of a tract of land in East Pennsboro Tp adjg Shippen Jno on & Conedoquinnett Creek ctg 163 3/4 A owned by William James, & John as tenants in common as devised to them by will of their father, John Carothers, late of East Pennsboro, Tp decd & James Carothers one of the
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aforesaid heirs being deceased, the said Alice Carothers being sister & one of the heirs at Law of the said James Carothers deceased, he the said James Carothers dying intestate.
Jas Carothers
Alice Carothers
Recd signed by Jas & ack of him & Alice his wife on same day
Deed Book CC P 334 Dated Oct 2, 1817 wherein Wm Lusk Campbell of York Co sells Samuel Carothers of Dickinson Tp, Cumb Co, Pa for $6668.62 a tract of land in Dickinson Tp ctg 135 A.
Deed Book 1 GG page 457 dated May 12, 1823 wherein William Carothers, James Carothers, Martin Carothers & John Carothers, children & heirs at law of Andrew Carothers late of West Pennsboro Tp decd of the one part and Andrew Carothers Esq of Carlisle of the other part wherein 1st parties for $2850 convey to him a tract of land in West Pennsboro Tp adjg Andrew Hicks lands late of the heirs of James Carothers decd, lands of James Grayson formerly of the heirs of James Carothers decd lands of Stephen Duncan formerly of Armstrong Carothers, thence by lands of Armstrong Carothers ctg 123 A.
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also a 30 A & an 80 A tract the first tract being allotted to Andrew Carothers father of the grantors in the subdivision of the estate of his father William Carothers the Elder decd & the other tracts being in dispute with the aforesaid James Grayson & in his possession.
William Carothers
James (his mark) Carothers
Martin (his mark) Carothers
John Carothers
No wifes [sic] join, most probably young men.
Deed Book 2 B page 44 dated July 25, 1848 from Josiah Carothers & Mary his wife of West Pennsboro Tp who for $1 & natural love & affection convey to their daughter Eliza E. Carothers, wife of Andrew Carothers of the same place 9 A in sd Tp bounded by John Howenstine heirs et al being the same property which was seized as the property of Armstrong Carothers & sold by James Neal Shff & conveys to said Josiah Carothers Oct 15, 1825.