Title V Operating Permit Application - Part 1
Form 5.0: Title V Annual Emissions Summary/Emissions Fee
(567 IAC 22.106 and 30.4(2)) / DNR USE ONLY
Facility Name:
EIQ Number: / Emission Year:
(a) Annual Emissions Summary
Each facility subject to Title V permitting is required to submit an Annual Emissions Summary postmarked by March 31 of each year.The summary shall include the air emissions from the previous calendar year. The following forms are required:
-Form 1.0 Facility Identificationand Application Certification (check the "Annual Emissions Inventory" box and sign under “Certification of Truth, Accuracy & Completeness”)
-Form 4.0 Unit Process - Actual Operations & Emissions for each emission unit process
-Form 5.0 Title V Annual Emissions Summary/Emissions Fee
(b) Annual Emissions Fee Payment
Each facility subject to Title V permitting shall submit an Annual Emissions Fee Payment postmarked by July 1 of each year.The fee payment is based on the previous calendar year's air emissions. The following forms are required:
-Form 1.0 Facility Identificationand Application Certification (check the "Annual Emissions Fee" box and
sign under “Certification of Truth, Accuracy & Completeness”)
-Form 5.0 Title V Annual Emissions Summary/Emissions Fee
(For each regulated air pollutant listed below, enter the TONS emitted)
Regulated Air Pollutant / Total Emissions (tons)
(full amount, may be over 4,000 tons per pollutant) / Emissions Subject To Fees (tons)
(maximum of 4,000 tons per pollutant)
PM2.5 / No Fee Required
Total PM / No Fee Required
CO / No Fee Required
Ammonia / No Fee Required
Criteria Pollutant Fee Subtotal (tons):
If your facility emitted any hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and additional regulated air pollutants (fluorides, etc.), report them on back page of this form.Otherwise, continue to the Emissions Fee Calculation table below.
Criteria Pollutant Fee Subtotal from this page (tons):
HAP and Additional Regulated Air Pollutant Fee Subtotal from back page (tons): / +
Emissions Subject to Fee TOTAL (tons): / =
ANNUAL FEE PAYMENT(complete for July 1 submission)
Emissions Subject to Fee TOTAL / Emissions Fee Rate (as set by the EPC) / Fee Due
Tons / X$ / /ton= / $

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Form 5.0 Page / of
Instructions:Use the table below to report actual emissions of HAPs and additional regulated air pollutants emitted.
  • Enter the pollutant name and CAS No. for each HAP. In addition, enter any regulated air pollutant that is not reported on the front pageof this form.
  • Total Emissions (tons): Enter the total plant-wide emissions for each pollutant listed. Include fugitive emissions, but do not include emissions from insignificant activities (567 IAC 22.103). Totals should come directly from the values reported on Form 4.0. Report totals to the nearest hundredth of a ton. Totals less than 0.005 tons do not need to be reported.
  • Emissions Subject to Fees (tons): Enter the total plant-wide emissions for each pollutant subject to fees. Ensure that you do not double-count emissions, as noted below.
  • Double-counting: A majority of the hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) are also considered volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or particulate matter. Title V Operating Permit Application Instructions Appendix A, Tables A-1 & A-2, lists all of the HAPs and whether or not each is also considered a VOC or particulate matter. Facilities are not required to pay fees twice for the same emissions. If a HAP you reported below is a VOC or PM HAP, DO NOT include the value in the Emissions Subject to Fees column. Enter "0.00" instead.
  • HAP and Additional Regulated Air Pollutant Fee Subtotal (tons):Add the values reported in the Emissions Subject to Fees column, and list the total here. Return to the front pageof this form, and enter the HAP and Additional Regulated Air Pollutant Fee Subtotal in the Emissions Fee Calculation table.

Pollutant Name / CAS No. / Total Emissions
(tons) / Emissions Subject to Fees (tons)
HAP and Additional Regulated Air Pollutant Fee Subtotal (tons):

12/2017 cmcType or print all informationDNR Form 542-4009

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