Minutes – Committee Meeting69

Monday 17th January 2010. Start time – 4.00 pm

Hammonds LLP, Devonshire Square, London

  1. Attending

Barry Denyer-Green, Charles Norman,Philip Maude,Richard Honey, Colin Cottage, Mark Barlow,Matt Bodley,Colin Smith, Keith Murray,Raj Gupta,Alison Barker

Paul Singleton was welcomed to the committee

  1. Apologies for absence

Charles Lazarevic, Robert Walton, Paul Astbury,

  1. Previous Minutes

The Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted with the amendment that MB had sent apologies.

  1. Matters Arising
  • PM to contact CLG re Circular 6/04
  • PM to set up IPC meeting
  1. CPA Reforms
  • Localism Bill
  • A Member of the House ofLordshas been written to andinvited to support our initiative
  • BDB have been asked to check whether our amendment fits the long title of the Bill
  • Other CPA Reforms
  • Circular 6/04– PM to speak with Bob Segall at the Dinner
  • Negative equity is being covered at the conference and we can take a position after that
  • Powers of the High Court
  • The court only has the power to reject a CPO decided on invalid reasoning, rather than refer it back to the Secretary of State for re-consideration on valid points. This incurs huge costs and delays to promoters.
  • Agreed – That whilst the CPA must focus on promoting amendments to planning assumptions as previously agreed if an opportunity arises to raise this with CLG we will do so.
  1. Events
  • CPA Dinner
  • Numbers 159, with a max of 190. Its being re-advertised this week
  • Drinks
  • This has now been advertised at the Oriental.
  • It was proposed, and subsequently agreed that we should switch the drinks to a non cost venue if the financial arrangements at the Oriental permit.
  • PM to see whether SSH are able to host in London
  • Conference
  • Invites are being sent to speakers this week.
  • Once the event is set up, MCB will prepare a budget for CC, and will determine whether a special low initial price can be offered.
  1. Other CPA Meetings
  2. PM to set up IPC meeting, with Richard Honey and Charles Norman joining PM
  1. Promotion of CPOs in Scotland
  2. MB reported they are working up a draft circular
  3. It was agreed the CPA should offer support
  1. Administration Matters
  2. The CPA may need to register as a Data Controller and further investigation is required. PM agreed to look into this and report back to the next meeting.
  3. Membership forms should include an opt in for data to be available to 3rd parties
  4. The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer met with MCB to discuss the future arrangements for running the CPA with CPT, and details of the discussions brought to the meeting. Discussions at the meeting took place in the absence of MCB
  5. Having gained the support of the committee, the Chairman shall confirm arrangements with MCB
  1. International Relations and IRWA
  2. CS to spoke to his paper on relations with the IRWA
  3. It was agreed we should have an association with them. They should be invited to our event and we theirs
  4. It was agreed to enter into a memorandum of understanding with IRWA, but the terms have yet to be agreed. CS to progress
  5. It appears that no-one is available to attend the South African event
  6. Agreed we should send 2 reps to Atlanta conference, PM has offered, and KM will consider, as will CN
  1. International Conference
  2. No progress on this yet.
  3. We may wish to invite IRWA to be co-hosts
  1. Website
  2. Nothing to report
  1. Membership - New members accepted
  1. AOB
  • Committee meeting outside London
  • Birmingham invited the committee to have one of our committee meetings in Birmingham, and for it to coincide with a seminar. This was agreed.
  • Train tickets need to be booked in advance and last fast train to London is 8.50.
  • It was agreed that PM should investigate dialogue between energy operators and private practice.

Next meetings

  • Thursday 17th February 2011 - Annual Dinner at 7.00pm at Victory Services Club –4.30 meeting in the bar area of the VSC.
  • Monday 28th March 2011- meeting in Birmingham
  • Thursday 12th May 2011 - Annual Drinks Reception 6.00-8.30pm - again we could meet beforehand
  • Monday 13th June 2011
  • Thursday 23rd June 2011 - CPA National Conference 2011
  • Monday 11th July 2011
  • Monday 12th September 2011
  • Monday 10th October 2011 - AGM Meeting - meet afterwards as we did this year

Compulsory Purchase Association

4a WoodsideBusinessPark, Whitley Wood Lane, Reading. RG2 8LW Tel: 0118 987 3345 Fax: 0118 987 3366
