Faculty Website Steps
First, determine if the user wants to use one of the available templates --Basic, Advanced, or University.
(Generally, you will need to select one of the templates to begin with since there is no “New Page” option available. To create additional pages once you start, simply copy the index page and rename it.)
●Basic: Choose this if the user wants a simple page layout, or if they want to keep their existing layout. Users can feel free to customize colors and a limited number of features through Configurations (left nav, head tags, footer).
●Advanced: Choose this if the user needs more customization than the basic template, but does not want to follow the University’s look. Users can customize most aspects of this template to their liking (left nav, header, footer, right column, etc.)
●University: Choose this if the user wants his/her page to follow the standard University look. Users are encouraged to limit modifications and adhere to the University’s design standards.
If, as a last resort, the user just wants his entire site copied over as-is and the site is complex (i.e. many files/directories), you may bulk-upload the entire directory into the faculty folder. See the end of this document for instructions, as there are some special cases you need to take care of ahead of time.
If a faculty member wants their site recreated in the CMS:
1.Click on the Faculty directory under matrix.scranton.edu in the CMS.
2.Click New -> Faculty ->(Choose one of the available templates)
3.For System Name, use the faculty member’s username (e.g. smithj2). Then click Submit.
4.Click the index page (1) in the folder you just created, then click Edit (2)and choose Configurations (3).
5.**Important. Modify each block that contains “faculty/demo-xxxx/...” so that it points to the block inside the newly created assets folder.
(image of the blocks before making changes)
6.Once you’ve modified the blocks, click Submit. Corrected blocks look like the following:
7.You may now edit the pages/assets under the user’s directory (e.g. smithj2).
8.In order to create additional pages, simply copy the index page (after completing the above steps), and rename it.
(creating a “publications” page by copying the index page)
9.That’s it! Just modify the pages’ text as you would for any other page in the CMS. Remember, the left navigation links and contact info are located under the Assets folder (e.g. smithj2 -> assets).
When ready to show the faculty member:
1.Click “Publish”, then select the TEST server only (TestMatrix-shtml).
This will allow you to show your work by sending the faculty member to: margay.scranton.edu/wildcattest/faculty/usera2/index.shtml.
2.Once you’ve received the faculty member’s OK to “Go Live” with the website, you may re-publish the folder--this time by selecting the Matrix destination/site.
This will publish the page to matrix.scranton.edu/faculty/usera2/.
3.You are now (essentially) finished. At this point, the faculty member will not have access to edit/modify his/her pages. You will send an email to Tech Support (email needed) to request Publisher access for the faculty member’s folder. (Script to follow is coming--may need to ask Sarah)
Bulk (zip) uploading
If a faculty member wants his/her site copied over as-is, they will need to edit the page(s) by modifying HTML source code--there is no WYSIWYG editor, and images do not show up in the preview. This is a limitation of the CMS.
1.Download the entire directory from Academic.
2.Use Dreamweaver and make all links relative (i.e. remove ‘ from any links and images). Dreamweaver’s Global Replace feature will come in handy here.
3.For images, you may need to prefix each image with with the path ‘/faculty/usera2/’ .
4.Once all links and image paths are fixed, add the folder to a zip file. The filename should be “usera2.zip” (username, all lower-case; to create, it, right click on the folder and do Send to->Compressed Zip).
5.From the CMS, navigate to the Faculty folder.
6.Make sure you are inside the Faculty folder (i.e. click on it), then go to Tools -> Zip Archive.
7.Select the zip file from you computer, then click Submit.
8.The file will then upload and unpack; if everything works, the files should be up and ready to publish. Remember, the faculty member will have to edit HTML code if he/she chooses to go this route, and image previews will not show up. If you publish to the test server and the images do not show up, you may have forgotten to add ‘/faculty/usera2/’ before the image(s).