Spanish 4 – Syllabus New Paltz High School 2016-2017
Sr. Marc Knittel Email:
Phone: (845) 256-4100 ext. 69528
Textbook: Imagina, 2nd edition by Vista Higher Learning
Overview and general goals: The aim of Spanish 4 is to assure that students can read, write and speak the target language at the first part of an advanced level. The study of grammar is further advanced and completed. Much emphasis is placed upon the designation of the different tenses of the language, so that students not only know the language, but also know how it works. The units are divided into vocabulary, grammar, and culture sections. Testing is done through frequent quizzes which evaluate the students’ daily progress. Additionally, compositions, readings, and projects may be assigned, and exams are administered throughout the year.
Required Material: One 3” 3-ring binder, notebook paper for your binder, black or blue pens, and access to a Spanish-English dictionary. All material will be available online using Microsoft Office 365 OneDrive and OneNotebook. Students may download the software at home for free.
Spanish Binder: Spanish 4 students will be required to keep all class notes, assignments, and tests in their 3-ring binder. The Spanish binder will be checked periodically.
Grade Criteria:
Chapter Exams 40% Mid-Term Exam 20% of 2nd Quarter Average
Quizzes 30% Final Exam 20% of Final Grade
Homework 10%
Projects 10%
Speaking tasks 10%
Homework: It will be assigned daily. All homework will be due the night before class or at the beginning of the class. No late work will be accepted.
Make-up Policy: Students will be allowed to make-up any work due to absences upon returning to class. If you are absent on a day a test is given, the test will be ready for you on your first day back. You may arrange with me a time during, before or after school to take the exam. If you miss only the review after a test has been announced and all material to be tested has been covered, you are NOT excused from taking the test.
Students will also be allowed to retake two quizzes and one exam during each quarter within one week of returning it to the student and the higher grade will be registered.
Tardiness: Students must be in the classroom when the bell rings. Three unexcused lates will turn into an after school detention. Further lates will continue to become detentions.